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Fourteen-iiich Ice UU season. peaclies ure tüought to be safe so kt. ____ Sunuay"s sim injured sleighing som en' hut. __ , . . Another 'possuui supper is reported for next week. __ . . . .i x.irríage uiay b; expected in tlie fouitlt y':'Td npxt week. A chauge ot tiine on tiie Toledo t. Arm Arbor road last Suuday. An tomate ot the uouuty house, Jane Goud ing, dien MonUay night. Tlie R. W. F. dancing club give a Germán tliis eV6liin at the residenee of Dr. Douglas. Quite i number f rum Ypsilanti were in attendanee at tlie I. O. G. T. meeting last Tuesday night. In Rev. R. Steele's absence in Detroit last Sunday, Prof. Olney tilled tlie Presbyteriau pulpit. Evart II. Öcott atteuded the Detroit meeting of the State Fair Association Tuesday aud Weducsday. The Rt. Kev. Bishop Harris will offlciate at St. A.ndrew'8 .Episcopal Churcli on Sanday next, luoruing and evening. In the absence ot Kev. Kyder, who was in Grand Ranldssuuday, a minister froin Chicago occupietl Urn o'ongregationul pulpit- m The Toledj lus a new time table and uow runs three daily trains each way. Tluough coaches run trom Toledo to Port liuron. Froin Arizona papers we learn that Rev. William George is actively entering upun his misaion.iry work al Globe, iu that territoiy. At tlie meeting of the Grand Chapter ot Koyal Arch M.isons in Detroit, Wednesday, Ben. Watts was made Grand Captain of tlie Ilost. The city's loos by tire iu 1S83 was #9,4üO, uf wliicli $7,300 was covered by insurance. The lire departm;nt was called out thirteen times. -- 73,884 bushels of wheat were marksted during December at ten milis in this county. This leaves about 3U per cent. iutue lanners' hands. On Thursday, in the case of Ambrose Kearney vs. Martin Kyun, a jii-iginent on detault was rendered tol $BÜ1.77. Court i'ljourned to the 19th inst. Persons to wliom premiums are due fruin the Was'itenavv County Agricultura] Aísoeiation, inay secure the s.ime from tlie treasurer, Mr. Hcnderson. John Llndenschmídt still has the insti uments ioruierly belouging to the city band. Jle has dispaaedot' the suits, caps, ponches, etc., to the Saline band. At tlie Observatory during November tlie highest registry of the thermometer was 64 ; the lowest 8' ; and the average 39;. The rain-fall was 2.72 inches. AikI now the news comes that our city' recorder C. J Durheim, was married over a month ago to Miss Annle Beattie. The ceremony was by Rev. V. Hall, Dec. 13. At the meetings in Noble's hall next Suiulay afternoon and evening the temperance people will have a full consideration of tiie doings of the JacK-son conventiou last week. The remainder of the 'm. B. Kelly & Co. stock invoiced at $5,500. It has been jmrehased by L. D. Al ley, of Dexter, at CO cents on the dollar, aud will be moved to that place soon. Bro. Stak, of tlie Saline Observer , tlilnkK tlie students must live on rice in view of the recent shipment of 23 barrels f'f tlie game, consigi:ed to oue of our grocerymen, direct from New Orleans. A.F. Hangsterfer & Gu. have this week Boklied their ice cutting for the senson, putting Iu three tlioiuand tons. By the way, they are the proprietors of the new X. L. Vienna Bakery " just opem-d p. During the month of December, 1883, Ihi! marshal paid amouuts out ot the poor fiwda8 folio we: Fiit ward, $31; second Ward, $15.06; third ward, $3á.4Ü; fourth ward, ?a.öi; lifih ward, $21.J6; sixth ward, $2.72. H. C. Maikliam, Secretary of the Southwestern Michigan I3eekeeper' Assciation, infornis us that their aunual ■Weting will be held in Adrián, Wednesll, January 23d, begiiining at 10 a. m. AH are urged to at'.end. At the annual election of the Ann ArW Agrlcultural Co., Monday forenoon, 'enry Cornwell and A. L. Noble were p'Wted as directors. The company last mrdid $20,000 more business tban dur'"gthü precedingyear. Tilomas Clancy, Jr., about fourteen mrs of age, Wu8 genteneed by a Saline ' 'to ihirty days confinement In the c"u"ty jail for iteaümr $15 last Friday Wjriioon from the money drawer of a "ne bllllard room. He was detected ie thlef by hls purchase of a watch " a jeweler in the place, offering in ÏÏrïS' Ule StOle" Cin W"ich WaS At the rue.sday s meeting of the county superintendeats of the poor, Dr. J. C. Darling was appoiiitetl county physician for the cnsuing year, nis proposal being $73 for serviet-s and medicines. Th ree olher propoaala were submitted, for $!, $135, and $150 respect! vely. Rev. Eduard Everett Hale, of Boston, Mass., will preach in the Unitaria chureh Suuday. He lectures Saturday evening in the same place on "Sp;iin.' Tickets for the lecture may be procured at Moore's and at Osius's. Mr. Sunderland foes to Boston to supply Mr. Hale's pulpit. At the January meeting of the city council Mary H. Wade asked for $190 dauiagea, the saine to cover her loss by the precipitaron of a team of liorses and buggy belonging to her over an ungtiarded embankment, on Pontiac street, in the fifth ward. The petltion was referred to a special committee. While offeiing prayer at a meeting at the Baptist cliureh Monday afternoon Miss V. M. Green, aged Cl years, suddenly died from a supposed attack of Iieart disease. She has llved In this city tliree or four years. The remalns wure taken to Brockport, Monroe county, New York for interment. Tuewlay night, at the meeting of the Keek Manufacturing Co., the following persons were re-elected directora for the coming year: W. D. Harriman, E E. Beal, J. J. Eliis, L. Gruner, C. K. Hiscoek, A. V. Hamllton, and Moses Seabolt. The aunual report was presented, and showed an exceedlngly satisfactory condition of the company's affairs. The offleers of the Knights of Honor lately installul m Dictator, N. 3. Qiirlinghouse; vice-dictator, N. H. VVInans ; assistant dictator, L. Grun:r ; reporter, J. Q. A. Sessions; rtnancial reporter, Win. Arnold; treasurer, L.Q. Rlsdon. The Gnind Lodge will be held at Grand Rapids, Febmary 12, to which I. C. Handy was elected a delégate. There are said to be 130,000 members of this organization in the United States. ai a meeting ot the Arm Arbor Temperance Union, held Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected tohold' office three months : President, Scliumaeher; first vice-president, Mrs Lucy Q. Bourns; second vice-presldent, Win Corselius; secretary, C. G. Cook; treasurer, Dr. T. P. Wilson; chnplain, O. R. L. Crozier; sergeant-at-arins, Hiram Weeks; janitor, John McCarthy. The standing pnm.nitfpps wi Ue amioiinced at the next regular meeting. On the 8th inst., Company A elected as civil offlcers S. B. Revenaugh, president; Dr. G. A. Hondricks, vice-president ; W. W. Watts, seeretarv ; and C. E. Hiscock, treasurcr. C. M. was elt-cted quar termaster; 8. B. Rcvenaugh, S. Millard, F. Hoelzle, S. H. Culverand F. G. Novie, are the lst, 2nd, 3d, 4th and 5th sargeants, reapectively. The eight corporals, in order, are Chas. Grossinan, W. W, Watt, Geo. Milieu, Geo. Apfel, J. Kahoe, F. O'Hearn, H. Cole and VV. Wanzeck. At n meeting of Company A on Monday night president S. B. Revenaugh appointed the following standing commit ti-es : Finance, O'Hearn, Grossman, and Hendricks ; ways and means, Schuh, Watts, and Ilisock ; membership, Hiscock, Kiihoe, and Grossman; claims and HOOOIllltS, n'Brioil, IIiiclrU-U-c, mul W'ntt.'j uniform?, arms and equipinents.' King, Kahoe, and Schuh; rental of hall, Schuh, O'Brien, and O'Hearn. No definite action has been taken as yet concerning this spring's bazaar. George V. Cable, about whorn Boston and New York audiences have recently becorne eiitliusiastic, has consented to come to Aun Arbor In February, and give one of his readings. The readers of the Century have been charined with his frequent sketches of Creóle character, and for all he has opeued upa new vein of American life In fiction. It is now to be opportunity to hear hlm read his own writings In his own felicitous style. The Ann Arbor Bicycle Club we have to thank for this engagement, as )ie comes under their auspices. Preppratory to taking the State census next June, for 1884, the Secretary of State is sendingoutblanks to thecounty office thioughout the State. Tlie enumerators are appointed by the township boards and by the city councils. In each town orcity there will be but one enumerator, but the boards have power to appoint iissistants if deemed advisable. The enumerator's work is revie ved by the board, then by the county clerk, and if satisfactoi-y to theiD, the county clerk issues a warrant on the county treasurer for the enuinerator'a services. Tlie compensation will be $2.50 a day, and ome minor charges, guch as mileage, ete.. are allowed. A plan is on foot to have a tri-state horticultural meeting for Ohio. Indiana, and Mchigan, to be held next December. If it ík held in Michigan, Ann Arbor will probably be selected, as Hon. C. W Garfield, secretary of the State Horticultura! Society, has strongly recommended this place American Pomológica I Society meets in this State iu September, 1885, and Ann Arbor fniit-growers are working to have it liere. It would bring delegates from almost every State and from Canada, and would be a tlm; thing for the city that gets it. Kalamttzoo, Grand Rapids and Detroit want to have R. Another ineidoot of the war this week, recallcd for us not long since. Twenty years ago Christmas and the lst inst,, C. B. D.ivison w is stationed, with others of his company, on the top of the Cumberlund mountains, near the intersection of Vlrgliild, Kentucky and Tennesee. On New Year's the commanding ofHcer announced that he had twoturkeys which were to be given to the members of the ompany who should, blindfolded, come the nearest to hittiug a stake with a wheelbarrow, tlie person running to turn the barrow once around before starting. The race, in which every membcr of the company took part, furnished an infinite arnount of sport, the soldier who secured the larger turkey hitting the stake, and the next most successful competitor running some distance from it, for the lay of the ground was very deceptive, and a number of those in the race found thcmselves almost at the point of starting when they concluded they were ready for the removal of the bandage. We may be sure, however, that the day dld not drag slowly with such entertainment on hand; moreover, turkeys were a luxury then, for they were not so plenty there nor so cheap as in the holiday market of 1883'84. Next Thursday, Jan. 24, belug largely observed by churches as a day of special prayer for instltutions of learning, religious nrrlbet wltl be held o that day at the University chapel as followa: At 9 o'clotk a. M. (local time) a meeting tor conference and prayer; at 3 r. m. Professor D'OoSe will preach. The public are invited to both meeting?. The Cliequamegon Dramatic Club was orgnnized Mouday niglit and consista of thefollowingofficers: J. B. WillU, president ; Fred. H. Weir, secretary ; Homer A. Drake, treasurer; John Lindenschmidt, business manager; J. A. Harkins, stnore manager. There are some flfteen merabers counected wlth the club at present. They expuct to give' 'Robert Emmet" at the Opera House about February I4tl. The eleventh annuul meeting of the county superlntendents of the poor thiQughout the state, and the Board of State Charities will be held in tuis city F:bruaryl2, 13 and 14 at tliecourt house. Quite a ininiber of very Laterestlng papen ara in preparatiou. Amonf otlier, addregsen may be expected frora President Angelí. Judge Cheever, Prof. Olney, Rev. R. B. Pope and Dr. Wiison, of thig city. A large attendauce is expected from abroad. The program in full will beduly announced. " The moon will be up at 8:47. ' Pretty precise that, but it is understood when you learn that it carne a few evenings ince trom a prospective coaster. The Madisim street uill is a great resort Some pretty seriotis accidents are happening there, but the crowd doesn't seem to (liminish anj" il) JVtuulwr. Frklny nltlt Dwight Clieerer received a severe sliaking up, to gay the very least. U. E. Wiison, lit. '87, weut home with a sprained arm and a face badly cut. It i said a leg was brokeai the Ranie night, all from several sleds running one another. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have an offleer at the top of the bil] to see that the eleds go down at proper Intervals, so that accidents from collisions niight be avoided as far as possible.


Ann Arbor Courier
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