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. a CLU0 KAQ Ie 1 The nbovo dcpfcts a vory pleaaant feature of blcycling is :i port. The club havo rtddcn from thelr bcadqtlArtoPi In tho city, to a fluhurlimi villago nomo-lwenty hdÜM awuy, whern tliey awuit tlii' 'irrivafof thc racing mcinbiTs who wcro to atíirt.iiiHt Ihirty minute later. Pipo minuten more nml tho two foremost of tho r.icl'ig men - Kri, un Ma " Harvard," nnd Voneon on hiii " Vale,11 nppear Ín aight. The paco is tremendous : the men nre neck nnd uuck, and Dudget, tho captain of the club, whom you oVurvt; is leuning un lila " tíhndow "light roadeter, i.i i he foreground, declares the race a tic. " Whcic nre thc other men? " he nske. "Oh, behfrul, Bomewhert-," i the rcply. 'Are therc my 'Uarvard'a' or Vale's or 'Shadow's ' amung them? " 11 Not onc." " Ah ! thíit accounts f r tfc," nay thc cnptaío. Anicrican bicyclen asa body will realíze tho foreê of the captain's iMt retnark, bul the thouaamls of new rider which the coming year will produce, ohouM cacli onc of them realiza that thc only truu wonomy iu chooslng a bieyele la to bu content with uothing 0M than the very best that tnonuy wlll jrocure. Each ahould find out all lio can about bieyeles before making hís clioice, and in order to nsslst enquirera in thclr Bbarch for Information, wc will.on receipt of a a tlirec-ceut atamp, send to any addrcs, a'copv of o;]r lurge illuat'-ated catalogue by return mail. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, Tho Pioneer Bicyclo House of America, [EstablUhcd 1877.] Izcporting Manufacturé of Bicyclee & Tricycioc, Opn Few.ows' Hai.l. Rostov, Mase. CHAv W. WAGNER, Agent, 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. mOLEDO, ANN AUBOR & G. T. R. R. COLUMBUS TIME. Through time table In effect Oct. 14, 1883. G01NG ÑORf H. GÖÏNÖ"80UTH. S ■ S U 8 -í ! o a á e L STATIONS. rffc aló a b a a a pmIpmJai, a o M p „ 6 2U! 3 20 8 35 í,v Toledo Ar 10 00 3 U) 5 20 6 30; 3 26l 8 40 Msn hutten Jct'n Sil i 49 5 ir, i. ;l :. : 8 47 Alexis Jct'n 9 44 2 3i 5 OG 7 1'. 4 10 1120 MonroeJc-fn 9 10 lili 4 27 V 27 4 18 9 32 Uunilee 9 DO 1 37 4 18 7 J2 4 29 9 43 Azullla 8 50 1 Zi 4 08 su 4 42 9 68 Mil;m 8 3i 10. 3 52 8 19 4 &■ 10 Urania 8 20 lí 16 3 38 8 : 2 5 llfil 10 25 Plitotleld - "- í" ; 3 30 8 S0 5 20!lU 35 Ar Ann Arbur Lv 7 5ól2 21; : 17 pmIpmpm am'iuíaji 11 ; 6 55 12 32 Ar Jacki'n MCK1Í Ir 6 10' J 50 i) 50 A M 1 OS S S 2 15 BattleCreek 4 3!) 7 58 7 5S uol oo t O9 ivulamuzuo 3 52 7 lu 7 IU P M I 7 30 10 50 4 50j Grand Uaplds 10 40 6 201 f. 20 PMPMAr TÚ PMPM 8 50 5 0 10 35 l.T Ann Artor Ar 7 !áli 2o! 3 17 9 50 6 05U1 20 Ar South l.yon Lt 7 2UJÍ1 au 2 40 P M A M A M I' M 7 30 II 50 Ar Ilowell DLAN Lt 10 2 01 P M 8 45 1 15 I.aneing 0 10 US 45 !a m 10 15 3T0! Ionia . 7 4ÓI1! 05 1150 5 011 Edmore 6 IU 9 00 6 40 Blg Rápida 7 15 4 50 Howard City 9 25 A M 3 42 Petoskey GKtl 12 01 6 30 MacktnawClty 945 Connections: At Tuledu, with railroads direrging; at Manhattun Junctiun, wtth Whecling & Lake Erie R. R.; at AJexls JunoUon, with M. C. R. R., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. & P M. R. R.;at Monroe Junct.ion, witn L. 8. & M. S. Uy.; at Dundee, wlth I,. S. i M. S. Ry.; at Milán, with Wabash, St. l.ouis 4 Pacinc Ky.; at Pittstleld: with U S. i M. . Ry.; at Ann Arbor, with Michigan Central K. K., and at South Lyon with ietroit, Liinsinjí & Northern H. 11. H. W. ASIII.EY, General Suot. W. II. BENXKTT, Geni Pass. Auent. itctrtr.i. Mackinac & Sliirquette 1. M. June 10, 1883. Pioneer East and West Líup thruugh the Upptr P ninsulu of Michigan. 2-4O MlleH Sthorter between all eastern and northwGstern poínts via Detroit and 311 Miles Shorter vía i'ort liuronto and from Muntrea) and all in C'tinnda, ttian Tía any other route. BAST. WEST. STATIONS. : EIP. ACO'M. ACC'.M. EXP. 9.00 pm S.:UamL Marquette A 5.60 pm 7.00 am 0.12" '.!. 2" Oríuio 4.33" 5.45" 0.37 " 1O.:í5 '■ au Tlain 4.00 " 5.1S " 1.22 " 11.2Ó " Muniíing 3.13 4.SÍ " 1.15 an, I.U s. ii e 1.3-) " 2.38 " 1.55 " -'.16 " Mc.Millkn 12.3 " 1.55 " 2.a) '■ '.40 " Dollarville 12.10 " US " 2.2ó " 2.C0 " i Newberry ll.jUam l.2;t " Ai" G.2J " IA Si. Ignace S-5Ü " lU.OUpm ViaM.C. R.R. 5.0. pm G.35aiu Bay City 10.05 pm 1.10 pn 1.4 ■ W.22 " lipeer junct T.43 " ll.lam il.M " 1J.25 p,,rt Hurón 4.2o " '.. " 5.H.S " ai8 ' Saginaw Ity 8 51) " ll. " 6V" 10.45" J.aDsing 5.55" a.10 " Mi " l2.05pm JaukBon 4.35 " 7.50 " 0.15" 11.45am Detroit S.ÍUpm 9 lü " ViaG K. &I. R R. 4.25 pm fi.lOaml Grand Kapids 11.00 pm 10 20 pm 2oi " 4.43 ' Howard i ty 12.,0ain 11.50 " 1.20" 1.10" KortWayno 3.1.'pm. 3.10 " ti.10" S.05 " Lansing SI.40 ■ 8.a " U.5 " 11.15 I Detroit L 6.35 " 5.45 " Connection are made atSt. Ignau with The Michigan Central Kuilroad for Detroit ani all points in Mlchltian, and In the east, south and outh east. Traius leave Mackinac City S.5U a. m. and .M p. m. The Grand Uaiid.i Indiana Railroad for Granil HiiijkIh, Kort Wayne, and the south and cast. Ahj with steiimers of the Detroit & Cleveland Steuui Navigittion t'onipany for Port Hurón, ivtrott and Cleveland. Ac, and with boats uf the Northern Michigiin Líne for Chicago and Milwaukee, and with ditU'rcnt bott unes tor lake s-hore points. C'uiinections made at Mnrquette wlth. Thc Marquette. Houghton & C)ntonaKOn R. R. f,r the lron, Gold and Silver. and Copper District?, and with boat Unes for Dulutn and the Northwest. Night tratns run daily, have Pullman Sleepers atached. D. MCCOOL, F. MILLIGaN, üen'l Superintendent, Gen'l Krt. A Pasa Agt.' Maaauette.Mlch. Marquette, Mich. TEN THOUSAND ■IAKDWOUD Farms in Michigan. Eorsalcby the GRAXD RAPIDS & I DIANA K. R. CO. Sugar nía pie thc principal tinibcr. Advaníagcs: Railroads Ircady built, numerous towns and cities, onc of thc heahhie&t parts of thc United States, purest water, good markets, fine fruit, gooJ roads, schools, churches, large agricultura! po'.iilation, best building at lov figures, cood sotl, low prices, easy terms. prrfect title. For booles, maps, charis, anú all additional informaron, address - W. O. HUGHART, I.anH Commistïoner, Grand Raptdst Mich., Or Setter Roberts, Traveling Agent. G. F. NEWLAND 144 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Wholesale and Retail Dealers inMusic al Merchandise of all kinüs, general agent for the celebrated PIANOS OF DECKER & SON, HA DMA N, DUNHAM, AND MARSHALL & WENDALL, ALSO THE POPULAR ORGANS Tilco & White. - AND- Taylor & Farley. AGETS WAJÍTED. B"Send for Catalogue and Prices_J 144 TTVood-uo-ard Ave-, DETROIT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News