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AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. No otherconiplaintf are so lnsidiovrs iutheirattack as those affecting the throat and lungs : none bo trifled wtth by the majority of sufferere. Tbe ordinary eougli or coW, resulting peruana fm ■ trifilng or nuconscious expoeure, is often lu the beginningof a fatal sickness. AYBB'í OhisuhT PECTonAL has well proveu its elticacy Ín a frff years' light with throat aml luiig diseases, ncá fclimil J be taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible ('ni;li C'urecl. " ín 1857 I took a severe colil, whlch affeeted rny lungs. I liad i terrible oough, and paased mgtit after niglit without sleep. The doctors gave me up. I tried AYKK'8 CHKBItY PECTORAL, MC relieved iny hings, induced sleep, aul atlorded nm the rest necessary for the reeovery ol iny stieugth. By the conlinura use of the l'i: iokai, a permanent cure was elfected. J ani ii' .'■-..}''.'.t.?kpj-cTon w.sHvedme. Hokac l: r'Alitiiitv'i'UEK." Kockingham, Vt., July 15, lí-fü. Croup. - A Mother'ü 'rribnte. "Wliüe in the country laat winter my littl boy, three years old,vas taken ill uith roup; it seemed as if he wonld die Irmo stranjpilauon. One of the famlly Buggested the ase of Avtir Cherkv Pectoral, i buttle of whicb was always kept in the house. TUi 'M tii-d in suwill anii frequent doses, and to ourdelight in lenthan lutlf anhourthe 1 n tic patiënt wae breathing e;nlly. Th doctor theCHKHKV PECTORAL had aved my darllng'a Ufe. Can vu roadu at OUT gratituile ? Siueerely vours, MUS. Kmma GEMJEV." ISOWMt 128th St., New j'ork, May 1(1, 1M'. " I have naed AYBB'i Ciikiikv Pkctoiiai. in my family for severa! years, and do nat liesitate to pronounceit the niosteüVetual reinedy forcoughs and colds we luive ever tried. A. .1. Ckaxe." I.ake Crystal, MInn., March 13, 1882. ' I suffered for eight years f rom Bronchitis, and aftel" try i lig inany remedies with no sueeess, 1 was eured by the use oí AYEK's Ciikkhy PECTOHAL. loSEl'Il W'ALttKN." Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1882. "I cannot say enough in praise of Ayf.r's Chehuy PSCTOBAlf, believing as 1 do that but for its uee I should long since have died froui hing troubles. E. UKAODOM." I'alestlne, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affectton of the throat or lungs existswhich cannot be greatly relieved by the use f Xvrn'v ... i Parivip & T . Olili it ill n 'im, ? cure when the diseaso is not already beyond the control of inedicine. l'REPARED BY Dr J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Mortgage Sale. WHEKEAS, Francia Koney, and Malvina Kouey, of Ann Arhor, in the County ol W ashtennw, and state of Michigan, on the twenty-third day of November, A. D., lii'I, execuud a montage to Catiierine Ryan of tbe t-ame place, to secure the p;iyment of certain principal and inter-st money thein mentioned, which mortgage was recorded in tl. e office of the Register ol Deeds for the County of Washtenaw aforegaid, in Liber 61 of mortgagea, on paue 75, ou the day laet aforeeaid. And wheeap, delault bas been niade for more tUau tweuty days in the payment of an instailment of interest which bec ime due on the twenty-third dny of November, lb3, by reasou whereor, and purBuant to the teroiB of said mortgage, the principal sum namcd in eaid mortííage, of two hundred and filty dollars, with all arrearage of interest thereon, at the option oftheabovenamed mortgagee, became due and payable iminediately thereafler, and ihu power of sale contained iu said niortguge, becimu operative. And the uaid murtgagee does herebj dooluro it her ODtio", aod does horoby clect to have the princ pal stitn named in said mqrtgaga and all interest therein become now due and payable. And whereae there is now claimcd to be due and payable as aforeeaid, upon the said mortgage and the note accouipauying the eaiuc, at tto date of this notice, the sum of two luuidred and éixty-uine dollars md tweuty cents, (2(i9,2U), in addition to all the oiher legal costa provided for iu said mortgage. And no suit or proceedint; haviDg beeu instituted at law or in equity to recover the aibresaid suin, or any part thereof, notice is tlierefore hereby giveu, ihat said mortgüge will he lorecloseO on the twenty-ninlh day ol March, 1SS4, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, by a sale at public auciion, to the highest bidder, at the east door of the Court House íd tbe city of Ann Arbor, in the couuiy aioresaid, (said Cuurt Hnse beiug the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county) of the uiortgaged preuiiöee, desciibed in said mortgage, j or bo much tliereof, as may be necessary to satisiy 1 the amount of principal and interest remaiufug unpaid upon said murtgage, with the coste of foreciosure aforesaid, which said premisos are deBcribed in said mortgage as follow: All that certain piece or parcel of land, sitúate and being in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenawaudtitale of Michigan and descrlbedas lollowg, to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of !and, sitnated in Brown and V uiler's addition to the said city of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded plat thereof, known, bounded and descrlbed as followb : Coramoncing on the easterly side of Wall street, one hundred reet Irom Broadway, thence northeasterly at right angles to Wall street, thirly-four and one-hall' feei, thence easterly parallel wtth Wall street twenty-gix feet, thence at right anules with Wall street to Wall Blreel, thence northwesterly on Wall street twenty-Bix feet to the place of beginnini;. CATimovt uvs, u.jW,. E. ü. KlNNK.Aitorney for Mortgaaoe. Dated, Dec. 38, 1SSJ. 1170-SS Real Estáte for Sale. tTATfi OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 0 88. In the Matter of the Estáte ol' Joseph Schuabel, deci'asttd. Noiice is hereby given, that in pursuince of an order prauted to the nmlersignud adminiatrator of 01 the estáte of said decased. hy the llon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, ou the 12th dayof.Ianuary, A. D. 1884, ihtre will be Bold at public vendue, to the hlgtiest bidder, at the late residence of said deceased in the Township of Saline, in the Couatj of Washtenaw, in said State ol Michigan, on Wednef day, the flfth day of March A. D. 1884, at ten o'clock in the loieuoou of that day (sunject to all enenmbrances by mortgase or otherwise existing at the time of the dealhof said deccaeed), the Tollo. ing desciibed real estáte, to-wtt ■ 'l'he north-east quflrter of the poulh-east quarter of section number thirly-üix, iu town four south. range four east, (Brldi;ewatr) in Michigan, containing forty acres of Itie sanie more or less. Aleo a st'ip ol land of uniform width to be taken from the south end of the outh-eaet quarter ol the north-eaet quarter of the said eection Ihlrty-ilx in town four suuth, range fonr east In Michigan, containing five acres and Ihree fourlha of an acre (BJK) of land, and liet nortli of and adjoinini; the parcel ofland above deecribed. Also the west half of the south-weet marter of section nuinber tliirty-oni.' (31), and thesouth-west quarter of the north-wett quarter of said sectlon number thirtyone (:!1), excepting thirty aerea Trom the north end thereof, heretofore sold and deeded lo John Sutton. lertving of the two last meiitioned pareéis 8-1 and 511 lllil acris ofland, he Ihe sanie more or law, and heing in township number four south, range nuinber live east (Saline) in Michigan. PAUL SC II NA BEL, Adiui: i-trator. Dated, January 1Í, 1884. 1 178 8 1 tÑEURÁLGÍAv AÏOCtloas, Acute or Chronio Lumbago, Sciatica and fcNervous Headache. ■httj VT -KV Th,dr COInPlet: ad perfect cure accom. HliKViWJi phshcdinafewhours.witha degree of certainty that challenge dispute. For sale by lldruggisis. PriceSl. Aak for circular. JAMES E.DAVIS & CO..ASents, xroTA 1174-122,5. Skiuiiy Men. "Wells' Health Renewcr" restores bealtta ana vigor, cines Dyspepsia, Impotenee, Sexual DebUlty. $1.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News