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AYER'S Sarsaparilla euros RheumatiBm, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Gout, General Iteblllty, Catarrh, and all dtoorders uusud by a thin and i in pover is lied, or oonrupted, conditlon of the blood; expelling the Mal-poteons from the rjltrwi, enriching and renevtug tbe blood, and restoring its Vitalias ing pver. Duvcng ft long periol of unparallaled usefulnees, At kji's s a lts a i-a iui.i, has proven its perfect adaptation to the cure of all diseases originating in i blood and a woakened vitality. It is a hlghly xn contraled extract of Sareaparllla and other bloori-purlfying niois, combi ned willi Ioxlide of Potassium and Iron, and is the safest, most reliable, and most eeononiical blood-uuriner aud blovd-food that oan be used. Inflammatory Kheumatisra Cured. "Aveu's Saks u-akii.í.a has ured ine of iho Inflaninmtory KheumatUm, with which 1 hava sutlered for many years. W. H. MooiiE." Durhain, Ia.t March 2, 1882. M Elght years ago I had an attack of Rheumatisui so severe thatl could not move f rum thu txd, or drese, without help. 1 tried several remedies without much if any relief, until I t-iok Avkb's Saksaparilla, by the use of two bottles of which I was completely cured. I hav not been troubled with the Kheuniatisin pince. Havo sold large quantities of your Saksai'AKII.i.a, and it stilï retaius its wonderful popularity. The utaiiy notable cures it bas effect ed in tliits vicinity conviuce me that it is the best blood medicine ever oöered tottie public. E. F. Hariiis." Kiver St., Buokland, Mass., Jlay 18, 1882. u Last March I wae so weak from general debllity that 1 could not walk without heli. Followingthe advice of a friend, 1 commenced taking Aykh's SAK8APAUH.X.A, and before I had used three bottles I feit as well as I everdidhi my lif. I have been at work now for two months, and think your Saksapakilla the greatest blood medicine in tlie world. James Maynaud.'1 ÖL'O West 42d St., New York, July Ut, 182. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Coinplaints, Erysipelan, 1 - ■in:i. Ringworm, Ilotchest Sores, Boüh, Tumors, and Kruptionsof the Skin. ltciears the blood of all impurities, aids digestión, s ti umi. lates tin1 action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PKËPAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price $1, six bottles #6. THE CANDY PACTORY! J. Wm. Hangsterfer Prop. NO. 5 HÜRON STREET, Opposite Court Houte, and SHANCH STORE NO. 3S STATE STREET Opposite the University. FRESH CANDIES of all KINDS MADE EVERY DAY. Choice Mixed Candy - - 12c lb Clioice Broken Fruit Candy - 15c lb Chocolate Cream Drop - 20c lb Caramels ----- 25c lb Fine French Candy - 25c UI And all other Candies in proportional low prlces.


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