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w royal waj li lliiJS"!-T'tL'oii fp5i POWOIR Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varios. A marvel of purlty, strengthand wholeHomenesB. Moreecouomlcal than the ordtnary kiuils, nd punnot besold In oompetition with the mullitude ol low test, slioU weight. aluin or phospliate powdprs. Sold only Ín can. Royal BAXINQ Powdkr Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. WON DER FUL Vittf CURES OF JJJjJ KIDNEYDISEASES (Jj v AND Q I IVFP QIVIPI AIMTJg. lí Because it nrts on the I.1VKIÏ, BOWEL8 and KID.NKÏS at the nm time. Becaose it oleamos the ystem of th poisonoua humor that developo ia Kiduey and Urinary Diaoaaee, BiliouBaeaB, Jaundice, Conat iption, Pilca, or in Baeumatiflin, Neuralgia, Nervous Piaordera and all Female Complaiats. (WüOLID PKOOF OF TUIS. rr wra sutiklt ctras CONSTIPATION, PILES, and RHEUMATIÓM, By oaualnx FBKE ACTION of aU the orK&us snd fiinctiouB, tliereby CLEANSING the BLOOD restoring the normal power to throw off disease. , THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forma of these terrible diwiwi! have been. quickiy relieved, and in a short time % PBRFEOTLY CURED. PRICE, 1. LiqilD OR DKV, 80LD BY DRt COISTS. . m ■ Dry eau be sent by mail. WELLS, ETCHAKDSON Sl Co., Buriiiurton, Vt. 3 b-j.d Uiiip for D.ry Almuc for 1M. : Lio i jj-hj wHïïUt A mil JQiiin ' imiiiiiinimifriiiiiitiiiimiiiiii mini A 1imimv gnrnriaB it w,i t' ílr. A. lí. Norton, oí lïristoi. cottn., nitti .nnuit'iHnui pt him on Uis feet, and seiit lihn cíieettiüj}ahout liis huxüiess. Lft ln ' los ovni janry : "Atxnit thret wfís ago l iras taftaii itli a Mevere crick iu tlíu !i;n. Fdt u ff tiu5"B 1 VU uuttbte to tiu'ii iu ■■I v.M4 Uii'.M.d wlieu I; : i . ■ 1 D) couiu ii' t Ktalxl un no' X wuh in liKnl to tvy Atb liwboboó. alter a& tí iHiat reiiiertU-H ftútecL Iu Ju iiiimitt- aiter t.iíi ílip trM Aíse I couHl l)ear my vcVbt iíou mi1 fett. In U'.-o dayfl I wa8 ul'le to K-t ;tJ " ;1 ulul atteiui to ixviDeHH. in two oíIht caires ludí have cowö to uy 1; i ' ' !- 1 k-'' ita line bao beeu Htteuded wKh fce ame resïitts." A jx)or man in 111 í Litlol [J lia -1 iarl to borros a dolUir t Ixiv a bo(tíc-(X Anuopuonos. Ou lU'couut, of hla ]overty lils muiïtirfnai1. rft 'lm a'i'.rt. bad auffered i -.'iTlUüiy rrun Kb uía.ism. Hegratefully wibos: M I toa! my fijst Tuesday aftímoc, )Kl en Vfnrtniwiln . attor biil hcjjj doss, I Uíd ■jot a hari or .-vero aclv Vtft. Tho I mlwtwl Uje fkse ooeJialt hikI toot the reimaêiiier of fce Utle. I m aJ k? ti I fteticíy r. wcirt ta Soíuniity, w!kjj I t .!, a Mwero t'ial aod wnit mu. ïJL ►' owmy 1' 'I lml. I pvtiait fttn 'I iur fcti íiuj nr be!,, i f,nid rl. "ni medicine ia iU ycMi ctara Xor ft." inve.stitraieA-niuinioiwjeaiiywipie; Fiml all the feuk jroa diose wiüi i ! aod Tet tlie faet reniains, tliat k is dong wiwtt n;) otlier melicinc ever couKl de fnr Itiumatism nni Neuralgia. If you c:innot Ret, Athlopbchosi of yoiir drupglst, we wlll send It expresa pakl. on ncelpt of regular prtce- onf dollar per bott le, Waprefer that tou buy it Hom your drugglst, but 1( h hAüu't It, do not be prrsunrlril io try soinethluf else, bat order at ouce noui us as dlrted. ATHLOPHOROS CO., H2 WU.L ST., MLW HUI. Infanís and Children "Witliont Morahine or Narcotime. VThnt rívps onr ChiSIrea rnsy c'hppks, wht cures tlieir levers, inalwa tbeitleep: 'Tls frutoria. Whon BáblcR fret, and ory liy turns, waet áurea thelr cL', kíllí 'thelr wormn Unt C.istoria. quickly curfi r'onsíipfltinn BourStomach, C'oTds, Indlestíoii .Ii".Lf'ils'"''Farowell theu to AlorpJiice Rrr&TM Oeator Olí and Pai-eporlc, and ' UaiUiMoiiii. Cgntaur Liniment.- a,. ai,. olute cure for Rhenmatism, Sprains, Eras, Calis, &c, and an imitan tanoous Pcin-rcliever. Thelr iName Ís Legión. I-cgions of people liave had thelr Uves maile miserable by Piles. Tbis painful difllculty is often inducecl and always ajrgravatert bv Constipation. KiclneyWort is tlie groot ïvmedy tor all alïections of this kind. It acts as a geñFTe catliartic promotes a bealthy action of the bowels and soothes andheals the inflamed surfaces. It has cured hundreds of e.ases where all otlier remedies and applications have failed. SoKl by all dsoggMr. The cost of stopping a train of cars is said to bc from forty tosixty cents. "Wlien the train is stopped by another train, these prioes become somewhat tnllated. Fittcd out for the Season. Diesses, cloaks, coats, stoc.kinjis and all Kiirll'cnts can be colored successfully with the Uianioiul Uies. Fashionable colors. Only 10 cents at druggists. Wells, Kichardson & Co., Burlintfton, Vt. A western paper declares that New Enpland girls lose thelr freshness vcry rapidlj'. No such charge can be made against the boys. When the average conclemned m arderer goes to heaven, we suppose it is notiinproper to say that lie is roped in. Why is a lad who has successfiilly crawled under the circus tent like a celebrated character in the ''Arabian Niglits?" ISecause lic is a-ladin. - Life. Aycr's Hair Vijfor improves the beauty of the hair and promotes its growth. It Imparta an attrnctlve nppearance, a deliglttful and laítir.g perfume. While It Itlmulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and adds elegance to luxuriance, its effect are cndiiring; and thus it proves itself to bc the best and oheaput article for toilet use. Ohio haa 15.000 octogenarians. Oliio men are bound to live till they get an office. 11(1111 Die n the Uouso. " Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, rouches, bed-bugg, tlie, anw, mole?, chipmonks, gopher?. 15c. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News