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-U3 toAölvöi ' ■ If The obovo deptcts n vcry pleasant feature of blcycling ns a sport. The club have rtdden from thelr headquartors in the city, to a auburban villajesomo twenty miles away, wliere thoy await thü nrrïval of the racing membt-ra who wcre to etart jusl thiïty minutcH later. Flvo minute moro and the two foremost of tlio raiing men- Fri, cm hifi " Harvard," nnd Yonsou on nía " Vale," nppear in Bight. The pace is tjemendous: the inen are neck and neck, and Dodges, the captain of the club, wliom you observe in LeanlDffnn i'ta ' cíhiíiow "liuht roadst'- t a i of o imi. Tho Pioneer Bic [Esta! Importing Manufactu Odd Fellovs' CHA-;. W iaen,, 218 , .nn Arbor, M MIcta. q-.ÜLEDO, ANN A1ÍB0R & G. T. R. Jl. COLÜMBUS TIME. Through time table in effect Oct. 11, 1363. GÖÏScTNOK'JIL G01NG SOUTH. S Í: t rfï "% ï S. cc. STATIONS. i 5. a. o a s h aa P II 1' U A , a m!pm'pM 6 20 :;■--" m :;:, i.v Toledo Ar 1U O) 3 uu 5:) '; SO kbtn batten Jct'n !) M 2 49 5 1 0 41 ;; :; s 4T Alexis Jct'n '.in 2 8; ,.(; V li 1 in 'i -11 Monroe.Ict'n !l III 1 19 I Sr 7 4 Dunrtee y OU 1 :T I IS f 42 4 29 Aiaüla f8 80 1 '.':; ! -■ 8 10 ■! 12 I Milan 1 Ui 3 62 ■ li Dnuila 8 20 i s ■: Plttofleld :, ÏU 10 35 Ar Arm Arbor L . P M P M PM m TTÍ 7m 11 ■' G 5 12 & Ar JacVs'n MCKK IV e 10 '.' 50 ü 50 A .M 1 (h! s ■;, 2 15 BattleCreek . . 'i 05i 1) 55 2 i(; lialioiKiz -,D 3 52 7 10 7 10 1' Ml I ; SOjWöO 4 60 Grnrul Kiipids [10 JU ü 20 ü 20 I' M 1' M A M AM M Pï 8 50 6 2010 35Lv Ann ArSoi Ar ; :,: u -;n :: ir 9 50 6 ÜJ 11 ül Ar South l.yon J.v 7 2"! il ;l 2 10 P M M aTi l'üï 7 80 11 SS Ar Howell IJ1.&N J.v ;10 2-; 2 UI 8 lé 1 M Laniing A M 10 15 : il. Ionla 7 :ö II W 11 60 9 Ui Edraore i; 10 '.l 80 G i" Big Bapids HuwardCity 9 Ï6 A M 3 42 PetoskeyGRAl 13 01 l' M fi :i0! Mnckjpaw City 9 45 Uonnecttóns: At Toledo, with raüruarts diverginti; at Manhattan Junction, wlth VVbecllng .v Lake Krl ■ tl.U.: at Alexis Junction. iith M. C. R. K., L. 8. -M. B. Ky. and I'. Jt 1' M. lt. l(.;at Mcmrue Juncrion, vrith 1-.. S. !; M. S. Ry. ut Dnndee. wlth L. B. ft M. S. l!y.; at Milan. wlth Wabash. 8t Louts .v Paclflc Ry. at Pittsflold: wltn 1.. 8. ,'c M. 8. Ky.: t Am: Arbor, ritb Michigan Central 11. lt.. and at Sontb Lyun wtth Detrolt, Lungingik Northern lt. li. II. W. A8HLEY, General Suot. 'V. 1 1. BEgfNETT . Gsn'j Pm. Ajjent. Detroit, Mackiiiüc kV 31ii(iifiT K.ÜI June 10, 1883. Pioneer Esst and West Llue through Ihe üfjper PinlriBula of Micbigan. 24O r.ülí i Shortcr betw-en a!l eastern and nortnwe&tern p jims vla Detroit and Uil M lies Shoi-tervia Port Huronto and from Montreal and all points in Canada, than vla anv oilier route. BAST. WEST STATIOXS. - 1;XI. ACC'M. ACC'M. l:.l'. iLWipm 8.a0am i, Marqnette A tMpm r.00am Onoto 'l;" " 0.85 - AuTiain Él 5.1S " } ' 11-25 " MnnJilDg 3.18 ■ ! 4.; " I . I - j ■■ s. i,,-y LJB ■■ 1 ■■" " -Ui " McMlllan I2.:u " 1.53 " 2.2U 2.40 " DollarrlUe B.10 " 1.2S " 2.2.i " .'..V) " Newberry ll.Wam 1.2:1 " 6.45" i;.2 i Bt. iBiüicu 8J0 " lO.UOpm ViuM.C. R.l!. o. )Jpm 6.35 a io Hay city lO.Mpm 1.40 pm iJ " 11.22" I.apeer Junct 7. "11. Wam U.20 W.2d " Port Huron 4.2.5 " Í.6S " 5..VS " 8.18 " Saginaw c ity H.Sll " 11.45 " 8.13 " 10.45 " .Lansing 5.55 " 9.10 " ft.A) " 12.05pm Jiickson 4.35 " 7.5U " O.lo " 11.46 a m Detroit 5.2Upm '.1 10 " Via G. K. & I. R. R. i.2opm Grand Uupiüs U.OOpm 10.2D pm -"'1 " l.B lloward ( ity ll.lOani 11,(1 " 1.20" LOD" iFortWayne 3.1épm 8-10 " I'.IO" 8.05" l.ansing 9.40 ■■3.45" 9.0 " 11.15 " i f Detroit L ti.35 " i 5.13 " Conneetions are made at St. Ignac witli. The Michigan Central üallroad for Detroit and a'.l potntsln Mit-lHiia?), and in theeast, southanil s-outheat. Trains k-avu Mackinac City Í.5U a. m. and 8.50 p. in. The Grand Rápido A Indiana Rallroad for Grand ECaplds, Fort Wayne, and the south and east. Also 7ith steamers of tho Detroit A Cleveland Stcara Vavinatiou Oompaoy for Port Huron, Detroit and 'ieveland, i-., and v.illi boata of the Northern Michigan tor Chicaso and Mihvaukee. and viih different boat Unes tor lake shore points. Cormeotlons made at Marquette Ui. The Marauctte, Uougbtoí 4 Ontonagon U. R. fnr tho Iron, Hum and BUver. and Copper District?, and witb boat Unes for Dnlutb mul the Northwest Nijilrt triilns run dally, have Pullman Sleepen atached. D. MCOOOL, F. M1I.L1GAX. Gen'l Superintendent. Geni Krt. & Pass AKt ' Marauette. Mich. Marquette, Micu. TEN THOÜSAND HAUOWOOD Farms in Michigan. Sorr,salAÍy the GRAXD RAPIDS & INDIANA K. K. CO. Sugar maplc thc principal timber. Advantagis; Raüroads already built, numerous lowns and cines, onc of the heahhiest parts of the United States purest water, good markets, fine iruit good roads, schools, churches, large acri-ultural povulation best building material at low Jlgures good solí, low prices, easy terms. perfect tule. or books., maps, charts, and all additional informauon, address - W. O. nUGHART, . Or SEnZttlS AfidcPdS' MCh-' 0. F. NEWLAND 144 Woodward Ave, JJ(ti'it, Wholesale and Relail Dea)4ra inMusic al Merohandise of all knüs, ga - crul agent for the celefmtt(J PIANOS OF DECKER & SON, HARDWIAN, DUNHAM, AND MARSHALL & WENDALL, ; ALSO THE POPULAR ORQA1TS Wilconc & "Wh.ite. ■-AND- Taylor & Parley. ■ i .M.'KNTS WAXTEIÍ. "Se;ul for Catalogue and I'rices . . - .44 Woodward Ave., ' DETROIT. I


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News