Rev. W. H. Sliier of Plint was in town r riday. Miss Clara Foley reocived in Detroit on New Year's. Miss Fannie Bailey has been in Detroit on a short visit. Mis Jenulu Vanderventer passed New Year's day in Dundee.
Miss Mary Ferdon has been passing a few days at Grand Rapids.
B. D. Keith of thcM. R. spent Suntlay wilh relatives in the city. L. C. Goodrich left Saturday night to spend New Year's in Detroit. S. W. Beakes left tor his liome at Westerville, Oliio. Monday morning. Mrs.A.K. Hale of Adams, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Andrew DeForest. Miss Mary Perry, of Detroit, is visiting with Miss Anna Wilson this week. Frank Alabaster spent the most of his holiday vacation with friends In the city. Mr. and Mis. F. L. York spent Christmas at Detroit, returning last Saturday. Miss Anuie Morris left Monday to spend New Year's at lier home in Jackson. Miss Margaret Sinclair, of Detioit, was the guest of Miss Hualy on New Year's Day. John A. Nichols visited his nephew, A. T. Nichols, and friends at Comuna last week. Willis Boughton is reported to have bee:i in Detroit on business over New Year's. A. L. Noble left Monday for a week or ten d ys' trip to Buchanan, Kulamazoo and Miss Gertie Wade, of Anu Arbor, is spending the holidays here.- Jonesville Independent. The Charlotte Republican says: Mis. A. C. Uamilton, of Olivet, spends the vacation at Aun Arbor. George A. Brown, now of Ann Arbor, speut Christmas day at his home in Saline.- Saline Observer. Jolin L'. Foster, of Chelsea, and N. S. Case, of Manchester, were registered ;it the St. James ou Wednesday. Air. andgfc-s. J. Greene of Aun Arbor are spendingthe holidajs with Pinckney friends.- Pinckney Dispatch. Miss Aunle Condón, who has been visiting in Leadvllle for the pust five months rcturned home Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nickels have been pending the holidays with theirdaughter, Mrs. J. S. Johnson of Oxford, Wis. ". Ij I! Ai. L,„11, !_. J ITv. TL CU b Day in Detroit with G. V. N. Jothiop. Miss Angelí received with Mis. A. C. Angel!. Will Hollands, foreraan of the Couiuer bindery, spent Christmas in Detroit, his former home, return'mg Friday of last week. Mis. Austin carne clown from Ann Arbor to spend Chiistnias with the family of her dauguter, Mrs. Clute.- Duudee Reporter. Hev. Dr. Haskell and wife have been visiting their son. Win. S. Haskell, at Bowling Green, O. They were expected home yesterday. Miss Mary Dusenbury, of Bach & Abel's, is speiiding a few day's at Howell, Mich., with parents and friends. She left on last Saturclay. Miss Ella Miller, of Williamstown, Micli.,is visiting her nncle, deo. Miller, of tliia city. She came Monday, expecting to remain week or ten lays. S. W. Clarkson and familv of Ann Arbor, and Elmer Cushman and faniily of Delhi Mills, were the Christmas guests of L. D. Watkins.- Manchester Enterprise. Tliu death of Judge Best's father occurred last week at VV aterloo, Indiana. The funeral was held on Saturday following. Mrs. Best returned to Ann Arbor this week. Geo. L. Moore and wife attended the mairiage of Mr. E. E. Van Auken, of Biooklyn, Pa., and Miss Grace M. Laible at the latter's home in Ypsilanti on Christmas afternoon. Mrs. S. M. Coe, who went to Dakota last year, isspendingthe winter atMenominee with her son, F. H. Coe, who has chante of the schools there. She expects again to take up her residence in Ann Arbor. E. N. Darrow, high school, "81, was in the city Moaday on his way to Minneapoia, Mhin„ where he is In the practice of the law. He expects to lonn a partnership with a lawycr there in the spring. James Kicketts, W. G. Doty, Mrs. Daniel and Mrs. George Milieu were present on Christmas Day at the marriage of Mr. Chirles Bullard, of Sharon, at the residence of the bride's parents in Manchester. H. VV. Ilawley, of the Register, and J. Ernmet Robison, son of our genial county clerk, went to Chicago Friday night last, returning Mouday of this week. Mr. Hawley visited a sister teaching in the city. .Í. E. 's trip is his lirst to the big city ot' the west.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
S. W. Beakes
Mary Ferdon
A. L. Noble