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A CLU(3 ïoö I0QE ' ' Ítm ''fi''iJ The above deplcts n vory pleaaant feature of blcycling ns a Bport. The club havo ridden from thcíir heudquartcrs in the city, to a suburban villago nomo twonty miles away, where they await tlie arrival of thu racing members who were to start just thirty minutes later. Flvo minutes more and llio two foremout of thc radog men- Fri, on lúa " Harvard," and Yonsoii on h " Vale," appenr iu eight. Thc pace iw Iremcndous: tlie men are neck and neck, and Dodges, the captain of tho club, wliom you obflervü is lcaning on lila " Sliadow "light roadster, iu ilic íbrogrerand, declares thc race a tic. 11 Whcrü are the other men? " he asks. " Oh, bobind, sonuwliL-rc," i a tho reply. "Are therc any ' Harvard"' or ralo'1 OT ' Shadow's ' nmong thora ? " " Xot one.1' " Ah ! lliat accounts for k," says tho captain. mcrlcan bleyelera ni a body will realizo tho forcé of tho captain' toet rcmark, bnt tho thouriopdaofnew riders whieh tbe coming yenr will produce, should each ono of them rcalizu tliat thc only üonomy iu choosíng a bicycle is to bu conU'iit wiih nothing Iom (han tho very be.-t (bal monoy Wfll procure. Kach should í'md out ;,11 lio c:m about blcycloa before matting bb 'h -ico, :md in order lo ftsstot onqnlrora In tlieir aearcli for Information, wo wíll.on recetpt of a :i t'in-c-cüiit stamp, send to any addres, a copy oT o ir lárge Utustroted catalogue by return u.aii. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, Tho Pioneer Bicyole House of America. LEííaillnlicJ 1877.] boportlng Stnnufuctur'4 of Jílcycleii x Tricycloi Omi ITsu-ow1 Hall, Boston, Mjsu CHAS. W. WAONEIi, Agont, 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. mOI.EDO, ANN AltBOR & O. T. It. It. LOCAL TIME IA 1:1.;:. Going into effect Sunday, Jan. 18, 18 34. Trains run by Central Time. GOlMrNORTH. ' G01XG SOUTH "lal"1 In K a ó o. ! ó 8 0%. STATIONS. e o. ó o. Ó i &Z & Kñ g l'..M. 1. M. A. 51. A K.IP.ÍLIP.M 6 40' 2 00! 8 061 Toledo I 30 1 46 4 5; 6 46; 2 07i 8 12 Munhatten Junctlun ü 2fi 1 39, 5 6312 18, S10 Alexis Junctlon 9 16 1 38 4 S i; 02 2 25 8 2!t, IfiwthorDu '■ 10! 1 171 4 a i; w 2 35 8 si'gomarla D 02 1 07! 4 ?. H 25 2 57 8 47Lula 8 47 12 48 4 0 i; so! 3 07; g 52 Monroe Junctio 8 42 12 tí :; w t; 43 :: 23 9 01 Dundee X 12 30i x 51 6 551 3 40' 9 15 Azalia 8 30 12 20 3 41 7 08' i 59 ;i 27 Milán Jnnctlon 8 09 12 10, 3 2; T 10' 4 06! 9 30 Miliin B I; 12 ON 'i t. 7 15' 4 20 9 3Ci Nora i 98 12 02 3 lí 7 22 4 40: 9 46 Urania 7 52 iY'58 3 1C 7:ö 4 55 957 l'ittsücld Junctinu 7 40 11 50' 3 02 7 45: 5 20 10 II) Ann Abo ■ T 2T 1! m! z m 0 w: ; to-iu 32 J-cland 7 ]" 11 2o; 2 30 I ? S !ü ?? Worc1on & " ui 8 2o I li 20,10 5U, South Lyon ' (i 50.11 00 2 10 (Jonnections: At Toledo, wlth railruads diverginK; nt Manhattan Junctlun, with Whecling & l,ake K-íp H. K.; at Alexia .lunction, with M. C. K K 1 B &'m' S. Hy. and V. & I II. R. 11. j at Monroe .lunction', wlth L. S. & 11. S. Ry. ; at Dundee, with L. B. & M. S. Ity M. & O. Hy.; at Milán Junction, with Wabash, St JiOui.s & Paeitlc Ry. ; at Fittstleld, with L. S. & M. s! : at Ann Arbor, with Michigan nnirl w u , nd at Soutli J-yon with uerroit, Lunsiny v Northern R. R., and Grund Trunk Ry. H. W. ASHIíEV, General Suot. W. II. BEN'NETT, Geni rasa. Agent. Detroit, Mnckinac k Marquette R.R. ■IANÜAüY 3, 1884. Pioneer Kast and West Line through thel'ppeiPenínsula of Michigan. Over 30O Mlle Shorter between Marquette and all points in the cast than by any other route. EAST. TATIONS. WEST. A.M. 1". M. 8 30 Lv Marquette Ar. 5 50 r. m. 1 V' Seney 135 - 50 Newberry 1 15 A.M. c 15 Ar St. Ignace Lv. 8 60 Via M. C. K. K. 825 Macklnawt'ity 835 A.M. 10 15 Jackson 7 60 9 50 Detroit 8 45 Connections made at Marquette with the Marquette, Houghton üs. Ontonagon Railroad for the Iron, Gold and Siiver. aml ruimer District. xiatua run Dy central Standard Time. D. MCCOOL, F. M1LL1GAN, .Gen'l Superintendent, Gen'l Frt. & Pass. Agt., Marauette, Mich. Marqnette, Mich. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, JJTif AMBOR, 3IICUIGAX. Transad:; General Banking Business. CAPITAL, 850,000. Organiíetl under thc General Banking of thti State, the Btockholders are indivldually Hable for an addltional amount equal to tho ftock held by them, thereby crealng a Guarantee Fuud for the benefit of Depoaitora of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest Is ailoted on all SaTlr,g Depofts of one dollar nrd upwards, according to the rules of the Bank and tuieren com pounded semi annuilly Moay to Loan on ud incumbered reai emtate and oihergood seourity. Dikkctors -CkrtsUan Maak, W. w. Wme, 11 á. Bí-hI, William Ueubel. Wi ll:,in I) Hurriraim. Dsulel Hiscock. itnd Wil! ir 11 Smlth OFFIO ■ KS. 0üiti m M in. l'rc i W.w Winks. Vlce-Pre, til' ■■■■ ■ Cufiar [I11III TÊNfHÖüSANÏ HAK O WOUD Farms in Michigan. Eorsaleby thc GRAND RAP I DS & INDIANA K. R. CU. Sugar maple the principal timber. Advantages; Railroa )s ulready built, nnmerous lowns and cities, one of the heahhiest parts of tbc United States, purest water,' good markets, fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, large agricultura! poulation, best building material at low figures, good soil, low prices, easy terms, perfec title. For books, maps,'charts, and all additionu informatton. address W. O. HUGHART, Land Commissïoner, Grand Rapids, Mich. Or Stïptkr Roberts. Tra veling Agent. 6. F. NEWLAND 1-Í4 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Wholesale and llötail Dealers in Music al Merytiandise of all kiuiïs, general afwent for the celebrated PIANOS DECKER & SON, HARDMA N, DUNHAM, AXI) MARSHALL & WENDALL, ALSO THE POPULAS ORG AXT S Wilcons & White. - AND- Taylor Sc Farley. A.6KÍT8 WAMKI). ;"Send for Catalogue and Prices-5 W4 Woodward A-u-e-, DETROIT.


Ann Arbor Courier
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