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Pi-emier Ferry asks lor an oxtra ;rcdit for Tonqnin. The ru'iior ia carrent that tho Kheilivc is about to abdícate. It is reportad that tho King of iVnam was poisonrd by au anU-Treneb party. London papers are greatly disappolnted in Preeldent Arthur's tnejsage. A rcvolution is reported to have occurred in the palace at Pokin, bT whieh the war party s-ains the ascemJency, The steamer Auk, bouud f rom Liverpool for Rotterdam, was wreckod. íq a gale, and the eutire crew of 21 drowncd. The False Propliet is preparing 'to Eend 10,000 men to the Provlnce of Davfour, anclan cqail oumber to eubdue,tribts near Khartouiu. The Euglish authoritics deoliae to postpono O'DonneU's c-xecutlou, being eonvinced that no rcasouable groand bas been as&lgned to warrant eueh proceedi-.ürs. Three of the O'Donnell jurora have admittcd that they were iuflueuced by the udgc'e dictum.' It Is undcrGtootl that the jurj Btood HT6D for murder and flve ior macslaughter b.-fore the judge's dictum was ivercd. Tliero i graat excitemont amoiig tlussulmaüs and Chrlstians in .upper Egypt, ittributed to the action of Anu-ricao missionirics. The Copts are dcfiant, and a popular mlbreak is imminent. The governor of Siout ias warned the Etfyptian goversinent of the ituation. It appean that the only American njsfionaries iu Siout are eent by the boaid of lorelgn mlssions o( the Uuitid Presbyterian hurch with headquarters at Philadelp'.iia. The namesof these missionaries are: The Revö. John Hogg, J. R. Alexauder, and John üllilen, Mrs. M. E. Giffen and Misscs M. J. MeKown and E, E. Newlin. There if a m3 sion traiclng college at Siout atteudcd by over iK) studente, moet ly Eivptiaup, who-arecducated for missionary work amoüK nuliv;1 tribt 6 ; 1bo a tra'ning 6chool foryoungEgJptlanglrle, where thcy are prepared to bicorne tcachtTS of theirown sexinE.iypt. Tlio war in Asia has taken on a new and intereeting phase. Whcn the Freneh cime to Hue, the capital of Anaal, the king who ha resisted them died sudaenly, affd he invaders set up a new one, with whom they made atreaty. How the unfortunate Tuduc canie to bis uutimely end bas never boen fully explained. Tbeuew sovereijm hes been eurrouuded ly counter lníiuencí, pne faction pressing him in the Chinese interest, and the otber, supported by tbc Frenen resident and a small Freneh garrison, holding to hit Frei:eh engagement. He bas iust folloi-ed his predcceEsor to the grave, and it isdcclared and cpufirmed that hc waï poisoued by his Chinese courtiers. Another king bas been euthroned iu hió place iu the Chinese luttrest, and it is to bc presumed thithe, too, wül die as soon as tlie Frencb can make the tStSVJ arvangeun'iiiï fm Die iu nerol, wht it will agaiu be tbc lurn of the Chinese element at court to resort to the cup that neither inebrlatcs nor ch ers to make another vacancy, TLi u'Utnate result setms to depend upon the fup;.': OÍ royal raw material in Aii .mi.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News