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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty,strengthand wholesomeness. ivloreecoüomical thim ordinary kinds, and cannol besold In eompetttion witli the mullltudeol low test, short weiglil, aluin or pliosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal Baking Powder Co., 10U Wall St., N. Y. OT7H HOME! The best sellin, low priceil book n tlie nuuket. Introiluctory letter by. MES. LOCEETliï. MELD. Exclusive territory given. State townships In your county that.yoii can thoroughly work, and address with stamp for reply. FRENCH & TAYLOR, Publishers 213 Woodward Ave. DETROIT, MICH. 1177-78. MlllllllilllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIH1'"' Modern -Science sá Skepíici5m What has Skepticism done for the world? Nothlng but to suggest doubts. It has eTen suggested that Rhrumatism cannot be curecL skept lclsm is as bad hs Kheumaüsm. What haa Science done for the world ? A ffooa many thlngs; for lnstance, it bas Bliown that Iíheumatísm can be cured. It has shown that Nouralgiacan be got rld of. a bïood dlsèasè and has provldcd tiu, orminos as the remedy whicli can completely cure It . It hasprovpd tliat although the old doctors failedto overeóme Neuralgia, Atiilophoroscuu reach It, and eradtcate lt from the system. It has proved that though these wrmentlng dlseases wrre so slow and obstinate, they can be overeóme in a llltle vhile by uieans ol íLIopíioro5 1 Don't be skeptlcal. It you have any doubts a tb what Athlophokos can do, wrlte to some of those whom It bas cured. For lnstance, Rev. 8. B. Dennen, D. D., Pastor Thlrd Congregatlonal Church, of New Haven, Conn., the Rev. W. P. Corblt, pastor George st, H. E. Church, of New Haven, the Rev. J. E. Searles, pastor Wlllett St. M. E. Church, New York city, Mr. Brummell, the well known candy manufacturer, of New York, Ex-Gov. Btgelow, of Connecticut, and masy olhers, equally well known. 1 If you cannot get Athlophoros of your druggist, we wil! gend it expresa paid. on receipt of recular price- one dollar i)er bottle. We prefer that you buy it Iroin your ■-triipnrivi . tit H hofaafmt it, do not tiperualetl to try noiuethinif ele, bul order at oqcq from us aa directed. ■% . ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii H. R. ihiiiiiiiiiihhiii THE SURE CURE , FOR -■-■ KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER COMPLAINTS CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSiCIANS ENDORSE IT HEARtIlyT "Kidney-Wort ie tho most auooeeanil remedy Ieveruaed." Dr. P. C. Ballou, Monkton.Vt. "Kidney-Wort is always reliable." Dr. S. N. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. ' 'Kidney-Wort has cured my w ife ofter two yeara auSering." Dr. C. M. 9ummerlia, 8un HiU, Ga. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES lt naa cnroa wnere ii cine nad failea. hibiuím butefflolent, CERTAIX IN IT8 ACTION, bui harmlesa in all oases. lylt clesnoe the Blood and Strencthens and arivi's New I.lfe to all the important organa ot the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is restored. The Llver is eleansed of all disease, and tho Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diucaaca are uradicatcd from the ByBtem. FBICE, Í1.00 Uqvm OB DBT, SOLO BT 981001913. Dry can be sent by mait WELLS, RIC1IARDB0X c ( 'O. n r Itac t ui Vt. r Li3t] LJJLWl dlaillim Thr. Weak and the Impuro. The merry little mountain broofc, as it lightly dances over the rocks and sparkles in the sunshine on its way down to the river, is pure and clean. It is actiye; therefore, it is healthy. _ It is vigorous; therefore, it resists impurity. ■ But the sluggish pool, where the curreni is not strong enough to keep the water in motion, is stagnant and foul. ( Dirt and rubbish. are thrown into it, and stay there. Impuritie and vile odors make it a breeder oí diseasoand an object tjue avuicbcu. When the blood is strong and rich and red, and vigorously courses its accustomed rounds through arteries and veins, the system is hearty and healthy. When the blood is thin and poor and weak, and defilements creep into it, and it has no strength to cast them out. Then the system runs down. ■■ -. Brown's Iron Bitters contains the only preparation of iron which can enríen the blood, and make k pure, vigorous, and healthy. A dollar a bottle, at the nearest druggist's. 9 '


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