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A cailUon dobter s like lircpelies torn n tliu - wantg a rc-:8!it. - Lite, i Why i :i loaf of bread like tlic stn? Bornuse it a light when it risos. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinginfr irritatlon,lnflaiiiination, all Kidncv und Uriiwry Complain's, CU red ly " Í$ucliiiiiiiba." $1. The proper place t'or uiuliessod klds s n llic Duth tub. Kiil''s of Xine Vears. "I tlihik the givcr of all gooil gifts" w rites J. N. Marshall, of Gmilby, Jíewton C., Mo,, "for ffiviiif; me Snmuritan Ncrnnf. It cu red my dautghter's epileptlc lits, of i yeare standing." Get at drnggfott. .$l.-)0. A dUayreable Klrl- Aun JIosity. - Warsaw Wiigp. A simkc 'm tlie rrass - Anua Cooda. - Obtengo Sun. On the lookoul for a Inishand - Anua Mate - Oold Leaf. Ahvays equal to tlic enieregency - Ada Quatf. - Lincoln (N'eb.) Capital. té veryDoay xnows it. When yon luive the Itch, Salt Kheuni, Oállx, or oklrí Kruption of any kind, and the Piles, til t you knnw without being told of il. Eberbach A Son, the Driis;gists, will sell yon Dr. Bo:inkn's Pile Wemedv for 50 cents, which aft'ords inmediato relief, and is a sure cure tor eitiier of the abovc di-east'sf "Doctor, mv daujrhtei' sceina lo be retling blind and she i just gelting ready lor her wedding. Whatever wlll he doy" "Let her go on by all means; if aiivlhinji can O en fier e.ves marriage can." Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most potent blood purIHer, and a fountain oí' health and slrriigth. Be wise in tiini". All panefill infeclions are promptly removed by tilla uncijiialed alterstive. Everytliinr was going wrong in the house. Mrs. l'amsbotliain .aid she should dismiss them all "at Olie feil soup.'' 'Tm not," shc added goinjr to allow niy ser Tanta lo ride ellpahocl byer me. - Punch.ITairg Oatarrah Cure, is taken elernally It acts directly upon the bood and Cbi mucoi8 surfaces of the system. Pit'" 7 cents. Por sale by Kberbach v t"-1 "I say Jenkins, can yon teil n. youne tender chicken from an old, tough one? "Of course."''Well how?" "By the teeth. "Chickens have noteet.h""Ves,but I have.' 'Good morning." Will be mailcd CDCC1 a" applicants and to customtrs of last rnEE ycar without ordering t. It contains illustrations, priccs, descriptions and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Plants, etc. Invalnahle to all. aMTERRYSCO-WcJ,. ins-gs e n rT0K_SALE ! jq A LITTLE FARM OF 56iACRES ! .lust sou th of the city limits. Rlch soll for raislug garilea truck. .mmI II. mis, . Barn auil Slieds. Apply to W. V. WHEDON. Sëg &c., se y lsooiwl M DRU5 STORE, A "P HPORT OF THE CONDITION - or tue- AM ARBOR SAVIKGS BANK, AT ANN ARBOU, MICHIGAN, At til e close ol' IhiIm., VToiiday, Jan. i h. A. It. I ss I, Made in nccordance with Sections 18. 19, nnrt IÏ7 of the Queral lianklng Law as ameuded in 1871. RESOURCES. Loans and Dïcoiintei $234,529 34 Bond and MortKat'" ]81.46H (i9 U. S. regifltered 4 ptr cent. Bundö 11,400 00 Overdrafte 134 32 Furnitiiri and Fixtures 1,1130 85 Revenn Stamps no 00 Due frora Nutlonal and State Bank 81.314 16 Sllver Coin, Nlckels and Pennies 2,052 51 Legal Tender, Bank Note and Gold cuia 41.033 00 Total ;.„„„.. tMi,rm M I.IABILITIÍS. Capital Stock $M),o6o 00 SurnlU8 Fnnd ' „.„ 25.000 00 ündivideri Proflis „ 13,389 94 Jan. Dividend _ 3,028 00 Duo Uepooitors 4(13,145 % Total $584.51)3 DO I do solemnly swear that ttie above statement is trut', to the beat ol my knowlrdpe and belief. C11A8. E. HISCOCK. Cashier. Snbscrihi'd and sworn to before me, thls '!d day of July, 1H8.S. ADAM D. SEYLER. 11777Sotary Public. ÜBPORT OF THE CONDITION -OF THE- FARMERS' l WMS Ml AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close ol" Bulne Jan. 7, 1881. Made in aecordnnce with the General Banklug Luw of Michigan. KKSOrilCES. Ijnrannd DUcounts $107,116 (9 Overdrufts „ 248 08 Kuiulture and Kizlures 8,377 00 Expense 150 00 Checks and othcr Cash Items 1,317 5B Dae from Banks and Bankers 8:.3O7 16 Legal Tender and Bank Notes 7,31 IS (X) Houds, U. S 8,500 00 Hondw, Local K85 III Piemiunion t'. S. Bonds 51J0 Í5 Í157.538 (il LIABILITIES. Ciipllal pnld In _..$ 50,000 00 HurplusFuud 66 30 I'roüt and Los „ :in 19 Due Depositors 104 4M OH Divldeuds unpald 4,500 00 tl 57 8 64 I dosolemnly swear that the ahove tatenii'Mt is trun, to the bCHt oí my knowlcdge and belief. William A. Tolcuard, Cashier. 8ubscribed and sworn to before me, luis i elghth day of Jannary, 1834. 1 Wm, W. whedox, Notary Public.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News