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Probate Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countj of Wasbteu' se. ,, AtaseBslonof the ProbateCourt fortheConnt) m Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office. In t heelt? of Ann Arhor, on Thnreday. ihe thir eenth clav "j December in tne year onu tbousand elght hnrdro i aud eighty-three. Preeent, William D Hammnu. JlrFthl ÏÏÏtwr'of theeetate of Joseph Schnabel deceased. On rending and flllng the Petluon duly verifled, of Paul Sctauabel Pe thi' he may be llcensed to ell the Real Estáte whereuí eaid deceased died setzed. . Thereupon ït 18 ordered, that Satnrday, the twelfth day of Janunry neU, t ten o cljtfi In the foreSoon. be Msiepeá fortheheannir oi''i petitlon, and that the helra at law of said d ceaeed, and all oiher persons lnterested insaid e tate.are required to appear at a eeseion of said cour . then to be holden at the Probate üffice.m the city'ii Ann Arbor, and show canee. If any th re be, woï the prayer of the petitloner should not be gnitted. And it Is further ordered, that said netitiuofr glve notice to thepersons interested in said e?ta". of the pendency of said petition, and the hearim. thereof. by cansinR a copy of this order to be punllshcd in The Ann Arbor UourUr, a newspaiier printed and circolated in said county. three 0J 8ive weekfl previons to said tlay oi hearine. (A [nK copy.) WILUAM D. UARK1MAN, w ' Judire of Probute. WM. G. DOTT. Proht Reüister. 1174-11.SU KOI! THE BUTTER CRACKERS! Stamped wlth a "V." None genulne willi out it. Made by "'"■ 8 Bj C" Br ' tl T & VAIL & CRANE, DETROIT, - MICH.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News