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Whisky men have wiscly concludcd not to appeaï to Seerctary Folger about their troub'.es. A bilí has aocn introduced providing tor the saín of tho timber on the MeDomlnee ldno Reserve in Wiseonsln. ïhore is a manifest hostility to tho postal telegraph scheme as cutlined in the severa] bilis already presented in Congress. The issuo of tho standard dollars for tbc weck which euded December 15 was $373,49 ; Uit.' corirsponiiag period last year (656,500. Tlio postmister-general has directed that the old three and slx "cat stamps and stamoed CBTelopes be received inexchange for tlie ne'.v issuts. Senatcr Kellogg says he is a much rrsecuted man, and tbat the recent charges of brlbery agalnst him were inrtgattd through personal nml'.ce. Tito supremo court decides that the rllstriet court oí Dakota bas no jurisdiction in the case of tbc Indian, Crow Dog, ientenced to death for murdtr. The Democratie National Committee will meet in Wasbingtou n Fi-bruary 22, 1884, to (Veile upon the time and place for holding the m-xt National Doraocrailc. Convention. Congressman Uunu's reso'ution to [orfelt ccTtaln ratlrojd latid gruñís efffcts the Detroit, Milwaukee & Marqut-t.te, Houghton & Ontour.gon, a!so the Detroit & Milwaukee. The President has appointed a board of araiy and uavy ofücers to consider the advteablltty of senJing an expedition to the reef of Lleut. Greeley in the Aretic regions. The value of exports of breadstuffs in [ovember 1883 was ÍH,6i7,S:5against $15,!i(l,4!!4 tbr. isme time laet year for the eleven lontlia ended November 30, 18S3, $159,739,456, be CMTcsponding period last year $165,591,75. Representativo Dudley C. Haskell, of ííinsas, dieci In Washington on the 17th inst., ait r a llngertBg iüncs. The remains were aken to Lawrence, Kansas, for interment, acoiiipanie-.l by membtrs oL both the Senate and louse. Tho President, the Secretary of War lid Afijt. lien. Drum are inuch in favor of the propo&itiou to place the militia of the States in charge of the War Department, the government )ayicg a saare of the expenses whüein the field at encaupments. As a precautionary rueasure the state epartment nis inslructed the United States consul-general iu Egypt to direct hls subor dinatfs to iüspcet and see that all rags inended fot shipment to tuis country havo been horough'y diáinfected. L)r. Foster Pralt, of Kalamnzoo, bas F.ent CongrtEEmen copies of hls pamphlet on tae inercase of insanity. Dr. Pratt wishes lcgslatiou that wiil prevent tbe deportation to the United States af persons of insane or vicious tendencies, andof crimináis or paupersSherman, a streng advocate of the national banking eystem, declared ín the Senate the other day tbat a wise public policy demanded the continuance of sinking fund operattous until every f arthing of the public debt shall have been paiü. While Plumb declared ith cqual earnestness that the national banking syitem is doomed, becausc of the determination of tho pcople to pay off the debt, anü that lt was the duty af Congress to provide for BOmething to take the place of national bank ctreulartton. Represen tatiio Brcitung will introduce a bilí appropriating $50,000 for tne embelliehment of Mackinac Island as a national park, and to provide for a superintendent of the vork. At present the commandant at Fort Mackinac tas charge of the National Fark. 'One provisión of the bili directs that the goverument lanas on Bois Blanc Island shall be rtetured to market andsold from time to time, the proeceds to be applied to the expenses of kecpiug up the improvement at Mackinac. Chicago Gets lt. VÜG republican national coniniittee met in WaehiDgtoS, Dmmber, 12, and unani mously elected United States Senator Dwight M.Satiín, oí Minnesota, chairman to 6ucceed the late Marshall Jewell. Senator Frye took tbe floor and spoke te favor of his proposition for a ehange oí the basis oí representation in future coeventions. A resolution fixing June 3 as the date of the convention was adopted. At ibis meeting S. W. Dorsey of Star Route notoriety was formaüy declared no longer a meraber oí the conimtttee, and ex-eenator Clayton, of Nebraska, chosen to fill tbe vacancy. "The principal business bef ore the conven Uon was tbe selection ot a place for holding the next National Republican convention. Several cilies have been putting forth great efforts to 6ecure tbe convention, but Chicago won tbe prize on the third ballot. The flrst ballot stooii : Chicage 14, Cincinnati IS, Phüadelphia 8, Saratoga S and Indianapolis 4. On the second ballot : Chicago 21, Cincinnati 30, and the other voti s Beottering. The nxt ballot stood : Chicago 20, Cincinnati IS. The conveniion will meet June 3, 1884. -- - ■ CONGJtESSIONAl. NEWS. House.- The roll cali of states for the introdurtion of bilis began with Michigan and ended with Wisconsin. For the two days 1021 blils were introduced. Many of them were of a private nature, others concerning pensions, land eran' s, riilroad grant3, the erection of public buildings, etc. Michigan men submitted the íollowing: Mr. Lacey to establish a postal bavings depostt branch ol the postofflee depurtment; Mr. Cutcheen for better protection of life and property on Lake Michigan by the construction of a harbor ofrefuge; Mr. Yaple to abolish the duty on salt; Mr. Maybury requestiug the Prtsidept to negoiiate with Great britain for the renewal of the Canadian reciproeity treaty of 1854: Mr. Uorr to establish the board of commissioners of inter-state commerce as a bureau of the interior aepariment. A message was ieceived from Ihe President trajsuiitting a communication from the. commisioner of Iridian affairs asking for $60,000 for the wants of that bureau. The matter was referred. AOjDurned until Jriday Dkckmbeii 12 - Senato- Mr. Van WycJ5 of Arkansas oftered a resolution ealling upon tbe secretary of the treasury for tbi vouchers of all items of expense of specia goviTinnent agente, detectives and attorneys Tbe resolutiou offered ycsterday directing tbt secretaryof the treasurï tn ïumish iuforma tion CQTiceroing the Fiuking f uud was called up apd afUT a leügthy discussion was adopted ïte civil rightB question and tbe recent dt ei. imi of tne supreme court thereon was dis cu.-aed at some length, and after an txecutiv sesion the Senate adjourned. Tnc House was not in session. Uecembeu. 13 - Senate - In the Sen ate the resoluti ins of Mr. Van Wyck, eallin fcr copies of a!l papers rclaline: tp the tlemp il transfer of the land grant of the Texas Paiflc railway to tfce Southern Pacific railway, nd for vouchers ehowiug pajments to special ttorneys and detectives for services in the star oute trials, were passed. The report of the ommittee on rules, submitting the proposed evision of the rules, was taken up and disussed, the principal po'ütbelng in conneetion with the presirïing offleer of the Senate. Ad mendment offered by Mr. Garland to the pro osed new rule, that the designation of a senitor to perform ihe duties of the chair shall ot extend bevond the adjournmentof the Sen' teeach daj-,"was rrjected by2-tto29. Arguu?nt was madsthat the Senate had no rjght to dopt a rule whioh allowcd the pessibility ol nd man being made a funetiouary who, in a ontirgeucy of law, without control of the Sente, aiight become president of the United tates. Adjourned until Monday. Decemiïeh 14. - House. - A short session of he House was held to-dn but sothing of lmortance transacted. Mr. Horr iutrodueed a esolut'.on relative to the Panville riot; thominittee on rules was appolnted. Mr. JlacKburn being chairmau. A bilí was lntroJuci'd proviiling fur the remov al of obstruetions to nava gation In all wateis of the country. December 17 - Senate- A mossage was recelved from the House announcing the ieath of Representative Haskellof Kansas, and after appropriate remarks and appointing a eomtnittee to attend the obsequies of the deceased the Senate adjourned. House - Eulogies upon the life and chsracer of Representattvt Haskell took up the enire time of the House, and appropriate resoutions were unanimously adopted, and the iouse adjourned till Wedneêday. December !8- Senate.- The foliowing blus were reported from commltteee and placed i d he calenden Pruvidintr fora civilgovernmeiit or Alaska. In regard to the electton of Pre sidsnt and Vice-President. Mr. Van Wyck (Rep., v'eb.) offered a resoluiion colltue on the Secreary of the Interior forcopiesof the glven by the Texas Pacitic Ktiilroad on lanrts rrantedby the act of Maren 3, 1871; aleo to irporatiöus claiming Iand5 not earned duriiiü üe llfctime of the grant, toeether iriU) the uumber of acres claimedby eaeh roal. Agreel to. The Senate proceded to the election of oiilcers, Ansou G. MeCook ot N'ew York was eliosen Seeretary of the Senate ;ChiefCleik,Chs iV. Johnson, Miunesota;Exeeutive clerk, Jas. 1Í. Young, Pencsylvania; l.'haplain, Ri-v. Elias Dewitt Huntley, Uii-triet of Columbia, Sergeant at Arms, W. P. Cauaday, North Carolina. In committee of the whole tüe senate considi r d the new rules, and that eUuso of the flrst rule which gives the vice president the power of substimting. The queslion was earnestly discussed bv Mesara Bayani, Jones, Maxey and Frye. Pending diseuKeion the Senate adjourned. OICN KKAL ITEMS. Tho schoonor Mary Ann Hulbert vent down in Lake Superior, and the enlire :rcw of 30 meu were drowned. The dry goodfl flrm oE D M. & E. G. Elalbert, Bingtampíon, H. Y., has a6siened ivith.Habilities oí $400,000 and assets of $1CO,XX) Chicago wants the National Democratie convention, aud Democratie congressinen from the Garden City are working harSto gtt It. Wisconsin lrishmen met in Mil waukeo on the 12th inst. for the purpose of amaleamat ing all the IrisU organteatious in the 6tate in behalf of Ireland. The judge of the Philadeiphia court of common plea6 rcfuses to admit to practice Mrs. Carrie Kiigorc who has been adrnitted to practice in the orphans' court. Three of the young lads arrested in Mihvaukee for inceudiarism, have besa sent to the Reform School until of age. The fourth boy will be tried iu January, Frank James, Ihedesperado, was released from the Karsas City jail the other day, but was immediately re-arrested on a charge of murder and taken to Gallatin, Mo. Tho Commercial Cable Company has een formed in Albany, N. Y., with a capital tock of $4,000,0L0, divided in 40,000 shares of 100 each. The cümpany is organized for 100 'ears. All the prisoiiers implicated in the ew Orleans riot cases were arrangcd for cxmination a few days ago, and all bat one dlsharged. The one who was held 1b to be tried or maD6laughter. The Standard theatro in New York as destroyed by flre the other eveninu, at a 068 of $100,003. The fire was discovcred a hort time before the eveuing performance as to have commcnccd, and the tlicalre was omparatively enipty. In addition to the additional 10 ounds of wheat that millers of Canada are alowedto import for each barrel of flour cxorted the government has giyen favorable asurances as to all demnnds of the millers espectingreduction or absolute abolition of grain duties. The National Woman's Christian emperance Union has iesued a cali to each tate Union asking every local society, about ve thousand, to celébrate the tenth anniverary of the "Woiran's Crusade" December 23. 'astors of churclie' are invited to preaeh temerance sermone in the morning. Children's meetings will be held in the afternoon, and in je ivening a mass meeting, at which collecions will be taken up for the National AVomn's Christian Temperance Union. Francés C. Villard will spend the day in Ilillsboro, O., where the crusade began. The diyorced wife of Ex-United States Senator Christiaccy died at the house of a friend in New York citv the other morning. For some months the unhappy womau has been a prey to m:lanclioly. Saveral weeks before her death she began to 6Uff er the most excruciating pain In her eyes. A prominent oc culist was suminoned, who pronounced the woman insane, stating that the pain caused hy the sunlight was the surest evldence that ter brain had givcn way. Her parents were summoned, but. too late, the daujjhter dying a few moments before their arriva],,a ravlng maniac. for his attentionsto the daughter of Hen. Sherman. The largo Brooklyn ferry-bont, Garden City, burned at her doek ia New York on the 13lh inst. Loss 1100,000. Engineer Tracy was badly burned. Kiet, aüreman was pulled out of the rirer, after dropping throush a porthole The i ilot dislocated hla shouldcr in a desperate junip for a bulkhead. A dc-zen passengers and ferry hands wcre saved by jumping to the bulwark of the ferry slip or aashing thr.mgh the flames All escaped, so far as known. A nu saber of horses were consumcd, and it is said eeveral teams jumped int'J the river. Camtdian Pacitic wheels nre beginning tomove regularly. The lnconTenlenee of the conipany has been coinparatively in6igniflcant. Th; engineers will not be taken back untes they sign an agreement with the oxnpany. Newspapers express the belief that the 6triker6 have been frozen out as the coiupany expect about 30 men from the south. A schedule of wages published shows that 134 engi neers earned an average of over $120 in November, while some made over $200 a month Engiaeers say the workshops wül be rc-opened, soon. ïke Winona and St. Peter railroad elevator at Winona, Minn., burned a few days ago. The flre spread to the freiglit house, Diamond Joe doek and Boynton's beer warehoase. The elevator was built 20 years ago at,d was valued at $35,000, material, $5,000. The lessee, H. J. O'Neil, had 135,000 bushelu ol barley of a standard valué of $T9,000;lnsuranee $60,000. The losa on the Diamond Joc deck and warehouse, which burned, is $3,000; Boynton Sons' beer refaigerator was damaged $l,(X:0. The pier of the draw bridge was damaged $20,000, and two barges werc slightly damaged. For some timo past sniuggling of most elaring eharaeter lias been systematically carried on along the frontiür from the United States into Canada. A gentleman living in Prescott states that he is paying only 16 cents a gallon for the best Ameriean illuminating oil. while oil of Canadiau manufacture is sold át 40 cents per gallon. It is maaaged in this way : A can containing from five to ten gallons is lef t by some mysterious person at the door of cach customer. The can is emptied of lts eontents and the price of the oil is placed on the can, wbich is subsequently removed. Thu praetiee has become general, and although it Í3 Etatt-d that the customs authorities know all about it,as yet no attempt appears to have been made to cheek it. A dispatch from Winnopeg, Man., of the lSthsays: What was left of the town of Rat Portage in the recent conaflaration was almost totally destroyed bv a similar disaster early this morniug. The town possesses no appliar.ces for protection against tire, and the ñames having lull sway, consumed all the buildings within their rcach. One store was saved by blowing up the intervening building 'witli gunpowder. . Thie, with a few ipolated dwelling6, are all that remaius of the town. The stocks cf merchants are a total Ioes. The loss on buildings and stocks apgregates about $100,000. Uwiug to want of tire protection, the inflammable state of the buildings, and the ucset'led, lawleES stote of the town, the insurance companies will not take risks thcre. In recognition of Gen. Grant'searnest ] peal ÍGr fuuds to complete the Bartholdl statue pedestal at the opening of the loan exMbition at thenational academy of design in New York December 3, the followiug dispatcb thanking Grant and announeing the completion of the Etatue has been cabled to the general by the Paris cousuiittee in the charge of the Etatue: "Fahis, December 17, 18S3. To General Grant, New York. Merci. Statue termince aujourdhui. Pour comité, Caudert." (Translation: Thauks. The statue was finished to-day. Ou behalf of the ciimmittee. Caudert.) The amouut Leeded to pay fcr the statue Í3 $250,000. One hundred thousaud or thereaboutis raiscd which wil pay for the foundations of the pedestal on Bedloe's islaud. CRIME A house in Houston, Texas, occupied by an old man namcd Carmichae', was burned the other night. " hen the flames were extinguichcd the charred rcmair.6 of Carmichael were found on the fl'jor. It is supposcd he was murdered and the house lired to conceal the c'-ime. The housekeeper, AmeluRedman, bas been am-Bted, aud the pólice are lopkinc; for a male acquaiutancc of hers. Carmtehtel was a carpenter and a Republican politiciao. He was somewhat dissipateil. He was once a wealthy slave owner in Alabama. Primary eleotions for delégales to the Democratie 6tate convention were held in New Orleans on the Hth inst. Much illfeeliDgivas snown whlch culmlnated in a terrible tragedy before the polls c'.03eJ. A man, name unknown, stepped up to vote, and was imtuediaiely challenge. An effort was made to get him from the polls, but the man was flnally knocked down when a shot was Üred, whlch seoms to have been a siünal, as the flriDg lmmediately beearne general. Rlot ran high for some time, and when quiet was restored, it was found that Capt. M. J. Foster, a prominent politician, was mortally wounded, expiriug in a few moment8. Gas. Renaud, one of the city offielils, was picked up in an unconscious con dltion, and died in a few moments ; Edward Masón, deputy constable was evereiy wounded, and survived but a short time. A number of others were seriously injured some, It is thought, fatally. Four or five persons whowere eeea around the polls with pistols about thcir persons, have been arrc6ted on suapicion. Charles McLaughlia was shot and killed in San Francisco the other dy by Jerome B. Cox. The tragedy was the result of a seventeen yearü' litigation. McLaughlin was a pioneer, President of the Central Gas LIght Company, a large capitalist and land owner. He ranked among the milhonairee, was the promoter of the old ovcrland mail route, and which made considerable money. In 1S62 he contract cd and built the Western Pacific Railroad from San José to Sacramento for $5,400,000. He sublet the grading and masonry fvork to Jeromo B. Cox and others for 1900,000. After twenty mik s of the road were built McLaughlin f ailod to make a payment to Cox, who had put $50,000 of bis own money In, and had to stop wirk. McLaughlin completcd the road and sold it to the Central Pacific, reallzing a large sum. Cox brought suit against the company and McLaughlin for $150,000 and obtained a judgment, which, on tcchnicalilies, the Supreme Court reverted. Cox amended his complaint, again reecvered audthe judgmentwas againreversed. A thlrd, fourth acd fifth trials resulted similcrly. The adverse declsions eo wcighed upon the man's mind that last spring he abtempted to shoot Justiee MíKinsley, oí theupreme Court, who he bclieved was chiefly instromentel in declding adversely. He went the other moruing to McLaughlin's office and demancied $40,000 in settliment of accounts. Balng refused he shot MeLaughlinthrectlmee. The man lived tbirty minutes. The prom!uence of the parties" created intense excitement. Cox was forinerly Captain of the Tentli Indiana Battery, and served during the war under Rosecrans. Dogs' heads are thu favorite forra tlu's - season for ladies' lacopins and simil ;i ; ornaments,


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