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BACH & ABEL. Christmas Suggestions. Not alone are the purses ol the people taxed at llie ('hristmas Season, hut tlieir ingenuity as well. The queslion of icliat to buy is iis muoh a problem as to provide tlie means wherewiih to parchase. The most sensible Holiday Preeent s that wbich most pert'ectly hits the winhes ( f the recipiënt, and carries wlth it the mot lasUng enjoynient. Even a Koud Ching niay be overdone by dupllcatlng but it isn't pottible to overdo the giving ot' Silk Dress Pattenis, no mittter liow many do likewise. At no tune would money go so far in purchasing this classof fabricas now. Wliat will a good Black Silk, full dress pattein cost me? we are askeil. Well, in the best makes, gunranteed, $25 to $50. CURISTMAS PRESENTS IN DHE8S GOODS. Just the Unes of dress goods which ladies generally endorse as the sensible styles tor Holiday Presenta are those wliich we rejoice in the happy possession of. Atnong them are Ottomaiis, French Tricots, Jersey Cloths for tailor-made ccstume? A large line of Plaids in liarinoiiious Coloriogri and ell'iTtivc Cnniblnations. Cliuice line of Black Goods, the best in the city. I.ADIKS' CLOAKS AS CHRISTMAS PRKSENTS. There is no ueed for ns to en Urge upon the nppropriHteneM "f Ladies' C'li.aks lor Chrl&tiUHS Presentí. We have a few more Silk Ciiculars which we will sell for $12, also a lew more Dolmans which we will sell at $5, ahout one-thiifl wliat they cost. BLANKETS KOR CHRISTMAS. A most appiopiiate and sensible present for y ou ng housekeepers. We have Ihem froin $3 10 $20. NECESSITIES FCR CHRI8TMAS. . The Christmas dinner is an important feature of this season of goud cheer, and line Table Linens, Napkins, and Towelm{, will be in si'eut lequest. Our line is exceedingly complete in all grades. LACE TIES AND FICHUS Make handsome Christmas presents. Imitatlon laces are now siich perfect prodnetion that the dill'erence of appearanee between the genuine and imitation is nol nearly so great as the ditfeience in prices. We mention Black Üpanlsh Flchus at $1, $1.25, $1.5(1, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Kscurkl lace Fichus $3 00, $3.50, $4 00 and $5.00. Hand run Spanish Fichus $4.00, 4 50, $ü.(0, $7.00 and $i).0O. White late Ficliua in all the faney laces at 50c. Ui $3. In Pompadour lace $2.00 lo $4.50. Oriental lace poluta $2.50 to $1.00. Duchess Collars $5.00 lo $7.00. IT IS nAKDLY NECESSARY To cali attention to the appropriateness of Silk aud Linen Handkeichiefs for a Christmas present, as nothing can be more acceptable. We have a very large assortment of Silk Handkeichiels at $1 which are txtiaoidinary good quality foi the price, alsoagooil assortment at $1.25 $1.50, $2 00, $2.50 and $3.00. A very large assortment of Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs at 15c, 25c, 40c and 50c. Our White Kuibioidered 'llaudkerchiefs are very haudsome at 50c, 75c, $1.00 anc $1.25. IF YOU EXI'ECT To malve a Christnias Present, and o coiuse yon do, we are headqaariem f o eveiythiug in the Dry (.ioods line. ani you eau rely every time on correctness quality and lowness of price. Promise that are bncked up by years of perform anees are sulid. it is A fact That the magnitude of our trade, wblcl surprises everybody, is largoly due to the fact that we provide as carefully and pains takiugly for modérate puises as tor the fullest. Bach & Abel. HOLIDAY OPENING AT - lilliPÜ Au unusiially Large, Complete and Elegant stock of goods for Holiiay Presents! lias been purcliased and is now on exhibition and sale. It consists of all sorts of handsome articles BOTH USEFULAND ORNAMENTAL Wh.le tlie goods are new and before the hnrry of Christmas time is the time to make good selections of PERFUMERY CASES, LOOKINC CLASSES, TOILET SETS, SOAPS, AND ALL SORTS OF FANCY ARTICLES! J. J. GOODYEAU'S DRUG STORE 5 S. MAIN ST. CHRISTMAS AT THE Post Ice News Depot ! A KUI.I. LINE OF sed & n presents Ohristmas Cards, Diaries, Gold Pens. THE BEST PUESENT yon carpnakí a frlend is A Year's SubscríptionT to a good paper or magazine. Inqnire for niv club rates before sub scrihlng elsewhere. WILLIS BOUGHTON Files- Syniptonis and Cure. The syinptoms :ire moisture like pers piration, intense ítcliinjdf, IncreMed bj scnitchinj;. veiv distre-isin.ï, p:rtieularl at niiilit, seeins as if pin-worms er crawling In and abont the rectum; th private parta are sometimes aftVcted. 1 allowed to continue serious reanlts may follow. "Swayne's Ointment" is a pleas ;int, sure cure. Also for tetter, itch. sal rheuin, scald head, erysipela?, bartjers Itch, Wotclies, all scaly, ciusty skin dis cases. Sent by mail for 50 cents; 3 boxe for $1.2"i. (iii stamps). Address, Dr Swavne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sol by Druggists.


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