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Now is the time to buy cheap ! Entire stock marked clown tor 30 days omy. Prices reduoed frorn one-tenth to one-half on pictures, frames, brackets, easels, albums, etc. A large lot of cabinet frames at less than half price. Orders for frames subject to ten per cent. discount dnring this sale. All goods marked. H. Randall, suecessor to McMillan & Randall, 30 East Hurou st. Jan. 24, 1884. Notlce of Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm name of McMillan & Randall, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Randall will continue the business in his own name, and all bilis due the late firra are payable to him. DUNCAN McMILLAN, HERBERT RANDALL. Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 12, 1884. Having purcliased the interest of Mr. Duncan McMillan iu the above concern, I shall continue as heretofore at 30 E. Huron street. For the coming season I shall show an increased stock embracing all the novelties in Paper Hanging, Ceiling Decorations, Engravings, Frames and Art Goods. I shall endeavor to deserve a continuance of the regard which has been shown to the establishment. HERBERT RANDALL. Ayer's Pilis cure constipation, inipiove the appetite, promote digestión, ruslore healthy action, and regúlate every function. Tliey are pleasanl, to take, gentle in their operation, yet thorough, Rearching, and powerful in subduing ilisease. " Walk Blower, papa," cried the little girl, wliose short steps were no match for the strides of her inasculine progenitor; " can't you go nicc and slow like a policeman ? " ZST Diamond Dyes will Color Anything any color, and never fuil. Tlie easiest and best way to economize. 10c. at all druggists. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Sample Card, 32 colors, and book of directions for 2 cent stamp. UNIVERSITY HALL Sul urdfiy Ere, Jan. 26, Only Appearance iu this City of the World-rcnowned Prima Donna, MME. MUM HAÜK, Sapported by her OWN COMPANY of STERLING ARTISTS, includina M'LLE SAM, Contralto, (late of Adelina Patti's Company.) SIG. MONTEQRIFFO, Tenor. SIG. DE PASQÜALIS, Barítono, (late of the Scala Theutre, Mllnn.! mi. ('ii.uiiiiiM E. rií A i i , Accompanist and Organist, and MR. CONSTANTINE STERNBERG, Pianist and Composer. Grand State Concert and Opera. First Part.- Mlscellaneous. Second Part.- The Thlrd Act of Donizetti's Grand Üpera, Daughter of the Regiment ! ( In Full CoMnmes and Stage Sittlngs.) The Piano from Mcssr. Steinway & Sons. Carriagesat 10:15. Scale of Prices, Parquet, 75 ets. Gallery, 60 et. Keserved beats eau ue securcd withuut extra charge at the usual places. UliPORT OF THE CONDITION - OF TUK - Keek Furniture Co. Of Ann Arbor, Mich., on J-JLHSTTJIRSr 1, 1884, JTIade au required by law. KESOUKCES. Mdse, luraber.flnlshed and unünished work on hand,asperinventory.39,ii!i. 95 Real estáte WJ Maohinery and toóla. - # Book accounts .;" { Cash on hand w' 7'{ Total - W.837 25 L.IABII.ITIE3. Capital stock W.000 00 Surplu fund -- - }ff '" ' B11U payable at bank and for la.tBl Uh Total- ÜR837 25 We do hereby swear that the above is a correct statement of tlie condition of tilia eomPany" CHARLES E. HrSCOCK.-j W D. HARRIMAN, }■ Directors. L. GRUNKK, ) Sabscrlbedand sworn tobefore me this 18th day of January. IkENRy ,_ MANN Motary Public. At the last regular meeting of the directors of this company an aunual dividend of seven per cent. was declared payable to stockholders of record, on the flrst day of February, lili, at the office of the Ann Arbor Savings BttDk" CHAS. E. HISCOCK, See'y.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News