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M33 Lena Gidley spent Sunday with friends in Dundee. Mrs. Levvis, of Chicago, Í3 visitiug at her father's, Mr. C. H. Millen. Thomas Birkett, of Dexter, was registered at the St. James Tuesday. Mr. Charles Baxter and wlfe visited friends in Manchester last week. N. K. Waterman a short stop with frienJs in the city the other day. Miss Lulu Andrews of Masón, is in the city visiting her cousin, Jennie Polhemus. Miss Hilda Kaichen, of Detroit is visiting lier sister, Mrs. S. S. Blitz, of tuis city. Rev. Thomas Stalker addressed the 3 o'clock temperance meeting at Ypsilanti last Sunday. Wm. Hay den of Ann Arbor, is noled araong the recent patrons of the new bath house at Ypsilanti J. M. VVheeler leaves sonie time thig month to join Mrs. Wheeler in the South for an extended trip. C. H. Millen, who has been coDfined to the house for several weeks through slckness, s reported better. James Brower formerly In the employ of Blitz & Langsdorf, left Monday for his home in Danville, III. Mra. Murv T. Lathrop, of Jackson, will be the gnest of Mr. and Vlrs. Isaac Duim while in the city, over Sunday. George Whyfe, who accompanied the remains of Walter Harris as far as Chicago, returneil to college Friday. Mr. and Mr.". S. S. ülitz carne out from Detroit Monday to take up thelr permaBDt residence in Ann Arbor. Mis. Charlotte A. Pain of Kansas City youngest 'sister of James B. Sauiulers, is visiting relatives and friemis in this city. John Muehlig was last week Thursday taken with au attaek of neuralgia of the beart aomewhat severe. He is out again. John Hurg's expected three or four diy8 in the house, tiiiouiited to a number of weeks. He is now able to walk with use of c.ine. Mrs. N. B. Beers, of Kalamazoo, and hergrandaon, Matter Bertie Da Costa, of Chicago, visited in the city from Friday to Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kulenbach, who were married last Wednesday in this city. pay a vislt to Mrs. Kulenbach's brother in N. Y. City. Gen. Lewis Hunt, who expected to return to his post some timo since, has been detained at his home in the city by ill health. Sam Langsdorf lcft Tuesday for a two week's visit with his parents in St. Louis Mo. Sam has not been home for about a year and a half. Eev. Dr. Wyllys Hall, who for quite a number of years occupied the pulpit at St. Andrew's church In this city, goes to Marquette in Maren. Geo. Oslus leaves next week for a two weeks' business trip to various points within the radius of Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St Louis and Graud Rapids. - i. !HBH "Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Morton, ncé Miss Alice Goodrich, of Aun Ai lor, have issued at home invitations for Thursday in Pcbruary."- Detroit Evcning Journal. Clinton E. Worden, of San Francisco, made Iiis parents a flying cali Friday, wliile on a business trip East. His f lïends are pleased to liear of his good success in business. Herbert Spencer's essay, on the "Pliiosopliy of Style," edited by Prof. C H. J. Douglas, of the High School, is annoiinced as the next number of their English Classic Series. Mis. Wm. B. Mead, who liaa been visHing her daughter some three months past, has returned to her son's home in Masón. Mra. Mead is over eiglity-three years of age. E. G. Embler, an attorney of Howell, Mich.,was in the city yesterday in belialf of E. A. Nordman, who recen tly pe titioned to be made defendant In the Dexter ditcli case, to receive Judge Joslyn'g decisión. Tlie petition was granted.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News