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I1U vi- j day? _ Prof. Morris lias wttüdrawn his rcsiffnation'as yestryman St. Andiews. Asliley is tlie name of a new station in ñrtloí countr, on the T.& A.. A. R. R. Ffom the flnes in Justlce Brennan's court tliis week the school fund is increaseil S10. By request Rhea favored her audience here last week witta the recitation of a French poem. A sleigh-load from Foster's Station attended the play ut tbe opera house Tuesday ulght. This week's tbaw bas made it possible for the irrepressible small boy to pelt passersby with packed snow pellets. The proceeds of the first play of tbe Chequaine;;on Dramatic Club are to be dividid equally betweeu the club and the St. Thomas society. The first Recital of the students taking elocutionary work in the high school is announced for the latter part of this month, at the opera house. Fred II. Belser, deputy couiity tre.isurer, begins to-day the settlement with the county treasurer. He expects to complete the work by Tuesday next. Mr. & Mrs. O. E. Wagner rejoice in a recent arriral, yesjerday raorning, at their residence on Washington street. It's a ten pound boy. Dn yon smoke ? The anniversary of Lincoln'a birthday, on the 12th inst., will be observed hy the colored penple of tbe city. A number of prominent men have promiecl speeches. The remainder of the clotbing stock of Sbeehan & Co. has i een boxed and sent to Menomince, Mich , where a new store will be opeued up by them about Marcli 1 . Tlie addresses of Miss flultin at the Unitarlan cliurcb last Sunday inorning andevening, were laigely attended and highly spoken of. Score one tor the undergraduates of the University. Mr. Hobson, the university taxidermist, assisted by Messrs E. D. Campbell and Hutchinson abo of the university, began the broad-sword drill with company A last monday niglit. Treasurer Schuh ii'forms us that about $52,000 of the taxes are now paid in, about $8,000 reinaming unpaid. Beginning to-day the additlonal per cent. will be 2}L. One per cent. is added for each moutli. A nev star roule hac been established in this viciuity, taking effect on tlie 20th inst. It extenda the mail service from Pontiac via Orchard Lake, South Lyon, Hamburg, Piuckney and Stockbridge to Jackson. The Keek manufacturing company had M election of offleers Wednesday of this week. Tres., W. D. Harriman; vicepresident, L. Gruner; secretary and treasurer, C. E. Hiscock; superintendent, J. J. Ellis; assist. superintendent, Paul Snauble. Minnie Hauk appeared beforo a fairsized but entlmsiastic audiencia Saturday eveniDg. The selections were liberal ly applauded and as a whole the concert was good although the latter part, selectedfrom the opera of "The Daughter of the Regiment," was somewhat of a farce unwortuy of the troupe. At the business meeting of the Union Temperance Party Club, of thia city heUWeünesday evenlng, the foilowinowere elected officers for the ensuino-Nix noaths: F. Guinonvieepresident-P. D. Woo.lruff; secretaryJnle8 IJ. saundemj treasurer-I.aac Dunn. Frank Omstead, brakeman on tlie Toledo & Ann Arbor R. R and in the ernploy f E. B. Hall, made complaint aiont Peter Long for assault and batte'y 'ast Tuesday, in front of the Opera öwse Defendant plead guilty, anl wa. nned i0, and cogtg, $3.60, by JusticBienuan Wednesday. The Chinese Nw Year came on lost Saturtay, the date beh.g Jan. 1 by their ckonlng, and in accordance with the g'ier.U custom among their people our celestials on Huron reet observad the occasion with a gpeWal celebratlon. It Delgaholiday, niusic (?) and a " banWet "were in order. Christlna 8mith, whe funeral was le d at Zio church Tuesday, wal sick ut a short time. Her huoband. John h, living near Sc0 v.llajrei wag .n at the time of her death, Mrs. Smith t'ikPneen, Wrki"" durir'S the ru ee,n8'hCkintl'ightandpasSedaway Tr 8Dlalley' a mlller employed at „'■"'.lla. met with a„iDju ry Monfo, n T00'1 whlch m;ide lt necesy Smalle?. ■ T'"ht Mr' chi „y 1UStmfi ff SOmC of the n'hZThtlllSh!lndbtweenthecog- LfiT1"11' hand wouw have inwoon? 11hadheno' freedltby forcKtooneside. The hand is doing well A young high school lady took a ílunge into a deep cistern on Maynard street, Monday noon. She was quickly rescued by soine passcrs-by. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Uuiversity Hall Mrs. Mary T. Latlirop of Jackson will deliver a temperance lectui-e uiwer the auspiccs of the Uuiversity Temperance assoeiation. Slie is known in Ann Arbor as an earnest eloquent speaker. A sleigh-load of thirteen young coupleg, by iuvitation of Miss Carrie Hurrell.' spent a very pleasant eveningat the residence of lier uncle, Mr. John Slatford, last Tnursday niglit. A delicious supper wasserved, and a pleasant time was ejoyed by all present. We have received the Tribune N. T. Alnianac and Political Register for 1884 edited by Hun. E.lward MePherson, clerk of the House of Represent itiye. It has tables of the election returns of 1883, the party platforms, au iiiialysis of the Tanff act, the statimics of foraiffn trade and rauch other useful inforniatiou. Price 30 cents. The latest nevvs froin Conway is in the Port Huion Times, of Wednesday, which has a two column article about his relations with a gul there whom he promised to marry. It has been coming in so thick trom all quarters that the temperance people who backed him at flrst now are vi-rv mum, and say they don't know anyiliin": about Conway. In the case of the people rs. Geoige Laubengayer, for cruelty to animáis, on complaint of Charles W. Wagner, the defendant ploud gullty in Justice Brennan's court, Weduesday, and was sentenced lo pay a of $2.00, and costs amounting to $3.20. The charge was brouglit for allowing a team to stand out all night in the storm, last Tuesday, in front of Wines & Worden's store. It is to be hoped t.hat the defendant's team will receive more humane treatment here af ter. The fire company was called out about 9:30 last Friday morning, by the burning of Mis. John Burns's house, on the rlver road, in the Fourth ward. The water giving out nothing could be done but let the house burn, and protect g best they could the neighboring buildings. The furniture on the first floor was saved. Loss estimated at $1,200, with an insurance of $1,000; $800 being on the house, and S200 on Uu furniture. The flre is thought to have caught from the chimney. The ladies of the Western Association of Collegiute Aluranae had their fiirst aauual meeting in Chicago Saturday. It has a membership of 51 wrnnen from the following institutlons: Northwestern, 24; Michigan, 8; Vassar, C; Obeiliu, 3; Syracuse, 3; Kansas, ; Coniell, 2; Smith, Botin and Wiscousin, each 1. The object of the orgauization is the laudable one of corisideiing "the professions and occupations that can be opened to edúcate women, or haring been opened can be made more easy of access and more lucrative." At the dinner Mr. Louim Reed Stowell, of Ann Arbor was toasted. Were j'ou imong the twentj'-four couples atteiuliiig the leap-year hop at Armoiy Httli Vedaeday night? The entire affiir was under charge of Misses Lulu and Ella Hangsterfer and Miss Mollie Kennedy. A fine time s reported. The ladies in attendance exercised the privileges of the year, invited their escort and paid for the hall, music and supper, the expense in toto being about $50. The girls didn't laelude hacks in the program this time, this feature being a little too advanced for the tirst month of the season after the three years' supremacy of the boys.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News