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Absolutely Pure. Thifi powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty.streugtliand wholesomeness. Moreecouomlcjil Miau the ordlnary kinds, and caunot besll In comretltlon wlth the multitud of low test, sim t weit;lit, aluin or pliosphate powders. Sold only In eans. Royal Bakino Powukk Co., 100 Wall St. N. Y. CAIN Health and Happiness. O DO AS OTHERS ; cr&otAT L H&VE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered? 'Kidney Wort bruught me from my ifrave, as it were, after 1 had been tfiven up by 13 beat doctors In Detroit." M. W. Duveraux, Mechanic, iuimi, Mi.-ti. Are your nerves weak? "Kidney Wort cured me from nervou weaknefw Ac, after I wns Qot expeeted to live."- Mra. M. M. B. Ooodwln, Ed. Ohristian Monitor, Cleveland, O, Have you Bright's Disease? "Kidney Wort cured me when ny water was just lik .huik and thcu Hke blond." Frank Wilson, Peabody, Mass. Suf f erine from Diabetes ? "Kidney-Wort is tïie most BUeeMtful remedy I have ever used. Glves olmost lmmeriiate relief." Dr. Phillip C. Balkra, Monkton, Vt. Have you Liver Complaint? "Kidney-Wort cured me ut chroiilc Liver ]isuann ■ 'Sgfwlrï'üteCoI. 09th Nat. Guard, N. T. Is your Back lame and aching? "Kidney-Wort, (1 bottle) cured me when I wasao lame I had to roll out of bed." O. M. Talluiage, Mllwaukee, Wis. Have you Kidney Disease? "Kidney-Wort mado me sound inlivcr and kidneys after years of unsuccesaful dfM-toring. lts worth $10 a. büx."- Buu'l Hodges, Williamstown, West Va. Are you Constipated? "Kidney-Wort causen easy pvacuations and cured mo 10 ycara use of other medicines." Nelson Fairchild, St. Albans, Vt. Have you Malaria? "Kidney-Wort has done better than any othor remedy I have ever nsed in my pracMce.aJVi y Are you Büious? "Kitlney-Wort has dóneme more good than any other remedy I have ever taken." Mrs. J. T. Galloway, Elk Flat, Oregon. Are you tormented with Piles? "Kidney-Wort pennanently cured me of bleediuf piles. Dr. W. C. KÜino reeommendeil it to me." Go. il. Horst, CashierM. Bank, Myentown, Pa. Are yoti Rheumatism racked? Wort cured me. after I was given up to die by nhysiciaiiH and Ihad stifTtreil thirty years." Llbridge Malcolm, W.t Batli, Maine. Ladies. are you suffering? "Kidnc-y-Wort cured me of peculiar troublea of severoi yeai'S standing. Many frienda use and praise it." ilrtt. H. Lamoreaux, Isle La Uotie, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take The Blooo Cleanser. ■■■■■■■■■■'■■HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWiiwiiim LsorPAIN KHW;KitWa and NEU11ALÍJIA hare tlmg enougJi riai riot in the human ■yacen. y x_orinonted tho hum:in fanilly and fl martina trrtffy fkcvjatlme out of meiuory fiinjtmn nn nu aahkyty aorihzüf. tlmiiuta, 3 fd -k. yuEtm ... musclca tuj rackwl AaBux&oKoa" is the enemy of lïheuma♦JBln and Heuralg-ia, FepUra tj. -Ir da-naji-es, renews "B Ifcort. uses the Joints, calmo uervea, sooths the inKl. ilvea re-t and iaco to V.x trouUed brahi, aud eutíiires 6tlitlKful leep. "AjHi.ooooi"!sar,('v reu edv, bnt lthas been Aoudaily Med Ftom far and ir ,-oine testllnoufefe fcoui x-kunwn peittMM vlx had Ion? been sutkeers. It bas t-.::-"e.: Iheir disutses out It has cud axn. 'l'hat sM.-and Uut U enouuh. "ATHLOfiORo.s" can do for you what it has ckie íat tin se sufferera. It can drive oot your Kheimurtisn anJ Neuralgia, and wiH do so if you gi re it a faU-trial. "AwtoMioos " hashv tUia time had such a Bood tl a over theoTOmtrj tbut Ita' truu work is knowo, od Ha truo aUaraoAr prox cd. u " AMiornoBos " trieaqs "Prlze-Bearer;" " VMor ; " " Couqueror" 1 1 carries olt the irize as Victo overtho utiacksof tlu-ce terrible uinladieff ■al Cowjd! at the frtKbtful agonía theirvic' ttms hfflwe e]red. Not a more tomporary rel'ef. Dut a permanent, ladmüig, aud triuinpuuit cure. If you cannotget AinLorucKOs of your drugglst, we win tena. Itexpres3pald, on rocelpt of regular prlce-on? dollar per bottle. We prefer that you buy ie from your druggist, but It he nasn't lt, do not be persuaded to try sometliing else, but order at ouce from ua as dlrected. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. ■IIIIIIIIHI" i n........j Infantsand Children Wltnout Brorrhine or Narcotlne. What glveg onr Chilclren rosy cheeks What cures thelt levers, maltes them sleep'Tls CastortaV' When Babies fret, nnd crv ly turas Wiiat cures their coliu, kills tlieir wórms. Hut Castoria. What quickly cures Constipntion Sour Stomach, Colds, Iuuigration' : Itnt ('astorla. Farewell then to Ulorphine Sj-runs, Castor Oil and Paieguric, and Hall Pastoría. Centaur Liniment.-, aft. soluto curo for Rheumatism, Saías, Boras, Galls, &c, and an instantaneons Paln-rellever. "D EPORT OF Ï11E CONDITION - OF THE- FARMERS' i MECHiKCS' HE AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At tlie close of Bnsinotw Jan. r, 1884. Hade Ín accordance wlth the General Banltlug JLaw Oí Michigan. KKSOURCES. joansand Discount $IO7 HO m verdrafts ík yg rurnlture and Flxtures ....'.".'.'.'.'."" 3 377 00 Krpenses. 160 00 liecks and olher Cash Items l.nn 50 Jae frora lianksanO Uanker 3-'3()7 16 egal Tender and liank Note 7 3"6 01) tonda, U. 8.. 3,oo 00 ionds, Local s5 (I Piemlum ou U. S. Bonds ." 530 25 $157,588 (4 LIABIIITIES. Capital pald Ín $ 50,000 00 Surplus Kund 0 G SU 'rofltand l.oss ;w 19 )ue Deposito i. 101 421 (Ki Divideuds unpaid 4,500 00 Í157 58 64 Idosolemnly swear that the above state ment Is true, to (he best of iny kuowlcdee and belief. Wii.ham A.Tolciiahi), Casliier. Subscrlbed and sworn to belore me, tlils lglith day of Jauuary, 1881. Wm. W. WHEUo.N.Notary Public.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News