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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíes. A marvel orpurity, strengtli and wholesomeness. Moreeconoinical thaa the ordiuary ktuds, and cannot lic snld in competition with the multitude ol low test, slioit weighl, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Roval Baking Powdek Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. It s said that " Satan Is ever watching to find us unemployed. ? The gentleman referred to never watclies newspaper men. It wonld be i waste of valuable time: - Troy T i in es. Oiin .snll'ci in;' Soul Happy. " If I can sencl one suffering soul to VOO," writes James Corbin, of Washburn, III,, ' I will be happy. Hamaritan Nervine cured me. and w 11 cure all cases of fils." fl.50. Too niuch study is said to affect the inind; and we know a numbcr of cases wbero it wonld affect t very favorably, too. - Burlington Pree PrsM. No other medicine has won for itself such universal approbation in its own city,state, and country, and among all people, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the best combiitution of vegetable blood puritiers, with the Iodide of I'otassiiim and Iron ever offeii;d to the public. Au honorable vice - a Vice-Piesident. - New York Commercial Advertiser. DKS AIOINES, Iowa. liheumatic Syrup Co.: Gentlemen - You will picase send me by exprcss, O. O. D., one dozen Rheiimutic Syrup, as the druggists liere ilo not keep it. My brother lias been troubled witu rheumstism for vean, and it' your Syrup will do as nuich for liini as it has done for a young woman who reside liere, and who for the last tour years has Buffered everything but lealli, witfa Inllanimutory Hheunialisin - her hands and limbs were terribly draw n out of suape, and they had given up all hope of her recovery, when an acquaintanoe from Syracuse, N. Y.i sent one dozen bottles of Kheuniatic. Syrup with a request for lier to try it. She has used ten bottles, aud to-day slie is as tree from pain, and as well at heart as ever she was, and her hands are coming back to tlieir original shape. and she is able to use her limbs quite fieely. We shall not begrudge one iliousaiul dollars If it cures my urotber. 1 urn yourg truly, Eli Hoyt. What la that which nobody wants and nobody ükes to lose? A lawsuit.- Fice Press. Skinin Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores liealth and vi?or, cures Dyspepsia, luipotence, Sexual üebilitj'. f 1. Steeples come high, but the churehes must have thern.- i'hiladelphia Chronicle-Hcwld. "Buchupaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggist. What relation does the door-step bear to the door mat? Ifs a step-father - Free Press. A clear head is indicative of good health and regular habits. When the body feels heavy and languid, and the mind works sluggishly, Ayer's Cathartic Pilis will wonderfully assist to a recovery of physical buoyancy and mental vigor. The constipatedshould use thenr. The little ones are the most highly glfted people about Christmas time.- Boston Transcript. Wells' "Rougli on Corus." Ask for Wells' " Rough on Corns." 15c. Quick, complete, permanent cure. Corns warts, bunlons. The incompetent dressniaker will find that a feigned art never won a fair ladv - Whitehall Times. ' Edison's Electric Light is a womlerful discovery, but not as wonderful as Hali's Catanh (Jure. Sold by Eberbach & Son "I have a ridiculous weigh aboutme" siiys the fat womau of the show.- N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. ' Want oí Faith. If Eberfcach & Sou, the Druggists do not succeed it is not for the want of faith. He has such faith In Dr. Bosanko'sCougb and Lung Syrup as a remedy tor Goughs, Colds, Consumption, and Lung aflections, tliat lie will give a bottle free to each and every one wlio is in need of a medicine of this kind. The suecessful pliysician is one who is able to liit the ail on head every time - VVhitehall Times. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irntation.lnflatnmation, all Kkney and Urinary Oomplaints, cured by " Buchu-paiba. " $1. Father Adam was the first gambier, and we can prore it. Didn't he lose a pairo-dice ?- San Franciseo News Letter. Tliat Husband of Mine ís three times the man he was before he bogan using " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Druggists. Postmnsters are very much opposed to the 24 o'clock system, as it would do away witb the p. M's.- Philadelphia Cali. Cause and Effect. At times symptoms of indigestión are present, uneasiness of thestomach, &c, a. moisture like perspiration producing itching at night, or when one is warm, cause tbe Piles. The effect is immediate relief upon the application of Dr. Bosanko's l'ile Kemedy, which costsyou but 50 cents and is sold by Eberbach & Son. ■ Hare Restorer- Game laws.- Life. For New York City- Tammany cooks the brotli.- Ex. The goat is the waste basket of Ihe'animal kingdoiu. - Ex. Flie.s and Uugg. Flies, loaches, ants, bed-bugs, ratP,mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Rougb on Rats." 15c. " That is a une piece of engine-nearing," as the man said when he saw the electric locomotive apiíroouhing. - Yonkers Statesman. Uon't Iíic in the House. " Rough on Rats.1' Clearsout rals, mice, loaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chipmonks, gophers. lúe. An ingeniousyoung lady wants toknow i if Tennyson's " Galabad '■ is not ' the girl he left behind him."- Phil.-idelphia Herald. !


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