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M.S.SMITH&CO. TITE- DETROIT JEWELERS, Publi8h Below their üñK aOAÍ rofr sf. west. sji CONGRESS ST Q 0 LARNED CO Sí O í OLD I I 1 Wm [ ., ,. i JEFFERSON AVENUE WOOOBñiDGE ST. m AT WATER SY ___. ,. „.. - Map of the new business ceuter of this city, showing the location of their elegant five-story building, which they will occupy November lst, 1883. Visitors to Detroit are cordially invited to look through our new place, which will be found second to no house in this country in all its appointments. Undoubtedlv the most perfect bicycle now made is the 'Columbia.'"- Scimüific American. "Go iorth upon your wheeled hnrsc. and list to nature's tcathings." TI1K COLUMBIA. B1CECLJS& Are made as etroiig and durable as the beet material and most skilled workmanehin can produce. Thcy are used by rchauls, CliTkf, Miuistern, Lawers, Doctos, Mtssrngcrá, Colftctore and Carp nterb. They furuish the cheapest and best mcang of K V 11 U T RANSIT, give tlie rider the hcalthicst of out-door excrcisc, aud in a word are THE POPULAR STEEDS OF TO-DAY. "I shali rejoice tO see the time when this exerclsé sball be as popular among girls and women as tenni and the dance, for the more mlly the pbydeal life of our womaukind is developed the bitter for men as well as woi.-.eo." Dr. Jiic'iardson. of Lorvion, on the Tricyclt. "Now good dlgeetiou walt on appetite, and health on both." THE COLUMBIA TllICYCLE Is a new machine for general use by both sexes and all ages By the addition of the Columbia Tricycle, The Pope Mf'o. Co. can claim to furnisb wheels for . THE WHOLE FAMILY. For eranifathcr. grundmotbor, mother youna man, youug lady, and even to littlè Jonuie and sissie. Seud 3e. stamp for 3ö pape illustrated Catalogue, with price-liüt and full infurmation. THE POPE MANUFACTUR1NU CO., o9? Washington St., Boston, Mass. Or to CHAS. W. WAGNER Affent. Ann Arbor, Mich., 21 S. Main SL WO KT WAyNBJACK-ON It. K. iiet'oU rmrl Indimifipoh's Line. By Michigan Centra! Rallroad from Ann Arbor to JackBon Train leavo Ann Arbor aa fullow: ii,.i; .11 i„,ii, Kxpress 840am Ft ';ne Aoccimodatlon S 22 p m Llnulnnil Express 11 17 p m All trains leavo by (.'hiendo time. Procure tickels at Ann Arhor or Jackson. M. U WOODFUKD. Gen'l Sud Every Live KÍerchant IN ANN ARBOR Should Advertise IN THE COURIER. g GANVASSERS WANTED FOB The Great Schaff Herzog EncyclppaBdia ReligTous r KNOWLEDGt By PHILIP SCHAFF, Anltted hv over 300 of the uios' nrcomPlltbed Biblo scUolars in Ame ■!■.-" J rmropp. The 'vork is tobe compU'teiI in tlirepminerroyal oecavo volumen or adout !O insoeacfi. Volumei I and II nowready. VcluSa 4t V ,e conlPf teel in n few months. r 'f ■,llle "1O91 "Oliolnrly, Ihorritah rr.-llT rellnblr, and In every rwi?. The iiio.l vnliiahle vork of Ihè kind nU p„ ■„ !í? wüi..M; R?W" Fo""11 l" "& ' Addrcs. HORACESTACY, ■rmiil'lli1"! ' 'IMIWUI. i


Ann Arbor Courier
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