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CLU(3 ioAD rAQE The abovo dnplrta n vory plciuiant feature of blcyclmg u a sport. Tlio club liave rlddun from tlicir licndquartern in the city, to a suburban vil lago ome Iwonty mllet away, wl.ore they await thi; arnval of the r.aeing mcmboni wlio woro to stnrtjunt thirty minutos later. Five minuten more and tlio two foromoBt of tilo racing man- Thi, on liis " Harvard," and Yonson on liirt " Vale," nppeor ri aight. The paco l tromondona: tbc men are neck and tieck, and Dudgc, the captain of the club, wliom you observe la leuning on liis "Shadow"lightroadtor, in tlie foreground, declaren tlie race a U. " Wliero are tlio otlier men? " lio aska. "Oh, Ijclilnd, omowhere," is tho reply. "Are tbore any ' llarvnrd's ' or ' Vale's' or 'Shadow'a ' nmong thora? " " Nol olie." 11 Ah ! that itceounifl for i ,' paya tlie captain. Ameiiouu blcyelen a-i a body will realizo tho furcoof tho 'apiaiu's lun remark, uut the tliouAlldsul riiiTM vlrch the coming yenr wil! produce, lio;:ld each otie of them realiza that the only truc ciTonomy in ;iooHníí a bícycle is to be content Avii h Dothfng IQM than the very best that momy wlll procure. Each eliould flnd out all ho can abOUt bicycle buforo makini; M cbolco, and in order to imsint onqalren in tiieir BCnrch fur i:ifon:iatiün, we willon racalpt of n a tliroe cenl lamp, eend to any aJdress, a copy of oar larye lUustnited catulogue by return ciail. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, Tho Pioneer Bicyclo Houae of America, ItiUD'.lahoJ 1S77.J ImpuitiiiK Maau(kctiir' o( Bleydea & 'Irlcyoim, Ui,i KLLuwa' Iliti, Btwrox, ;stCIIAS. W. WAGNEH, Ageut, 21 South Main St,, Aun Arbor, Mich. mOLEIJO, AKS AKBOK & ö. ï. H. K. LOCAL TIME TABLE. Güing uto efEect Sunday, Jan. 18, 1834. Trains run by Central Time. ÖOIXONORTH. GOIXG 80UTH. ■t 4 Í ! "!"?"? ÓS. ö 8 g. STATIONS. 6a. OÍ. ó 'S. SU H H sü P.H. P.M. A.J1.I I.V.M.IP.M.P.M. 6 40 2 OU 8 05 Toledo II .V, 1 J.'i 4 ."j.3 í 4.Ï 2 07 SC Manlmtton Junction '.!', 1 ;i9 : '5 53 2 18 8 11) Alexis Junction 'J lt I 2H 4 38 :S02l 2 25 2U Hawthorne 1110, 1 l: I 9 'ü 10 2 35 8 37 Samaria 'J 02 1 07 4 22 (25 3 57 8 471 lAllu H4T.12 4tl4W KSO 8 07 8 52 Monrno Junction ' 8 HU 42j Êi 6 48 828 9 041 Dundee 8 30:13 30i ;i 50 U 55 3 40 '.I Ui Aialla 20 12 20! 3 4C 7 Os! 3 59 11 27 Milan Junction 8 01! 12 10 3 25 7 10! 4 06i U : .Miliin 8 06 12 08 8 22 7 U l 20[ 9 30! Nor 1 EO 12 02 3 17 IJL 7 22 4 40 3 4(1 Urania 7 52 11 58 3 10 7 33 4 5511)57 l'ittsfleld Junction 7 40 11 50 3 02 7 45 5 20 10 lü Ann Arbor 7 27 11 3K 2 411 8 0315 48 10 32 I.eland 7 12111 23 2 30 8 115 58il0 38 Wnnlon 7 0B 11 15 2 25 8 2ö 0 2O'l(l SOl Soutli Lvon l II iXI 11 OOI 2 10 "CCittnections : At Toledo, with railroads diverging; at Manhattan Junetion, with ffTheeUng Sl hake Erie R. B.; at Alexis Junction, with M. O. K. R., L. S & M. S. Ry. and F. & 1 M. 11. ll.;atMonroe Junction, with L. 8. & M. S. Ky. : at Dundee, with I.. S. it M. S. Ry., M.&O. By.; at Milan Junction, with Wabash, St. Louis & Pacitic Ky.; at Pittstleld, with L. S. & M. S. Ry. : at Arm Arbor. with Michigan Central It. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansin(r& Northern R. iï.. and Grand Trunk Ry. u. w. asiiIj-et, General Suot. W. H. BENNKTT, Gen'I Pass. Agent. Detroit, Jlackinac & Marqiiette K. K. JAXCAHY 3, 18S4. Pioneer East and West Line througu tlie Upper Península oí MieliisraD. Over :JOO Mlle Shorter between Marquette and uil points in the east than by any other route. EAST. STATIONS. WEST. A.M.' P.M. 8S0L,v Marquette Ar. 5 50 l'.M. 1 V, Seney 1 H 2 50 Newberry 1 15 A.M, 0 15 Ar St. Ignace I.v. 8 50 via M. C. K. H. P.M. 8 25 MackinawCity SM A.M. 10 15 Jackson 7 L0 9 50 Detroit.. -111 8J? Connecttons made at Marquette with the Marquette, Houghton ie Ontonagon Railroad for the Iron, Gold and Silver, and Copper District?. Trains run by Central Standard lime. D. McCOOL, F. MILI.ICAN. Uen'l Superintendent, Geni Frt. Jt Pass. Agt., Marauette. Mich. Marquette, Mich. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Jjry AJiBOit, siicnroAX. Transaets General Bankiug Business. CAPITAL., $50,000. Organlied under the-CJeneral Ilankinu of thll StatO, the stockholders Rre Indivtdually üable for ftn additlonal amount equ:il tn tne atock held b; them, merebj crea-lng a Guarantee Fund for the beueflt of Depositorsof s 100,000.00. Three per cent. interest is allowed on all St1ks l)epi'U of ore dollar rd upwnrda. accordins to ttie rules of the Itank and Interest Cumpouoded senai annusliy Moni y to Loan on udincumboretl ren. estaieinii o her cood aecumy. DiREOTons Cbfisan Mac1, w w. Wines, R A. ■eal, Wilünm le'iv-l V. i liain II UHrrlmna, Dutal Fllaonok. and Wllliir u sianb fiFKTC; 118, OBwan M w.w wine. vtco-tr I. ■! HlHToOI ClDllt tlS ti4 t!ñthoüsand HAKDWOOD Farms in Michigan. Eorsaleby the GRAND RAPIDS & INDIAXA K. R. CU. Sugar maple the principal timber. Advantages: Railroads already built, numcrous towns and cities, one of the Hcalchtest parta of the United States, purest WatCX good markets, fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, large agricultural poyulation, best building material at low figures, good soil, low prïccs, easy terms, perfeel title. For books, niaps, charts, and all addiüona informaiion, address . W. O. HUGHART, Land Commissioner, Grand Rapids, Mich., Or Septek Robekts, Traveling Agent. 6. F.NEWLAND 14:4: Wooluutrd Ai'r., Dcrrnit, Whole8ala and HeUil Dealers in Musi al Uershndise of ;ill kiuda, general aoeut lor the oelebratta] PSANOS OF DECKER & SON, HARDMA N, DUNHAM, AND MARSHALL & WENDALL, ALSO THE POPULA.B ORGANS "Wilcox & White. - AND- Taylor & Farley. AttENTS WANTED. 1 Send for Catalogue and Príoes.jgl li "Woodward Ave-, DETROIT.


Ann Arbor Courier
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