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jS-SjS jix. - .- .- Fl' DysPcPsia' AvCv B i I ÏÉ tklL& C'ostivcne8s, %, .JJl 1 1 ■ L. J ■■ w ■ Malr-ln m 5J[ i ir ■ n i y anti all Pisertsr-a -Xi" J. cnu.icd ly Derangcmcnt of Livcr, Uot;ïs and Ividneys. STMPTOIIS OF A IISr:ASED LIVER. bad Brcath: Tain in the Sklc, somctimcs the gun is kit undcr the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for khcumausm; general loss of appetite; Bowels gcncrally costivc, sjmetuncs alternating with la.f the head is troublcd with pain, is dull and heavy wlm considerable loss of mc:nory, accompanied" with a pamful sensati;n of undonc somclhing whieh oijght to havo beendoncfa slight, dry cough an-J llushed face is semetimes an aucndant oftcn mistaken for consumplion; the patient complains 01 marinen and debility; nervous.e.-sily start'edfeit cold i,r burr. ng, somctimcs a prickly sensation of Ihe skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, auhough satisfie I that exercise vvould be beneficia!, yet one can hardly summon up fonitudc to try it- in fact, distrnsts cvery remerly. Scvoral of the above svmptorrs attend tic discase 1-nt cases have occurrcd when but few of them existed, yet examination after death ha shown the Livcr to have been extensiveiy dcranged. It should bo uscd by r.ll pcvsons, old and youiig, whenever any of tho abc ve symptoms ajipear. Tersons Travelinpr or Living In Unhtalthy Li.calities, by taking a dose occasiona y to keep the Liver in lical.liy aclion, will avoid .11 Mw.,iMi;„uf-. atiacks. Diauia,, N. .Hf;nvvtnfe Denrcssion of Spirit-; eir T will invigorate lite a glas ui wínej Uut la ífo i Ji toxicating beverago. If You have caten nnything hard ol digestión, or Teel heavy aftcr meals, or sloep, lesa at night, take a dose and you viil be relieved. Timo and Doctors' Dills win bo Eavcd by always kaeping Ilio Regulator in tbc Hodsol Tor, wh.-tever the aüment may b?, a (horoushh tafc purgative, alterstlTO and toi:o cn never be out of place. The remedy is ïiiirmlesi and does üot lntertere with bacineu or pïeasure. IT IS PCRELY VEGKTARLE, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or Quinine, without any of ihe injurious after effect. A GovernoVs Testimony. Simmons Liver Regulator has Leen iñ use in my family for some time, and I am satisiied it is a valuable addition to the niedicU science. J. Gill Snüprni', Governor of Ala. lïon. Alexander II. Stephen, of Ga., tays : Have derive.l some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a iurther trial. "The only Thing tliat liever falls to Relieve." - I have uscd many remedies for Dysp.psia, Livcr Affection and Debility, but never have found anythiig to benefit me to the extent Simmons Livtr Regulator has. I sent fropi Minnesota to Georgia fur it, and would ?cnd further lor such a medicine, and would ndv-iae ;:ll istio a;c sipr ilarly affected to g:ve it a trial as it scems the oniy thing that never fails to reheve. P. M. Janney, Mtnncspolls, Jlinn. Dr. T. W. Masón saya: From actual expenence in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfïed to use and prescribe t as a purgativo medicine. XtSy-Take cnlv the Genuino, which always has on the Wrappïr the red Z Trade-Marlf and Signaturo of J. II. ZEILIN' & CO. r FOR SALE; Br AL RUGGISTS. Tho oaly kaown specifle íor Eplleptio Fits. "K3 Also íor Spasms and Fallías Sickncss. Kcrvons Wcaknesa it instantly relieves and cures. Clcaases blood and quickens &!ug?isU circalation. Neutrallzes genus of dlscase and saves sicknc6S. Cares CFÜCEPTIO SAID) ugly llotclieaandfti'.bbcrn blood sores. Elimlnates Boils, Carbunclos ar.d Ecalds. cTcrmancntly and promptly curca paralysls. Yes, it isa channing aaá healthfcl Apcrfcnt. Küla Scrofula ani Elngs Evll, twln brotsers. Changes bad brcatU to gooil, remoTi' Ing the cause. Eouta Diiumn towncios and malies clear coripiciion. Equallcd by none ia tho delirium of fevcr. A charmlng rcsolvent and o matchleBs laxativo. It drives Slet Headac'.:o liko the wind. "Costólos no drastic cathartic ut opiatefl. KelleTcs Cthe gbeüt) nNElR!Vl-:X;C;vHQUElRb;-n the brain of morbld fancie Troinptly cures Bheu;matism by routing it. Restores lifc-Bivinz propertles to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervou disorders, tyr.eüablo when cll opiatos fail. Re. freshes the mind and invigoratcs tho body. Curci dyspcpsla or moncyrefuccied. Disea'icsoit'ieblooJownitsconqucror. Endorsed In writiu;; by over flfty uioussnil lemtU'g Citizens, clcrgymen aad j.liyslciacs in U. b. aud Europe. pyror salo by all loadingdrugïists. JliO. (13) For Testimoniáis and circulara send stamp. Ths Dr.Si. Richsoid fiiad Go. St. Joseph.Mo. ALL KINDS ÖF BLANKS PRIXTEl) ON SHORT KOTICB AT TUE COURIEK JOB ROOMS. Book-biudiiij; quicklv iloiic and a I lp )':; rit iig-, iiivicüions. uixl c:arg !a-!ffiiily );illil'li.


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