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Ice is 40 i'eet high in the Straíts of Mackinae. Witter J. Baxter says the Jacksou ail is a disgrace to the county. Daniel Gouki.Qwosso's eity treasurer, s leaJ at the ripe o!d í.ge of tSOjears. Miss Francés L. Stewart has beeti OEflrmcd as postmietress at Ypilanti. SinceSepti. 1883, 11,950,000 bushels uf vrheat have been marlseted ia Michiaa'. Work upon tho First Presbyterian cUurch of Battle Creek lias beeu commenced. üí' the 1,500 people ;nmrdered in this coüntrr in 1SS3, IGwere'murderedin Michigan Capt. Filzgerald of the Tawas runiboat Democrat has bien lineií $100 and 90 days injdil. laying has commenced at wosso ou the Toledo, Ann Arbor and N. M. ilway. The Calumet and Ilecla niiuing comhas declared i!s quaríerl} dividend of half a niillion doliars The iaquest in the death of Mrs. Dan Holcomb is concladed. "Deatb by hoart d-iaease," was tlie verdict. W.H. Gaines, for many 3' proprietor of the Phconix Ilouse in Charlotte, is dead at the age Of TO j ears. The supervisors of Jackeon county have sigi'.ífied their willlnfrness to defray sil txpensrs of tbe Croueb case. John White of E.iton Rapids has been appointed to a clerkship in the folding room ot the House of Kepresentativt 6. Julia Reese, the domestic of (lie Crouch fairiiy, througii hcr attornt-ys will brbut sult fur falce Impriíonment. The common eouncil of Gran i ltapids votes tbe Silvation Army a nulsaoee. That settles it. The Silvatioa Army must go. The Muskegon oar and engiue cuni:.nv ha been -windel tbo contract for buüdng 500 box ears tot 'lúe "Nickel Plte" ratlroao. If a Grand Rapids Qian gels a]vttion it tlie "barracks1 of the "army" he must pay or it. Tlny charge au admittance fee at the or. The Adventista po w contémplate the purchasa of land ncar Batllc Crtiktipjn which to erecta large iiidustrial sebool the couing scHson. Hastiuga puople are ruakiug vigorous effortsto 6'cure the Chicago, Kïlamszoo & Sag Insw road, which wil! be of great advmtage to Barry county. The building in Báy Ciiy known as tbe "flat-iron" block, owncd by Mrs. N. Y't iBrieu of Detroit, wa ua.'illy dc6tro}ed by flre a few nights ago. The supenisor of Kaiamazoo county offer a reward of % l.,OJif for the arrest and convictlon of the inurderer of B.irrey Cuuniuj;haui, of Schoolerilt. CoDgr66sman Maybury, at the urgent request of man; cltlztne ol Detroit, is endeavoring to effect a cbange iu tbe locatiou of the uew Detroit posloüice. The approximate earnings of the Chicago & West. Michigan for 18S3, are $1, 543,840, againat $1,503,432 actual gros earnngs tbe year previous. The St. Joseph oounty farmers' ïnutual fire insurai)c company has just asessed ts membeis 84 cents on every l,U0O topay the lossos of tbe patt two years. Kaiamazoo peopie are busy raising tbe bonus for the ' Chifiago, Kalmazoo & Saginaw, aud thouh it comes slowly they expect to secure the requlred amount. Peter Hale of Alleman tried to buy his beer with counterfeit nicklcs. Uuited Statee CkHMnlB8loner will soon decide how much puuishm ut is goodfor "pele." Jamea Penner of Muskegon was of lus bettcivhtilf and attcmpted to shoot her, I but fallcd. He was arrested, aítcr he had failed to end his own life by taking potson. Congressman Maybury has askcd for an appropriation oL $227,003 for th e work on --gi'" "-n.i..g.í-nia ujm HVerT The matter has been referred to the nver and haibor committcc. Michigan votéis wlio aro opposed to oíd parto Meé cm have a thoice of the "Union party" forraed in Jacksou the other day, or the "anti-monopoly purty" organized by 11 men at Colli we ter a feu days later. The fortheoming census ot the state is to an elabórate affair, and araoni; otber conteuts will he brief histories of the different counties and towns, ivith ref ei enees to al legislation that has beca had thereon. W. C. Fitzsimmons of Tecumsch has broughf. euit in the United States circuit court in Nsw Yock ngatnsfc the Central American Pacific rallway eompaay to secure his jjay for engineering services in that country. The hird animal sessiönof the Grand Couucil of Michigan Eoyal Templars, of Michigan, will be held In the piunoer's room of the state capital at Lausing, commeneing at 2 o'clock p.jt., Tuesdaj-, JanuarySQ. 1884. Cttpt Parid R. Strood, for 'over 30 years a resiuein oï iiuuguu, Leuawee county dlcd at that place c:i the !Oth instant. He eerved thróughout the .war óf the rebellion as Captain of the Fonrtli Michigan Iníantrv. Mr. Zugehueier, of Salzuurg, has invented an attaehment for gas ourners whicb sliuts ulltbe flow of gis wiihin ten seeonds after the Hltat ís blown out, and thus salves tbe unsophlsitcited aod care'üss f ro;n death by suffocation. The L'Anse Sentinel is authority for the statement tbat the Marqui-tte, HoughtOD & Ontonagnu has abandom-d the hopeofgeting th" route of its Ontonagon crosr-imi cbanged and will comuience work near Baraga early in.tbe spring. The Pension ExamhuDg Board for Southern Michigan, as reqaested bv Senator Palmer and Congresbman Eldredge, bas been or'ltred. Dis. Rynd ar.d Beynolds, of Adrián, and Parker, ai B.issfleld, h:ive bnen appointed üu mbers of i.he bourd. ïhe (ïnind Rapids & Indiana Companv lias recentlv made a Durchaae of 4.000 t= of eteel jailí, and it is underetood that the cutiré southeru división and the remaining ponion of the northtrn división wül ba laid with hteel rails next summer. The Houghtou Gazetto says: Thero is nothinr new at the secne of tbe recent dam accident. Search was made in the lake with grappUng irons but ithöut succes?, and the iniprcsíioi; grows stronger cach day thüt none of the Iv dies will be found. The clue that the Clinton connty oflicersivereiollowingupin theCrouch murder trial 'uas proven to be nolning but a bubble which bas i.xploded. . Canuot they do better in terreting out the Creasing lire and burglary matter?- Maple Rapids Dicpatch. Thomas Kcldorhouso of Glen Arbor, Leelenaw couuly, di'-d recently after a long i!L ness. Mr. K lderhouse was one of the oldest and most prominent residente of Grand Travere county aud well known to all steamboat and yessel captains as owner of the Kelderhouse doek at Port Oneida. All Michigan railroads will sell rouad trip tickets to the Stste nncampment of tbe Grand Arniy of the Republic, to be held in Detroit this month, for one and one-thlrd fans. Tickets will be sold January 21, 23 and 23, pooa to return January 26, to ail persons presenting a badgarof the army. One McCormick, a foremau in a lumber' camp near Scney, in the Upper Península, was fatally sbot bv a teamster named Richard Whíeler. The affair grew out of sorae trifilng matter over which they had qiarreled. Wheeler was arreated by the sheriff of Schoot craft county and lodgod in jail in Manlstique. E. B. Barber was arrested recently in Racine, Wis., on the charge of íjrzing a mortgoge at Flint last Sepii:n!j:r and eecuri..g $350 frotn H. M. Mclntyre on the same. The mortgagewas on alleged lands situated in nortuern Michigan. He will be brought back to Fiint for tria). There is being prepared in the office of the Secretary of state at Laniing a history its liiuits, the act of the Legislattire and all Items óf Uke nature. Asimilar historv of tbe countjef is also bcing compiled, and both will be pirblised in eonnection with tbefortheoining state ceneus. Zohnian llobinson Nathan Ilitts and Mrs. Hitts vrere arrested in Big R .pW6 the other morning, in the very act of making eountOTfeit moucy. Tople, dies, etc. were fouud in their possession and confiscated, and the pnsoners taken tojaü. TUe dte were f .ir caaüng onr dollar pi; ces, Canadlaè quarters and new nickel live cent pkces. The state sportsnieu's association at lts' recent meetinjj In JacVson, asked tbe ppciutment of a warden by the state. E. S. Holmes, of Grand Rapiils was elected Preilaent; ö. A. Bomers, o( Jackaon, Secrètary: N. A. O:good, of Baltic Creefc, Tnasurer. A. H. M. r.-li'in, Director for four years, and J. C. Parker, of (iruna Rtipid.s for three yeMi. Wm. Wilson, a St. Ignane baker, in drivin long tne rtiora to fi BUlteble plac to start across tbe ice to 6Ü steamer Algomali, struckapitofwoodtaroozingfromtheraons of the Mirtell fjirnace. His horse was gotout cjvered with tbe pitchy substauce, from tbe eff ects of whicb he tas since dled Tbe skighwas broken and vVilsou's clotbes ruined. There isa prospect of anolher north and spath line for Michigan. Th Terre Haute & Lo-ansport, now opcrat-d by the Vaudali, will beimmediatelyext-n led from L .gesport north to South Bcnd, au 1 itis sald to b3 probable the road will soon be extóuded w Grand Haven or sooie ol her cligible polnt to secure a shareof tbe lamber trad of Michigan. It is al-o hinted that an idea is eUtórtalned of uitimately building to the Straits of Mackmac. The Citizens' Mutual fire insurance coinpanyofKent, Allegan ar.d Ottawa eountiesreportreceiptslastyearofGOlanddis- bursements of $31,949. The assessment sf or last year were three-tenths of 1 percent. Thcre were 50 losses by lightuing last ycar, 13 in onc day. The company has 7,461 membera, and earrics risks of $10,7,53,285. H. H. Goodwin, the 6ccretary for 10 years, now retire, and Chas. W. Garfleld Is rrmsprt tn stirpp. liim. A bout three weeks ago, as t-ouis Lequn, tcamstcr, was drivinir to a luniber camp ncar Ishpc-mlng, tbrc iirunken Hur,gariaus boarderl liis wagon and attempted to take the Unes a-way. Lequa puehed thern away and one, George Novak, fel! out striking ou his heaa. The others alighted and carried hlm to camp, acdhc H-orkcd steadily for severa! days,whenhe dledfrom concussion oí the bráin, causcd, the doctors say, by the blow rcceiveil from the f-ill from the wagon. Au entire family oüiegroe.s WmCroom, hl3 wife and six ehildrcn were burned to death the nfght, on the plantation of W. I. Taylor, in Lenoir eounty, N. C. That night the weatber was the coldest for 20 years, and it is supposcd that a large flre was made be fore the faiuily retired and the house caught from the bluzimr braniis rolling on the Hoor. No word of the catastrophe reachcd the uclghbora until the following day, when a mighbjr visited the place and found nothing but the asiles nf the house and tbc charred remains of human beings. Tlu; enso of L, F. Mumford, of Kalamuzoo, wiioiïC UblgUXneUT ;ts uuciaim uy Jutige Mills to be illegal, is of considerable interest, beeaüse it ie the flrs judicial decisión underthe new bankrupt law of the State. Vrumford executed a chnttel mort gage on his gootls at Batlle Creek and tlieu sold his business therc to hl? wife. Aftcrwards he wis ,)■ clared insolvent and made an assigntnent to HenryE. Hoyt, by whom the Kalarnazuo Im-ibm was BOU to the Kilamaz. Wagon Comps;;y. Jodge Mil's decides ihat the mortgage an i sale are prefereneee under the meauing of the law and the assigument is therefure yol i. Senator Conger bas abill appropriatine 1181,051 01 for the parpose of fulfilling tres y stipulations with the Pottawattomie In Un, kuoiin as suc'í, residin in the countleí i Casa, Vin Baren and Berrien, in Michiga;. a:jd8t. Jos'.'ph couut.y, in Ioillanii. This sui?i, providing the Iuiliaus wiil accept it, is to be in full of all Jtmands whfltfQever for all pr. i, present, and perpetual anuuities, "and all claims whntsoever for land?, and trust, KrllOOl. HTlil uílucatlaual fundo] ilH] UU lliUlitJ Cll provisions in any manner whatsoever arising jrom or growing out of any and all treaties or greernents to wüich they are parties with the United States." As the engineer of tbe logging train on the old Ward loggiag road in Manistee, running cast from ou the Fliut and fere Marquette railroad, was backing up for a oad of logs to brtng to the main line, he met with a mofit horrible accident which resulted in his death. The road runs tuwarJ the river and dowr. grade and the track was covered with ice. He reversed his engine but could not 6top it. Thj Örcman, seeing the danger ninped irom the engine and eecaped unhurt. The cngiDeer stuck to his post aud in coming in contact vlth thepüeof log?, one of them was driven through the cab of the engine, ftriking the uufortunate man in 'Jxe back and driving him agaiust the boiler head. One of the sttam cocks entered his heart, and the steam escapiug he was octuilly roasted allve eis he was pinucd to the boiler. Alexis L. Sinter waa killed iu hls cab ou the Laku County Railroad Tuesday nfterDoon just af ter 1 o'cloek. He was engineer of the locomotivo Emiiy on that road, and with hisfiremau had run the locomotive out ou lts tiriit trip af ter dinner to take a traía of looded ïars to the railway. The train utood at the foot of a steep grade and the engine was backing down to eouple on when the accident oejurred. There were two long Norway log on the flrtt car projected several feet over the rest and as the "Kinily" had no terder it was in easy matter lor the lotfs to project into the ;ab. The tugine b;u.ked down the grade at its usual speed aud Er.gineer Slater reversed her, ivhich did not seem to slow her up. There is no steam brnkes on the engine and f-he is lian lied with the lever. The reman jumped ind eaved bimself, but the esgiueer was crush:-d between the logs and the end of the boiler In the cab. üne of the steam cocks projected iiito bis abdomen and was hroken uff, allowlng :he stf am to escape. B-sides beiug crusheU, Slater was badly ecalded. Death must have seen almost instaataneous.- Ludington Demo"THE CKIOS PAUTY." Born iikI Ohrlstened at Jnckson ou the ütli of Jdnuary 1884 Pursuant r.o a cali issued time aco the inV. -s s'ate pnshibitimn convention asserubled n Jackson on the mortiina of the 9th iust. !t ivas : mas meeting only in name, so far as numbers (10, for only about 100 men and 5 ivomen present. But in interest and enihusiasm tl.ey were a host. The conveution was callcd to order by the R-v. ü. K Snier of Iludsou. Permanent orjanizatlon wa eftected by electingProl Samu si Dlck'ii of Albion college president, A. 8 Partridge of Fiiut stcreiary, and Prof. 'J. Evans of Adrián coIIcl'í', assistant secretary. After appointing o inmittees to prrpare resolutlons and adopt a plan tor eampaign work, the conventiou adi.mrued until afti-rnoon W ben proceedlDgB were resamed at ■:io p. rn 147 pop)o were present The lower aud western parte of the state were falrly represented, bnt the repreientatlon from the upper . onntlcs was vc: V slim. The report of the commtttee to drsft refoluttons was r.-ad by Bev. Ddn Shic-r of Hudson. The rcsolutlons as read w,-re very lengthy, and eleariy set forth the [.rinciples of the pa.ty. The Hrst resolution read ab lollows: aeSlred, That we herebv form a ncw p.litical party with prohibition of the liquor ij-atiic hs lts foundation piiucipie. 1 Thip party filial! be called the -'ünion party „f the state of Michigan," and shall act in conlunetion with the uational prolibition home protection party of the United States. Then followed resolutions setting forth il.'nunciation of anything but absolute prohlbitlon; but radical as they were, these good wople fre-lv grauted all the gooi which had ev 'r been accompUsbed by high Ucenie, local optlon, and aU the v,rlous (to tbetn Issu-sof this important subj.-ct. But they belleve In prohibition, and say, 'as belu-vers in prohil.ltlun, we will hereafter iusist that the noUtlcal pkrty with whith we fhall act Kl d dan. ' unqualifledly in lts plat foim f'r staturory and constitutional prohibitton and their thorough enforcement, and shall allirm lts uurpose to reet permanently upon ülllt-no and abide the result, trusting in the ac ion Vf lntelllicent, in ihe power of a progreïsive Christlan civilization, in the tlceoftbeir cause anJ in the victorious heli of a rigbteous God." Tbey believe the growtb of monopolies should be discouragtd by law and that all corporations so far as their eon nectiou witli the public is concerned, be con .. i pnvata persons; tbey favor a sound nation al oiiiToney; btUcve that revenuc Bhonld be raised on importa, so adjusted as to affon profl ction to al!, but not to íoster monopolies oppose the systt m of making the appotntivi offices the spoils of party success ; believe tn the suppression of poljgamy by the natioua goyernment, and afflrm the laws of the Statt of Michigan in regard to the Sabbath. Severa amendmcLts and substit.ues were submittci and adopted, and the report of the committei adopted. In the eveniog a grand ratification meeting was held. Roufing speeches were made b members of the party, full of prohibitloti, zea and rood coruuion sense. Grv. Bcgole wa3 present, und not only applauded heartily al that the otber speskers had cald, but when called upon for a "speech" declared that hc was wil b the m heart and soul; that he was a strong tempranee man, and wantei everyb'.dy toknow it, and concluded by saying: 'In the future I propose to work witb you ar.d vote with you." The reinarte of the Governor wt-re received witrrnmnv manifesftlons of delight, and nisExeelleucy was fairly ■ virivhelmed with coutirutu'etkms. The state central eommittce promlses to raake a thorough and warm cauvass of the state this year and bopes to raise 6everai thousand dollars to aid in the prosecution of the work. l'lic ronvention cloeil v,-Hh s banqnct at .h Hurd House. E. S. Holmes, who bas held th. ■y idi-ney for iilne jviire, was presented wltli BaUfeöeïï?egolri wati E. W. Nichois, V Une hundred "cöv! re wör ,"703] ' "a'fcï ' ftïi#, party gafhered around them. The Attoruey Fee in a lTIortffagol"No Qood.' Fi'orn the I.ansing Rcpublican. Ou Monday, Januury 7, a decisión was reudired by the suireme. court of the United States which will nut only affect the legnl fraternit) of Allchlgau, but wili cau6e a kind o! satiefied feeling to nestle around the heart of maiiv a poordebtor who is strugsling ineffcctually in the grip of a mortgacc. The je1 ision was rendered in the ca?e of" Benday ve. Town8end, appealed from the western district of Michitran, but lt is reportcd that the real parties in tnteiest are Wm. (larris, of Houghton and S. L. Suiith of Lansing. riaiutiSf.foreclosed in accordauce with the tenas oí a e.ertain mortgage, and the proceedines had in the United States circuit cuurt were aifinned by the supreme court, excepting that portion hifh provided fnr hu 3ttjin...r fo r ioor -, Htipulated in the -mortgaxe, and this was revéfsed. The provisión for an attorney fee in a mortgage, to be taxed in a case of foreclosure, has been eo comnion for ytars as to have passed unchallenged, and thts is, we bdieve, the firet instance vhere lts Icgality bas been passed upon by any court of last resort. The ingenuity of the lawyers will lind away around it, however, for the glccial period will have returned when a dlsdple of Blackstone gets lef t on his fee. NATIONAL C-A.FTT.AX. Mr. Robinson of New York has a bilí prepared to estaKish penny postage for all distauces. Committees from both tho Scnateand House are studying how to resent the insults oilered o ourhogs. Mahone -is auxious for a senatorial investigation of the Danville riots, and Rcpuhlican senators have determined upon such a couree. The Mississitp! river commissión havo askedforan mmedis-te appropriatiou of $1,. 000,000, and itel very confldent that thcy will get it. Superintendent Conger'has writton a private (?) Mter to Secretary Teiler, Irom which it appears that affaire out in the ï'ellowstone country have been carried on for torne Urne with a high hand. Teller will investígate. Liont. Kingmau ia his report to the secretary of war concerning iuiprovements in the Yellowstone park cstimntes that $21,(X!0 can be spint profitaWy next aeaaon in improv ments upon old roads, layiug out uew ones, and building bridge. He does not favorabl.v regard pfopoíition to build a railroad through the park and con6iders that the apparent necessity of a railroad will dlsappear upon the corapletion of a system of good wagon roads. Representatives Steele and Cutuhuon of the committee on military affairs have 6Ubmitted the viewa of the minority on the Fhz John Porter bííl. Thcy state that the bil' sets asidu the judgment of the hííhest military tnljui'sl ever oreanized in this ountry, thireby conflictiug with t:ie rtrj spirit of the couetitution. It would have tüe effect of sayicg t-hat the judgment oi the court is (ither cirvupt or fonnded on mistaken evidence, tbough that evideüce ati t.ikcu when the érente wt-re freah in the mtuds of wilnesses, and Congreso lias a blgher regard for the evid'-nce of uffleers of tLe army at thao time filitina agiiusc tbe Union thau for that given by Federal offlce. A Washington disputen to a Detroit daily says: Ex Speaker Ktdfer and Senator Johu Shermaa had a a lont, interview a few eveniugs agi,"ia wüich it Is understood tliat ie was ajreei to udgh Geu. tiheriuío tir the pr;-s .deiitial nomlnatiOn on the republieaq ticket. Great eflorti are bsltü; ma ie to induce Mr. CouKliug to givc: his assent to the proposition, but it is eaid tnat so far Httle progresa has been made in that direction. Mr. Conkllng nas said that be is out of politics, and iu private conversation iues not hesitate to empha[izehi8 views on alt oeeisions. Gen. Shcruun is lure, ind in active training for the nomiuation, all his vigorous denials to the contrary Bi;twltbstandiug. I was thoucht that Keifer would favor President Arthur's nominatlou, but the tndicationa of the past 24 hours certaiuly point to tht faet that he will be John Shennan's chk'f striker for his brother, the general. A Washington dispateh of tho lltb says: An aleged case of fraud in the accounts of ex United States Marsh-i!l Hall, of the western district of Pennsylvania, bas been discovered, Hall was U. S. Marshall nine vears, but was fuspende.1 about a ycar and a half ago. Soon after bis ru tireruent one of his late deputies, A. J. Brown, called at the department of justice with Congressman Bayne, of Allegheny City, and preferred formal charges ajrainst Hall. For some strange rcason Attorney-General Brewster refused to give Brown access to Hali's reporta or pay bis expenses while examinina court records for the purpose of ascertalning wbal fees had been charged and collected. Mr. Brewster kindly offeteS Brown the maguifleeut sum of Í1 5 per day to do tlils work, bat that wculd no pay half his necessary traveliug expenses Atttmpts to have the subject iovestlgateil l;;;v ever, was finally sent out by the departnient t examine Hall's books. He reported in hi statement to Mr. Brewster, without namldgth marshal, a shortage in his accounts of ove $153,000. Düring the nine years of Hall's scr viee he a littli; ever $180,000. Hi returns to the government only chow a ne coUection of only $33,00C. Mr. Cameron sak that possibly the marshal could account for $S0, 000 of the shortage. This, however, leaves toe overnment out to the extent oí $103,000 These facts have been known to the de' partment for nearly two years, Imt on account of hls prominent positlon Hall has beenjd'owed to go unpunlshed, and no steps have been taken to recover the ruoDey. Millions have been spent in hunting down star roufe contraclors and other alleged irauds, and this, because oí ilsgrcat boldness, has been leit for mne years. Brewster Cameron was oompelled io resign on account of his rrcklessness in inentloulng the case at all. It is thuught that 1 be conETi'Ssional invest gation which is to be made, will force the governntent to at least go through ttie form of briugiug a suit again6t i f ;i 1 1 coiNGif iï, st ?rnAirr; Jakuakt 9. - Senate. - A resolution was of fend iuhtruetiim the commltteeon foreiaii aflegislatura ns will enable tht executive to protect our intcrests agHinst tr-ose govtrninents which havo prohiblted or restratned tb lmportatiqn of Ainericiin meats. The rcsoiutlon went over until to-morrow. The chair laiil be furc tht; a commuulcation recommend in:: an inert ase of the appruprtatlona for the Crow Indlans f rom ÍC5,U0J to Í9 i,(KX). A petitl.mol 21,000 ex-soidiers of Kansas was presenta!, for establishment of a soldiers' home in that state. House -A resolutiou was introduced directiuu, the committee on foreitm affairs to inqulre Into the facts as to the exclusión of American hogproducts from iortiim countrios, and report, by bill or othenvise. Adopted. Mr. Koeecrims rrported hack a uumber of bilis to equalize boumieF, with recoinniendation that t.hey be referred ro the committee on pension?, buuuty and bark pay. A bil! was rep irted to remove certatn burdens on tl:e Americttn merchant marine, and to eneourage the American foreign carrying trade. Referred. Jakuart 10- Sexate- Mr. Dawosof Maseachusetts Introduced a i)ill . providing for the crjation of a postal t-h'j:rnph c:niu:im in--" direction of rhe postdür flepanmciltr The t'stublishmeut ot postal te'.egraph offices iiiivugiiuuL Hicxjuibua ctni.eií, uiHi Tii'j trauömissiou of correspoudence from sueh officts. Mr.'Sawycr of Wisconsiu one to prohibit the mHilins of newspapers containing lottery adverlisruents. Petitions wtre presented from ex-BOldiera ad ailors aEking for gracts of lirnd ; írom G. A . K . pos! s asking for the pas8Bge of a bill repcaling liiuitations in arrearagesof pi'usions; asking that the üklahoma luud in Indian territory be opencd to eettlement; from the G. A. R. in Alichigau asking furlher awardb of lands lo ex-soldiers ; froin ex-soliiiers askit; for the opeuing of the Sioux resirviition. Mr. Voriiees introduced a bill to rquallze the bouutits of soldiers, the same be iug a bill passed by Congress nine years ago butvi't'K-d by President (irant. Mr. 51111er of New íork , presented a resolutiou urglng the Liiactmcnt of a law to carry lnto eflt-ct the reconmendatlOD made bythe cattle comnüaslon for the eitinction oí pluro-pneumonia. Mr. Vurhces offered a resolution direetiug the secretary to iuforna the Senate of the number of soldiers of the late war who servedone, two. or three years, the amount of bounties paid eaeh, and, ttífc amount of money uecessary to equalize tbr bountii's cf thotc who Eervcu in eald war. Consideratiou of the rules oceupied the remaindur of the session. Bouse.- Mr. Clanlv, of Missouri. ■' s'.vi.m iuto office. Mr. celmont, bl New Yor!;, introduced a resolutiou looking to iuvestigation into alleged custom frauds. Mr. Hewiit, of New York, offered a resolution asking lor legislation to prevent the under-valuation of foreign goods. Mr. King, of Louisiana, offered a resolulion for the immediate appropriation of $1,000,000 ior Mississipi River iinprovtments. Reíerred. Mr. Woii!, oí Indiana, asking the Secretary of the Treasury to iuforrii the House of the status of the i;old and silver certiüeatis. Mr. Lamb, of Indiana, introduced a bill fixing the hours of laborera of the government. Aftcr the transüction of other business, of minor imporiance, the House adjourned until Monday. Januaky 11. -Sexate- Senator Van ft'yck of Nebraska, as a memher of the Mississippi river committee, submitted a joint reso lution approprlatiug' 81,000,000 to continue improvetnents on that river, which, p.fter debate, as amended to eive it the forin of the bill which passed. Mr. Cali oí Florida introducid i bill providing for the establishment of a universal medical college at the national capital. The bill approcriates SI, 000,000 for a perpetual t-ndo'vmrnt for Balarles', and Í1H0,000 for the purehase of a site and the 1 :iou of buildlDcs. A'l ohoolsare to be rejiroentcd. Mr Edmuuüè tuLroiluccd a bill providing for the relief of the survivors of thedfannette; and Mr. Cali one providing for the establishment of postal favlngs.bnnks. The Utah qupstion was broueht up aud lifcuseed ai areat length. The discussUm of the new rulrs was resumid, and after a lengt.hy debate tlicy witp adouted, when the Senate adjournnd "" Ml Moi'tlnj, Tae House was not in session. Januaky 14 --Senate- St. Louis pork i ackers pctitiou forre.taltatory protection in the exciostun of American pork (rum Geruiauy and trance. Mr. Cali oí florida iutrodneed a bill for the ri'peal of all laws pruiiibtt-ing (neluns to' United Statt soldier without proof of loviiltv. Mr. Coekrell of SlUsnori iifft-red ti resolution directing the heert-tury of the treasury to inf-rni the Remite ot the amoant of gold coin and liullion deposlted in the triasury and sub-tn asurles, wblch lias been taken in exehange for filver ccrritirait s Arct-d to. The Senate now pnreeded to the eltction of h president pro tempore; Senator Hi-ury B. Autl.ony óf Rhode I-land was eiected, out. declioed becanse oi ' tüi' siateof trto healtn. Gforge F. Edmonds i ui Vi rniou!. was tin u uomiiMted avd elecu-il. , Mesaages uiv neeived írom the nrectident Concernins the nieut with certain treedmen of laiiilsiu the Oklahuma districtj ior the relief of Mission Indiana in tl. e state of California, au J au istimate of $3.000 for the survey of )anis purchawd fróm Creek Iudinus tor the use c f the Seminóles. Housb. - A number of bilis wcrc introduced, h: following beiug most important. Une to encapen railroad transí ortyti-m. aldtid by the isftte of nverriincut bouds; for the reort'anizatiou ofUuittd States iufautry ; ior the establishment of a departnicut. of commerce; for the i'igunization ol national banking asociations, the circulating eurreiicy to be purchased by gold aud silver; to repeal the civil service act; for the retirement of the trade dollar; fnr thsjepeaTol the law prohibitíug ex confedérate foldlers terving iu the Uui'cii States aimj ; to aboiish postage on newspapern 'to authorfee national banEs iu villagcs of less than 20,000 inhabitants; tomakeloans on real estáte to the exteut of the capital stock; to admii free of duty wood pulp, lumber, wood and salt, and another, to place eugar and molasses on the tree list. Adjourned. Januahy 15- Senate. - Petitions were presentM] frr.meitiziusof Kansas asking for wornan suflraiie, and from citizens of Minnesota prayii'g that colonists' f.'.miliee be perrnitted to lay out vlllages on public lands. Mr. Vin Wyck of Ncbraska iutroduced a bill providing ior a ri'duction of on the Union and Central P.tciflc railroads. Mr. Plumb oí Kausas iuirouuccM a resolution concerning the rihts ol dlíCMvery in Brazil mudr by citizena of the United States, and for infurniation as" to what oteps can be taken to make thebeneli's of these ii-c ivtrys prnürable f o our commercial and sbipping interests. The exclusión of ican pork f tirnlslied the subject of further de bate, and the Seuate. adjourned. Hocse.- Mr. Morrison, froia thif ways and means committee, introduced a re6olutloD concormng the colleetion of the whiskev tax A askmc for Information or investigatton of food adultcratioo, revenue fiauds, naval affalrs, stai rou'e frauds, river and harbor improvemcnts and various otlicr raatters. A mlnorit.y renor ?fnte-mtz?Lln l'orter hm was snbuiittcd Mr. Villl of Kcntuoky, chairman of the com mittce on rivers and harbors, reported a bilí appropriatiug $1,000,000 for the ol improvements on the Mississippi. Tlie House went intoeouimittee of the whole for its discnsslon of which occupied the remainder o( the tensión. GKNfiRAL n'EMSi. Bridget Cronin sued Rcv. F. MeCarthy, a Brooklyn priest for $30,000 damages for 'ah leged assauit. The jury gave Bridget stx cents Hou. Hnnry B. Payne, Democratie nomlnee for Senator from Ohio, has receivèd numerous potittons asking him to dteline the romination. Henry B. Payno, the Democratie nomince for United States Senator froni Ohio, Wás elected without any oppositiou, the Republieans voting blank. A Toroato dispatch of the 9th says two feet on the lcvl, and in many placee the drifts were over slx feet high. Tt„ eftïotk umuiiuj uf iliu orillnation of Cardinal McCIosky was celebrated In New York on the 12th lust., with all the pomp and circumstanees of the most joyous festival of the Catholic ehurcl). k Application has been made to tho Dominion parliaiuent for an act to incorpo rate a oompany with power to construct a tun nel or tubular sub-way undcr the St. Clair river for railway purposes from Sarina to Port Hurón. The Ainerican hog can get into Canada for breeding purposes by remaining n quarautiPtt 21 days . at Prince Edward, and if ::c;ompMiel by a certifl cate that no disease exists at the hog's form er ftbiding place. The Columbus Fomale College, at Columbus, Ga., ha? bcpn ■ i ■Hrciv ', ttaau üu nr. The fire h&.i gotttn such headway when discovircd that it could not be controller!. About 130 young Jadies boarded in the buildna, all of whome.-caped. Tho wcstbound passenger tiaiü from St. Louis to San Francisco over the Texas and 'aciüc railway was wrecked near Weatherford the othcr murning, and about 75 passcagers njured, 23 scriously atd several fatally. A broken rail was tbe cause of the accident. During the terrible gnle of the 9 tb. nst., the bark Elmira was ehlp Wrecked pn he coast of Loug Be:vch, N. J. Not a soul of he 14 on board survivel to teil the terrible story and all that is kaown of the sii[erings of the brave men is gleaned from tue mersber of the life-saving crew C. D. Gilmore, a lawyer of Washingon, has begun suit against Cari Schurz, exSecretary of the Interior for the reeovery of !30u,00() damages for disbarrlng him froni iractice. The oJTense, whieh resulted in dis)arrment, was the allegen paymer.t of money aarJiniinti'v CtiKrüLaua Office, m a case n whieh Gilmore was interested. Jsire was diseovered in the peuitentiay yards at Stllhvater, Uien., on the niL;ht of anuary i)tu. -The englne rooms, aud the coopr and blacksmlth shops, the property of the Northwestern Car compauy were entlrely detroyed. The Stat; owned the buildings. The oss is about $119,000. The fire was douetless et by the couvicts in the liopj that they might scape. None of them succeedrd. William and Jchn Sherloek, of Howo sland, left Clayton, N. T., for home on foot. A snow storm carne on and they lust their way ndbtcame separated. John having become Zhausted, üug a hole in the snow and erept in. Next day he was found by soini: fkhermen of Griudstone Island in almost an unconsclous ondition and terrlbly fr.t-bitten. Hls feet nd hands droppcd off in tlie house. Search vas uiade for bis brotber, but without succees or eevcral days, when his body vïs fouud uried in the snow. The unveiling of the statue of Oliver '. Morton, Indiams's war goveruor, occurred n Indianap 'ils on the 15th inst. Speeches and thercxe'cises at the Opera House occupied he eafly part of the day, af ter whieji the asiinih'íiíín J to Cirolo Park, in thö oener of whieh the Bttttue s placed The monument was envelopcd in the udtional eoiors. The ord releasing the same and revcaling the tatue was placed iu the hand of O. P. Morton, l)eai-old grandsou ot the Senator, and at siïiial was drawn by the child, when tbe olors feil and thn ktatue was ( xfxjsed to Ufe aze of the throng. The statue is of brorzi', ud wcii;hs 2.100 pounds. y The figure la eight eet four Inchi e bigb, resting on a bronze base x iuehes hit;li. The pedestal is of granite, ight feet high. The statue was deeigned and executid by Frauklin Simiuons. The monu[ïeut cust $lá,5Kl, Byerr eest of wULcu is pniJ, the mopev havingbeeu popular eub.BOrtptlOD.' Brinton Station, on the Pennsylvaniá Kuüroatï, eight miies tRt of VittfcbTiigb, was the BCsne of a terrible accident the other evtnIng whieh rceulU-d in lustantly küüng two mee and serlously injuring five othf rs oue of whom has slucc died. AU day a large totea of men hal been employed on the flttíburgh División of the Penusylvania Kailroad cleanaj; now from the track. At a nut just cas t of Brinton forne firteen or twent; men wefe' engaged, wlun au aecommodation train ?ufldrir!y roundtA the bend at Br uton, and beiore all the inen could get out of tbc cut they were run down The train was etopped as quiekly as possible and baeked to the Fcene of the accident, whtre a terrible tight met the gaze of passengers and trainmen. The dead anddying were scattered along the track for flfty yards. The bodles of two men were found badly mangled and life already extinct. Fivc othera were badly injured, and oue has since died ihe hospital. The names of the kille J ars not koown, as the men had only been engaged thac morning, and were oot even known to their fellow workmeu. m V.ox. Hondle) V Inaugurailon. Tho ceremonies of the. inanguration of Ohio'ü new governor took place in Columbus on the 14 inst , and were of thequiötestdeserip tion, there beiue no mllitury pump or iiplay. The Duckworth and Jeffereon clubs of CiDclnnatl, and tlie Jackson club of Payton, were the; most notable features. Gov. Hoaily's 1 addres3 was short and pitliv. He complimented the people on honesty In voting, stating i x the oniy ujuLiioa to assure narty success is to identlfy party interests with tlie general good. He deprecated the laxily of the divorce laws and condemned the infanitj dodge to escape criminal punlshmeul. Ho rccominends the creation of an advisory board of pardone; also that the tax be removed from spiritual mediums, on the grounds of religlous convictions beingrespectcd. He advised a reduetlon lu the number of common plea.5 judies anl approved the fee BYntem In the offices of populous and wealtby couuties. He considers Ohlo's posilion as the "Ootobc stat'.',"' hurtfu!, causing expense, iocouvenience and possible ccrruption. The liquor question was treated very fully. The gpn rnor thiuks the Scott law ought not to bc rin'a!i;d,butftJviti'6grncluntion(if taxationand the wilhdrawal of the power of municipal prohibitlou as au amendmeut. On the civil rights question he eaid If danger in Ibis direction eiist legisl'ition ebould be provided, not discriminatinij between white oud black, but furnishinu the sarac relief ágainst the same wrong to both. Góv. Hoadly concluded by in i ínci-re as eervants alwuys look to their master fur direction. DESTKttriU. O- IIircOASI. Miliioiis of Dolíais Worlli cf Property Destroyod. Toe gale which swept along the Atlantic coast ou the Otli iust. was almoet unprecedented in its fury, and the aniouut of property destroyed. At Long Brar.cb a portion of the pier was destroycd and the pavlllion wreekcd. A bridge on the Philadelphia & Long Branch rallroad was washed away aud travel s'.opped. Coney Island suffercd ternbly, and it was fcired that a tidal wave niigbt Eubmerge it. Water flooded the ineadows; the marine railway between Mauhattan and Brighton beaches was deetroyed; Culvcr's lion pitr was partially wrecked ; the oíd iron pier suffered much ; all the houses nnd sheu3 nearest the beach were entirelv or partially demolisheJ, and bathlng JuiU-fiíifl hftHiwrnd i ba a qif ilistance froin the water wtre ewept out to sea. The Brigtton Beach hotel was so badly damaged that a seeond visitatión of the wind would destroj It. At Atluntic City, N. J., the gale earrlcd out to sea boarding housee, stores, dwelllDgs, bath houses and other buildings. Howards pier is more than half washed away. Much damage was done to the South Atlantic City and West Jersey railway?. On the same day New England was deva6tated by the worst gale knsvn for years. Telegraph wires were blown down in all direclion. In western Vmnont it blew 70 miles an hour. At Castletoc, Vt., a hotel roof, 80x100 f eet, was blowu off, uncovering 30 Blfieplng hoarders. As it ft-11 it cut one building in two and eeriously danaged twoothers but fortunately no one was hurt. A tract four miles wiiïe, in the valley Irom the Green Mountains toLakc Champlain, was devastated. Atjlutlanil, Vt., the roof of ttit; Baptist chureb and the spire of the C'ongregational churct were blown away, Ecwral barns demolished, and a nurnlx-r of houses damaged. At Northamjiton, Mass., at 0 a. m. the cjclone was aecompauied by rain, and after the rainfall the st.reets were found corercd with email öshes. At Keene, N. 11., several ucres of standing timbcr were blown dowu. Changos of 55 degrees in tcmpcTature in UI Uours are reported irom several points.. The gale along the coast especial!}' the Cape Cod and Maiuecoasts, must haye caused nuaierous disasters. The wind Ulew from 54 to 00 miles an hour. Vessels were beached at Briítol, Provmeptovn, Chatham, Cape Elizabetb, Whltehead, etc. Portland harbor is full of wreckage and when full reports are received of lifc and property lost, the story will surely be a terrible one. The sebooner Etta Nutting is reported gone down with all on board, and from all aJongtlie Malse toost imknown vessela are reported driveu on the rocks. At Caíala a'warm rain optned the upper 8t. Crolx rlver, and uniese a cu!d suap intervenes a fre6het is imminent. Jn nortberu and central New Eugland the raiu was a deluge, but the gale less severe. Three flshiug schooners were wrecked n th harburof Portsmoutb, N. H., 20 coasters lost anch'ors and entered the port of refuge; cr.ews all saved. It In imposslble to estímate the dainsge, but it must aggregate mlllioni. THHOlfiH I'IKK. ■iiialHl PaMenffers Killet! and a Number More or lis liijurcd. A fltl'öam oí Wrratc oil íl.winüf frorn & txnk aeioss the Bradford, Burdell t Kiuzira railway, cauttht ílre a few moruiugs ago. In a few mypients after a pas3euger train for Brudford, Pa. , carne rushing along, and was immediately enveloped iu ñames, and the gas coming in outaot with the llrobox of the engine expiodcd; nm in an instant the whole train was olie nethiug maïs vt flxmes, and caldron of lire. The poMcnger coach was filled, a;nl the p&nic-strlcken oecapvnts were compelled lo jninp through the wmd'jws to a landiup; in the sno'. Ia a few mointjnts tbc passéjigér coach and baggage car wen; smoking rulos. Itisdefiuitely knovrn that three woim-ii were burned to death, but flveothrr pHsengensre so bi'üj' burned tha death Is onlj itticrstlonof time. Slxteen other persons are bally injureJ, bat it is though not fatally.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News