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WHO ÍS UNACQUAINTED WITH TKE CEOCRAPttY OF T SEE BY EXAÏMtiiHC THÍS IflAF, THAT THÉ O&-53C&C2O, fOCSC 1 3 LAND & ÍFACBFiC R% Belng tho Croat Central Lino, afforcfo io travelers, by reassn of lts unrlvaled gooeraphlcal positlon, tha shortcst and best route between tho Gast, Northeast and fcoutheast, and tho West, Northwest and Southwest. it Is literally and strlctly true, that lts conneotionc aro r.ü of tho principal ilnes of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific. By lts main lino and branohe3 It reciches Chicago, Jollet, Peorin, Ottawa, , La Salie, Ceneseo, Wiollne and Rock Island, In llllnoín ; Davonpo-t, Wiu3catine, Washington, Keokuk, Knoxville, Oskaioosa, Falríield, D03 Molnes. West Llborty lowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Harlnn, Guthrie Contar and Council Bluffs, In lowa; Callatln, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas Oity, n Missouri, and Leavenworth and Atchison In Kansas, and the hundreds of cltleo, vülsges and towns Intermedíate. The "CREAT ROCK SSLAND ROUTE" As It is famillarly oallad, offers to travelers all tho bdvantagea and eom'orts Incident to a smootíi track, safe brldges, Union Depots at all no'ints Fast Express Trains, con-.posed of COIWIViODIOUS, WELL VE'JTILATEO WEL' HEATED, FINELV UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES - a 7,no of the MOST MACNIFICENT HORTON RECLIHING CKAiR CA.;S Ur built PULLMANS latest designed and handsoma3t PALAC5 SLEEP1MG CARS, and DiPilMG CAHS í!]?í'eacinowledseci by press and Peoplo to be tho F1Ï1EST RUU UPOM ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and In which superior mealf re servoc I to tr-velers at the low rate of SEVEIX- -FIVE CENTS EACH. -cryu 10 traveiers at JürET1AIN8 eah Way betwesn CHICAGO and ne MISSOURI Rivr Tho TRAINS oacl' waV between CHICAGO and MiNEAPOLIS r.nü ST. PAUL, .ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New anc, Diroct Line, via Séneca and Kankakoe, has rocently ben onnnnri between Newport Newa, Rlchmond, Cincinnati, Indianapcfls and La FaváB and Council Bluff, St. Paul, Minneapolls and interrnedlaio polnts ' r-e, All Through Passengere carrled on Fast Expreso Traína For moredetaüed information, see Mapsand Folders, which may bè obtained as well as Tickots, a a principal Tlckot Offices In the United States and Canada or of R. R.CABL E.ST. JOHN, Vlce-Pree't & Csn'l Manager, Cenü T'U't L Pass'r Ag't,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News