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BA.CII & ABEL'S Great Reduction Sale During Thia Month. The Sale Embraces Almos! Every De. partuient. Ttae !-. .[! i:i Depend on lun. ual ilargaiuM. Alvvays careful to ayoid all sensations n tliia business, and not havinghad such a sale in a number of years as that now rojected, we put Plainly Before You all he points of the sale, taking the people fully and fairly into our conlidence. We desire that every lady in Aun Arbor and Washtenaw county sliould fully underitand all about it and make the most of he golden opportunity. 1 OBJECT OF SALE. To reduce stook ind dispose of certain ines of goods we do not want to tarry over. 2 charactek of ooods. The full regular stock of twelvedepartnents, gathered with the utmost care for he purpose of building upand m:iintainng permanent trade. Not out of date lamaged or Imperfect stock, but the very best of all classes of goods. Indeed we keep no otier at any season, This is a sale not of broken slock, but of the kinds and qualities of goods alvvays wantod. 3 extknt. To the value of $20,000 f the people are willing. 4 EXl'LANATION Where the severest out of priees occurs t is not Grom any fault of the goods, but jecsiuse of our innbility to dispose of tliem. 5 DETAILS It is Impoaslble and too expensive to jive more than a few examples of priees. Xo store is so easy to visit and get at priees as ours. LADIE8 COATS AND WKAP8. These prices are all new this season and many of thegarments have just been received. Ottoman, Sieilian and Satin Dolmans and CircuUrs, for triiomed and quilted liniiigs. $40.00 Russiau Circulara, down to $30.00 $30.00 D.lman, " 24.00 $20 00 " " 15.00 $2.00 Circula rs " 17.00 $25.00 ' " 18.00 $16.00 " " 12.00 $40.00 Brocaded Ottoman Dolman " 32.00 Ruulan Cloth Circuláis, $15 down to 11.50 $18 " 13.75 $14 ■" 10.00 Lirht Cloth Jackets, plush.trimmed - " " $10.00 to 8.00 " " 9.00 " 7.00 7.00 " 5.50 " " 00 " 4.00 " 4.00 ' 3.25 " " " 15.50 " 2.0 CI.OAKINOS. 34 inch uioamug, $l.iu 10 fi.oo 54 " " 2.00 " 1.40 54 " " . 3.50 ' 2.75 B 541 inch Black Diagonal, 3.25 " 1.75 BLAKCBia AND CONFORTABLES. 12-4 Blankets, $15.00 down to $12.00 11-4 " 10.00 " 8.00 11-4 " .... 8.00 " 6.25 10-4 " 5.00 " 4 00 10-4 Confortables 2.00 ' 1.50 10-4 " .... 2.25 " 1.75 11-4 ' .... 3.00 " 2.40 EMBROIDERIES AND QUILT8. 1 Case Quilts, full 10-4 $1.75 to $1.25 1 y-4. . . . 1.25 to .93 1 " Marseilles Quilts full, 2.25 to 1.75 Our Entire Stock of Embroideries at Priees necer before named, lo make room for our new goods. 8ILKS AND DBESS QOODS. AM the new shades in Colored Silks, fonuer prices $1 40 now $1.13. We want it dÍ!uiK;tlv undurstood that these Silks will be sold at this price only during Janna ry. 54 inch Ladies Cloths, $1.25 down to .93 54 " " " 1.00 " .65 54 " Euglisb. Tricots, 2.35 " l.!5 Also reductions in Cashineres.SchoodHf, Jersey Cloths, Ottoman Couls, Jamestow u Alp;ic:is, and American Dress Goods. GERMÁN JACKETS. Our entire stock reduced trom $4.00 to $3.00. Without doubt they are the best jacket made In the world. BA.CH & ABEL. UNIVERSITY HALL. The Stolents' Lecture Association Have the pleasure to announce that the next Lecture in thelr Course wlll beglveu by Mm Arioli! the dlstlnguished English Poet and Crltic, FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 18, .333XSSXO1T, - - BO CBMTS. Reserved seats can be secured without extra charge at Ueorge Moore's and at Oeorge Oslus A Co., on Wednesday, Jan. 16. 2wlI77 1000 COPIES OF SHEET MUSIC. TO BE GIVEN AWAY, As Premiums to those subscrlblng for their papers at tile Pos t Office News Depot, A Pichg! Containing 20 Different Pieces, Of Sheet Music, wlll be glven for every subBcription to any one of the followiDg nerloulcals, for one year, at the regular Subscriptlon Prlce. American Agrlculturist $1..50 American Naturalist 4.00 Art Amateur 4.00 Art interchange aw Athens Home Mngazlne 2.00 Atlantic Monthly 4.00 Beadles Weekly J00 Hralnards Musical World 150 Century Magazine 4.00 Ohimney Corner 4 00 Christian Union 3 00 (Commercial Advertlser 2.00 Continent 4.00 Demorests Magazine 2.00 Kamlly Story Paper 3.00 Flreside Companlon 3 00 Leslie's Illustrated 4.00 Leslie's Popular Mouthly 2.6o Folio (musical) 1.60 Golden Days 3 01) Harpers Bazar!Weekly or Monthly 4.00 MagHzlne of Art 8.50 New York Ledger 3 00 New York Weekly 3.00 North American Review 5.00 Peterson's Magazine 2.00 Popular Sclf nee Monttily ñ.OO St. Nicliolas 3.00 IF TOU l'KEFER TO Tdïe Advantage of Low Clnb Rates, Ask for ni y Subscription Prices. DIABISS FQE 1884, AT THE POST-OFFICE NEWS DEPOT. j'.WtlililX ! ;ilT.'l(rnirlcliir. SPECIAL STOCKHOLDEBS MEETING. Notloe is herehy given that a meeting of the.stoekholders of the Ann Arbor Agricultural Company. wlli be held 011 Tuesday the 14th day of .Inmtary, 1K8I, at 10 o'clock a. m., at thp office of .1. Flnuegnn In the city of Ann Arbor. fir the purpoae of electiugdirector. By order of Llie Board of Directora. JOHN M. WHEELER. Sec. Ann Arbor, [)ec. 8th, 18S3. 1178-77 f Iliisbaud of Mine Is tliree times the man he was before he tMftXO iwing " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. DruggistS; AtrampCiilled hisshoes "corporations,1' because they had no soles. "Buchupaiba." Quick, complete, cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Uriuary Dlseases. $1. Druggist.


Ann Arbor Courier
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