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sffi Knoyin to Men of Fame nd Science for Removinü ALL IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. Acimnrltlgid i Snti , Fímikií, ui Zfflcint Cue for PniICTIDATinil atreaa at atool, bad breath, liUWO I IrW I IUH, duu faco, hearineaa, nVQPPPQIA known by irregular appeUTorCr OIH, tite BOUr belening, weight anil tenrlerness at pit of stomach, despondeney. I IVFR Complaint. Bilioaaneaa. Malaria. Clulls apd fc.' VCta Fever causing aoreueae in back and aide, also bottom of. ribs; weariness, irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cold seneations.eyesdvül.dry cough.stifled and obstructed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APDPI FYV KpIlepsy.Paralysin.dira "' "' a-a-v ■ jht. sound in eara, giddiness, confusión in head, nervousness, flashes of liebl before ere. Ion of,)i)(iffiiv;i[ u'iir light, red deposit; rwuncí J, burnins. stinging.bearingdown aensationa, frequent deair to unnatfl, uneaaineaa, inflamed eyea, dark circlea, thirat. DlHBHa of LIC ART aever paina, lluttering or weight near la t-Mll I T heart, more ao on moving quickly aud when lying ua left aide ; out of breath on exertion. UPAIIAPUr duI1 or ihl"T r"" '" "t'". II LHUftUllL, eyea or head; faintneas, nausea. Dropft.v Í3 cauaed by watery flnid. Ittirumntiaiii. Ai., by uric acid in blood. HohpI Disorder by oorrupt matter. Worn by the peata withm. Coldai br chokinj of the aecretiona. WATIÍFSÍ PILM, by gntl action, remOTM the cauae, toakioi; a rrmanent oure. Seat by mail int 25 cent box of 30 KUa; 6 Doxea, $1.00. (In poBtajeatampa.) Addresa, DR. Wiï.Vi: .V HOU, Ibllalelplila, Ha. Sold by Druggiata. 1129-1180 [revised] HEAR tkls, all ye people, and givo oar íi 11 va in valids of the workl, Hop Bitters will make you well and to rejoice. 3. It sliall cure all the people and put sickness and suffering under foot. 3. Be thou not afraid wlien youi' famly is siek, you have Bright's disease or Liver Complaint, for Hop Bitters will cure you. 4 Tintïi lnw nTlfl }irl. l'íol íiníi p11' know the value of Hop Bitters for bilious, nervousand liheumatic complaints. 5. Cleanse me with Hop Bitters and I shall have robust and blooraiug health. 6. Add disease uoon disease and let the worst come, 1 ain safe i f I use Hop Bitters. 7. For all my life have I been plagued with sicknexs and sores, and not until a year ago was I cure by Hop Bitters. 8. He thiit keepeth hisbones froni nchIngfrom Rheumatismand Neuralgia, with Hop Bitters, doeth wisely. !. Though thou hast sores, pimples, freckles, salt rlieum, erysipelas, bloodpoisoning, yet Hop Bitters will remove them all. 10. What woman is there, feeble and sick from femalecoinplaints, who desireth not health and useth Hop Bitters and is made well. 11. Let not neglect to use Hop Bitters brir.g on serious Kidney and Liver complainta 12. Keep thy tongue from being fnrretl, thy blood pure, and thy stomach trom indigestión by using Hop Bitters. 13. All my palm ainl aches and disease ?;o like chati' before the wind when I use Hop Bitters. 14. Mark the man who was iienrly dead and given up by the doctors, after using Hop Bitters and becometh wcll. 15. Cease from worrying about nervousness, general debility.and urinary tiouble, for Hop Bitters will restore you." Pale, Poor, Puny, and Pallio. Considering all the ïlls that attack little children, it is a wonder that any of the poor little youngsters live to grow up. ► 'There are children who are truly objects of pity. They seem almost bloodless. Their cheeks are thin and pinched ; their eyes are hollow ; and their skin is tightly drawrrover their foreheads. There is nothing hearty about them. They do not enjoy thcir Ki'ec They are suffering from the debility that leads to marasmus. Poor things ! Do a good deed for the pale, poor. puny, pallid child. Hand its mothei a bottle of Browris Iron Bitters. Here is life even for the most delicate, the most debilitated; for the child almost given up for dead. Iron in the blood is what the child needs, to bring it up. The little digestivi apparatus will recover. The pak cheeks will fill out. ,The weary groan of the child will be xchangec for the merry prattle of infentile gladness. Your druggist will teil yo-j what wonders Brcnvris Ivon Jiiiteï has done for verv sick children 11 CAMiLLUS,Onondaga Co., N,Y., Jau. 10,1883. Rheuimitic Syrnp Co.: Gents - I teel it my duty to recommend your wondeiful medicine - " llheuinntic Syrup" - to all who are suffering with rheumatisin, neuralgia or kidney dilliculty- I have been agreatsufferer with rheumatlsm, causi d by kidney dirliculty, and have been treated by our best physicians, but they failed to leach my case or benelit me In the least. Í saw in the Auburn papers the names of a nuiubcr who liad been pernianently curcil by the use of Hheumatie Syrup anti beiiij; acquaintcd with niany of them, I was induced to try it, and to my surprise I fouud that uil pain had left nie before 1 bad linisued the lirst bottle. I continuad its use for a time and to-day, 1 urn :is well as ever and feel no more pain or trouble with my kidueys. It has been several montlis sinee I discoutinued its use, so I know it is a permanent cure in rny case. I can testify that Klieumatic Syrup will do all - yes, more thau you claim for it. I atn yours truly, Mus. Haïtie Paddbck. Don'! Die in the Houge. " Hough on Rats.'' Clears out rats, inice, roaches, bed-bugs, ilies, ante, moles, cliipmonks, gophers. lóc.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News