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Miss Mary Scott is visiting her brother at Newark, N. Y. Chas. Uiclimond has returned home frota St. Louis, Mo. Miss Burkhardt, of Burlington, Mich. h visiting the Misses Stabler. W. W. Wines went into Detroit Tuesday to visit several days this week. Mis. Bently, of Detroit, spent several days in the city last week visiting friends. N. H. Winans attend the G. A. R. encainpnient meeting in Detroit yesterday. Barney Ooyle is visiting friends in the city. He registers trom Indianapolis, Ind. Mis. Amanda Wood, of Onondaga, Mich., is visiting her sister Mrs. Moses Seabolt. Frank Oalcott, of Albion, spent Sun(lay in the city. He was formerly cutter for N. H. Winaus. A. H. Herrón, city marshal In 187G was in town Saturday, looking after the Post aml Tribune mattere. Judge Haniman is a inember of the süiuding coininittee on jurisprudence for the Grand I.odge, F. & A. M. A brother of Erastus and George uen, wiio nas Deen visiting tuem a few days, left for home yesterday. James Seymour, stopping with his father-in-law, Wm, Thomas, the past two weeks, leaves early next week. Col.. Delos Phillips, of Kalainazoo, Stopped in the city Tuesday on hisway to the Detroit encampment of the G. A. R. Col. Dean, J. T. Jacobs and Chis. H. Manly went to Detroit Wodnoedoy moming to attend the State meeting of the G. A. K. Col. H. S. Dean was a uiember of the committee on Inspectora' Report at the meeting of the G. A. R. at Detroit tuis week. George Osius wentto Detroit this morning By the way lie expects to leuve about M.irch 1, for a three or four months trip to Europe. Mr. Treadwell, civil engineer on the Atchison & Topeka railroad, with headquarters at Trinidad, N. M., is visiting his narents and friends in this city. Ou dit, tliat Lew Hall is soon to be no longer among the ranks of eligible bachelors. A Miss Douglas, of Grosse Isle, is said to be the other tnterested party. Mr.James Broirer.who has been asslsting his brother-in-law, C. E. Wagner.the giocer, for the past year, leaves next week to accept a former position as engineer on the Wabash R. R. O. B. Davison represented Fraternity Lodge 202, and John Gates, Golden Rule Lodjre, F. & A. M.. of this nitv. at thi session of the Grand Lodge In Kalamazoo Tuesday and Wednesday. W. J. Booth, of Detroit, employed by the O-rand Councll of the State as State canviisser for the Royal Arcanuni is in the city this week. Six new applicants tot membersblp were considered Monday afternooii by the Chapter at this point.


Ann Arbor Courier
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