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I lie Baptist Sunday-school had a rousinggood time at Ann Albor last Satunl.iv atternoon. The beantiful Baptist Churoíi was tbrown open tor them, and every courtesy extended by Mr. A. Y. Case, fornerly f village, lio rapreaented the Aun Arbor Baptist. Dinner was eaten in the basement of the church, of which over 80 partook. Prof. HobêOll made tlie visit to the Museum very nterestinr hy his cxplanation of the curiosities. MANCHESTER. Froni tho Enterprise. Aii exchange saya tliat L. Plielp#, of Saline, istheouly penon tliat holds a deed to land in tliat tOWnsbip COBlInj; directlv ! from the ooyernment. 'J'lie one he now holds In-ars the ignatiire of Andrew.Iackson. YPS1I.ANTI. From the Ypsilantian. E. G. Boyce wa thrown from his eutter, on Sunday last, sutt'eriiijr a serions dislocation of the left elbow. üurin the tire Saturday evenlne, a horse beloning to Ralph Rice took frigbt and ran down the fnll length of the ness put t on uongress street. on tlic north walk, enriing his fliglit by jumping the ruiling of the bridge apprnach at the Rowley building to the river bank 12 feet below. Stranu-e to say no one wus liiut, nothing injured save the cutter, and tbc animal went through unscathed. Near, the Porger, was, on Satnrdav last, bound over to the Circuit Couit in eacll oase, and in default of buil committud. A ffrooery firm on Congress street repoiti h case whiob wouKl have afforcled gtnqnds foi n criminal snit ajainst hiin. Before either of the forserles, Ne:ir applied lor credit and got it on the ground tha) lif was euiployed in one of the paper inilW, Which wna not the case. CVBL8KA. From tho Heralrt It n iiow itnrligputed tliat Chas, Kr-eman. of Brldffewater, coiumitted suicide. A love afluir. Townsliip tiensmer McKone returned only !f:!2 of an nMessment or over !f 1 1 ,000. Lvmlon's treaaurer retnrned nnthinu. Now for oJdeoinsasiain! John K. Yocnt h:is a '.V farthtng, clute 184:!; a cent dkte 1804; aii Ëngluh piece, date 170Í. Mr. Alva Fruer. ot' tliis place, nlthough past 70 yearsol' igc, st.ili enjoys the Sports of yoimger men, and lat weck opent several tl i.vs with S. .1. G.ieiln and brother, fbhlng through ilie ice. He was rewarded for liis watchfnlness by securlnjr bcteral nk-e pickcnil. In liis yoimgcr ilays Mi-. Freer whs nn export ptjreon catcher, and one year sent 1200 dozen to the Detroit markets. Nora, the (l:tnliter of Geo. P. Glnzier. of Cbelten, died Wednegdny eveniñe of scarlet tever.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News