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A1IEKICW niiiii'Hiii: A Library in Itself.- Tlie Thoughts of Five Uundred of the Best Scholars in mis and other Couiitrles Crystalized, Boiled Down. THE LATESThe CHEAFEST and the BEST The A corps of contributors who hold the foremost rank in science aiul litemture, botli in America aml Europe, are employed on this graat work the year ronnd, anti a new volume is aildod annually. It never beootnea oíd. Henee, it is The IjATesi. Tuk ChsaPEST. - In tlie language of a former president of Uar.vard College, "It is a wett tekettd librara in ilself." A new volume is added each year, whicli preeluues llie neeesslty and t-xpene of buyinif other books. Henee it is The ChbaPest. The Best. - It is preparad by the icriter and scholars in every department of knowledge. It is the only complete, new, and exhaustive Cyclopadia in the Énglish langnage, and the range of subjects embraces more than all other Cyclopredias combined. Henee, it is The 15kst. The Neccsslty for a Cyclopadia. Every one that reads, every one that mingles in society, is constantly meeting with allusions to subjects on which f urther information is needed and desired. In conversafion, in trade, in professional life, on the farm, in the family, questions are contiuually arlslng wliich 110 man,well read or not, can always satisfactorily angwer. ]f the facilities for referenee are at hand, they are consultod, and not only is the curiosity gratifled and the stock of knowledge increased, hut perhaps informatiou is gained and ideas are suggested Ihat will directly contribute to the business success of the party concerned. A good Cyclopredia sheds glory and honor over every household. The family living without one is sadly deficiënt. Send Postal to the Agent, J. II. SLIPPER, il il Al' hor. who will gladly cali upon you and show you tli is reat work. TEPORT OF THE COXDITION II - or the- nmiïï & mm m AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At tle close of Buslneo Jan. T, 1884. Made in accordance with the General Buuklug Luw of Michigan. RESOURCES. Loans and Dlscounts $107,116 (9 Overdrufts _ i!4t! 08 F u ' u i lurfi pi" - "l ".""! "i KTpenues .. l-0 00 Checks and other Cash Items 1.31T Sti I l,i.' I. ' DuiikH Ulia ll.illKt-if. ;t:)..-Ul7 10 Legal Tender and Bank Notts 7.3(6 00 Bonds, U. S 3,500 00 lïonds, Local L85 CO Premiuiu on U. S. Bonds 630 25 $157,588 64 LIABII.IÏIES. Capital paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus Fund fl-,.6 39 l'Kitltand Loss 38 19 l)ue Uepo8ltors 104 424 06 Bivideiids unpaid s,5oo 00 f157,588 64 I do solrinnly swear that the above state ment Is Lrue, to the best of my knowlcdiie and belief. Wii.liam A. Tolchard, Cashler. Sobscribed and sworn to before me, tuis elyhth duy of Jauuary, 1884. Wm. W. Wukdo.v, Notary Pubüc. "DJiPORÏ OF THE CONDITION -OF TUE- ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, AT ANN AHBOR, MICniGAN, Attheoloe ot' biixlm xx, londay. Jan. '. i h. A. ■. I SS 1, Matlu in aocordance wllh Sections 18, l!l, nnd 67 ol the Ueuerai Iiunuin Law a ameudud in Ibü. UESOUIICES. Loane and Dicountn $24,52 34 Iiundi) and MortKufes 181.4611 BS U. 8. ïejiisturod 4 per cunt. Bonds__ 11,4(X) 00 Ovcrdraits 134 32 Furnlturt: and Fixtue8 I.I30 K5 Ilc.venue Stampa no 00 Due from National and State Banks 81.31 1 16 Silvcr Coin, Nickel and Penules 2,052 51 Legal Tuudera.Bank Notes and Oold cuin 41,61 00 Tota! 8581,563 90 LIABILITIKB. Capital Stock $50,(KK) 00 Surplus Fund , 25.0U0 00 Uudivided Prolita 13,38!) 1)4 Jan. Dividend 3,028 00 Duo Depusitors 4!)3,145 % Total $584.5631)0 I do solemnly swear Ihat the above latemcut ia truc, to the beat of my kuowledyc and belief. CUAS. E. H1SCOCK. Caehler. Subscribed and Bworu to before me. thia 3d dav of July, 1883. ADAM V. SEYLER. 1 17778Notary Pubüc.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News