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Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the flrst preparation perfect ly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, aml the flrst successtul restorer of faded or gray hair to tta natura) color, growth, and youthfnl beauty. It lias had rniinv imitators, but none have ko fullv met all the requirements needful tot Ihe proper treatment of thehairand Mslp. IIall's Hair Hknkwer hal steadily grown in favor, and (pread its fame and usefnlness to every quarter of the globe. lts unparalleled succes can be attributed to but one cause: the entire fi'ljilnu itt n' Us ju-"inis. The proprietors have of ten been vnrprtoed at the reeeipt of orders froin remóte couiitries, where tliey had never made au etfort for its int roduction. The use for a short time of IIallN Hajr Renkwkr vonderfully improves the personal appearanee. It cleanses the scalp from all lmpurities, cures all hiimors, ferer, and dryness, and tlius prevents balilnesg. It stinmlates the weakened glands. and enables theni to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of aleoholic preparations, but reniain a long time, vfaieta makes its use a matter of econoiny. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ron Tnr: WHISKERS Will cliange the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. It produces a ermanent color tliat will not wash away. Consistiug of a sin{le .ireparation, it s applied without troable. PKEPARED BY 15. P. HALL & CO., Naslma, X.H. Sold by all Dealer in Meilicines. tFOR ALL THE FORMS Scrofiiloim, Mercurial, and Blood Disorder, the best remedy, heeause the most searehing aad thorough bloocW puriiier, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists ; 1, siï boules, 55. "Vital QuestionsT _ Ask the most eminent physician " Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for quietinp; and allnying all initatlon of the nenes, and curiiií? all fonns ot nervoiis complaints, giving natural, chikllike refreshing sleep always? And they will teil you unhesitatingly ' Some tonn of Hops !" CIIAPTKR I. Ask any or all of the most eminent pbyslcians : " What is the best and only remedy that oan be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs; such as Hriglit's disease, diabetes, retention orinability to retain urine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to Wonien"- "And they will teil you explicitly and emphatically, ' Buchu.' '' Ask the same physicians " What is the most rellable and stirest cure for all liyer diseases ordyspepsia,con-tipation, indirestiou biliousness, malaria] tever, ague, etc," and they will teil you : Manorakel or Dandellon ! Henee, wneii these remedies are combined with others eqaaily valuable A compounded into Hop Bitters' such a wonderful aodjnysterloos curative power is developed whicfa is so varied in itoperalioiis that no dteease or ill health can dossibly exist or resist its power, and yet it is Harmless for the most frail woman, weaUest Invalld or smallest child to use. CHAPTER II, "Patlentg "Almost deal or neariy dying" For years, and given up by physicians Of Brlght'8 and other kidney diseases, liver complaints, severe coughs called consumption, have been cured. Wonien gone neariy erazy ! Frora aftouy of neuralgia," nervousness, wakefulness aud various diseuses peculiar to wonien. People drawn out of sha pc from exeruslatlng pangs of lilieiimatisni, Inllammatory and ehronic, or sufteriii"" Trom scrofnla ! Erysipelas ! Salt rheuni, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, indigestión, and in tact almost all diseas3S frail nature s heir to, have been cured 5y Hop Bitters, proof of whicfa can be round in every neighborhood ia the tnown world. t NEURALGIA, Lumbago, Sciatica and SSÏÏLiJervou8 Headache. NFRV1NV Ih='r.cmp Ict;and perfect cure accom. JX1.KV1HÍ, phshedinafewhours.whha deEr of certamty that challenges dispute. For f ale bv all druRgists. rriceSl. Ank lordrnilnr JAMES E.DAV1S & CO.. Agent" DetrcÍt. ___ 1174-1225. Mortgage Sale. DiEPAÜLT ETA VING BEEN MADE IN THE ' conditlotia of acenuin indenture of mort.'nge executed by John J. Davis and Adelle K. DaVis lus wie dated Jauuary Kith, 18?:', to ,, "■?■ ?a ltym whlch id mortsaue was „n the 7thday of Jannary, A.D. 1872, recordcd In the Office ol the KeglBier of Deed for Wa„ht,',,aw County, Mie iigan, at teu o'clock in the foronoon of sid day, in lil),-r 44 of mortgaKe9, on PhRC 22 Theru ib clnimed to bo due on enid mortgaBu at the date of thUnotice for principal and it teres the Mim nf four thoiwand and flve hundred dollar No proceeding at law or in equity bas been ingtil tatod to collect sald mortgage debt or any portion thereor. Dofault hns b.'eu made in the conditions ot said mortgage and the power of anle therein contained became operativo. Notice 1 thcre.or" hereby glven that to satial) said mortgage debt Interest aud coata of this forcclosure that there w 1 i be Bolcl at public aiution at the front door of the Court Houae on Hnron Street, in the city of A,m Arbor county of Washtenaw, Sute of Michi (that bcing the place for holding the Circuit Coñrt ary, A. D. 1S84, at one o'clock in the afternoon óf Bald day, the premises In sald mortfago "e bed vu: The south-west quarter of the south eÍt' quartor and the north-west quarter of the south east quarter Of fectlon six (8) town one (1) routh of range Beven (7) cast, aleo the east half of t ,é Tort west quarter of sectlon Beven (7) i,0 í jcree, more or lee, off the bou h slde f the cii half ol the Boutvwestfractional quarter of ! sectim six (6) being all that „art of „aio d"irh t on fy )Z so"i'! otJhK 'h'Khwy knwn ai the ir" 1 road ïii Dated, October llth, A. D 1888 3. E. WILLIAMS, JAKKD 8" "?L Att'y for Mortgngce, Northvillc, Mich & ?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News