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AFPLETON'S AMKIIMAN lili lili lili! The (Vreat Work of the Ontiiry. ' Reail wliat some of our cultlvüted men ' Id Detroit have (0 sny. Tlie Jlldye, Hit' Lawyer, tlie PIivíIcUq, tlie Binhop, tlie l'ricst. ihi' Merchant, rlie Manufacture!-, tlie Artizan, all imite In auylny ii is invaluulile n every liouseliold; llie inore they examine the frreatei tlie admtration ; tliree hundied sets of liiem nre In use in the city; all i luit have tluin jfladiy bear witiu'HS lo tlielr valué. UCTROIT, JllD ISth, lHt!. From lon f) miliarity wiin Appieton'e Aiiu-rkau Cycloj :i;tiiu ve believe It to ue turan American ciilzeu ibe. best work of which wfl have any knowiedetlt buln acvmpreaauove vi.w of ihr wmid troin ttie MirltiMt ítutlimtic bifiury tu Ibtt prc8int time. It i mil ol fuete On the rice uct proyrest ol nalious. It is complete n biuffriii.hy. Ite arlicIt-B on cience are DJ lüe bcsl scholHrt' ul tlienc liince. fa it ti proon may liuil eaiiviHCturj iDtunuatioii un sllellbjic aul iiueieal. Il ie luvuluuble lu evtiy iauil,und whert it ie accenaible to tbf ctnldri'n lüey i.iiniul mil to L'row Ui A ell educated, aud wdcre cniídreii are in sciioui tlie bunk doubly rfpiBÍlb cust Ib tlie eai-e aud rupiduy uith htcb ihè ctiild wilt gttl ill educaliou. It coim ituls a valaabld tilimrj u it-eli. Wu can and do moat cor(ha ly ix'Cuuimend it aud utiould lie glad tokiov it was tu evLiy laiulli iu tlie couiitry. 'l'he terms upoü wlnch 11 can lie had are B0 reimouuble tbat ii ts w'ilhin tdfl ewry reach ot alinost i very famlly. 1 he entire woik ík lunil..ed at once, ana tlie payment eteiid8 uver u jienwd ut twu yturSi Fitteen (ente a tíay sucures Mie ireastne. v ith it and tlie Bible on arv weil inrulsUcda B. 0. UUKKKIl, Judit'í Probate Cunrt. HuYi i Os. , Attniíiey m L iw. C'. H" BOKÜK83, liiti.iupui ('atl.o ii' l'hiucb. EKNí.st V.-V.N UYKK, listín' ol M. Aloygiuij Cborch. Lili. E. L. l.tXKUKD, Plrtur UuíveratUUI cuurcti. WM. DAWE, Paior i . K. Oburcb. W. W. LKOUlin, Attoi'üfy itt .IAMKS I.. ED.SlhN, Meichant. I)R. I. T. ÜIK1K, l'ablor 1'rL'tfbyti'rinn f tiun-li. N. S. WlíKiHT, ililectric '.i h: C'. D. MÜORK, K-H-, iNew York l.ife lnsur.ihcf ('.initmiiy. A. K. F. WllITfc, Of D. M. Kerry & Öo, I. B. THOAIPSO.N, M. l., V. K. UOLiHlEY. CaHhier L'.y. ('U8tom Honne. T. lí. ALÜKKJ1!, Ol I). M. Ferry Co. L. T. BATB8, Editor, (i. S. DOLOLasS, Ol U. M. Ferr.v & Co. W.H. BKKAltLE, fcAeniují NewB. W. P. Fli.LKK. ESO.., Oí 1. M. Fcry & Co. CUARLBtJ F. HU. SoN, D, S Ciirtluní iituift'. T. I.. VOUGUN, ESq,, IJookkeepei. II. C. CIIHISIIANCY, II. S. ll-lillll IÍD11-C. WM. STOt'liING. ESy., Kd.tor Post aud Trlbonv. FIíKD. WOOLKüNDKN, Ksy., A(HÍMailt 1'oMtIIIHhIl-l . JIlU.MAS .NEAL, ESi;., Lif losonuii e. S.S. MATTbBW, ESí.. U. s. Hánhai. . H. BURtt. ESt. lícad whtit John Atkiitson, Ewj tlm Attiifni'v, sayt: Detbuit, Jan 9. 1888. I liave found AppIetonV Eucyelopadlii a very viilualiie book at leierence and sU.uli miss 't very iniicb it drprivod ol it. J can l.eaitUy leeommelid it. v JOHN ATKINSON. Alien Rbeldon, Kq., tlie yre.u. dry oud mpr chunt, eayir : 1 luliy ciMuCur in ttw abuve Al.LE.N suKi-DON. Read what Prof. John M. 15. Mil, the Superlniendeoc cit their Bukoolc, sayí : UKTnoiT. June 7, Mil. I havo a copy of Appli!ton'i Ameiiciu C'ytlu,'. dia and umkr alouwi daily use uf it. Ivaluelt very bigrlf as a book of reference. J. M.B. KII.1.. APPLETOX'X Cl'CLOP.KDIA. The Greatest. Intellectual Work of the Natioii.- What Some of' our !Mit Learned Meu Have to Say of the Work. Tliousands of sets of tliis great work are in dally use all over uu l'nlted States, wliuse possessors are ready logive tlielr testlraony lo lts inestimable valne. lts sale was never larger than now. Krom Mie colleges and scliools, and Irom the home ot professional and business men, come, uoaollolted bosis of testimoniáis to the superiorlty of The Appleton Cyciopieüla," among whieh are the foitowing : "After years ol constant use, I have no hesitation in giving tbe American (;yelopadia the prelereuce tor general falrness and reliability on all conlruverted polnts. and tor sulflcieut fullness on all subjects forwhich an American teacher and tlie general public has occasion to cousult a cyclopcedia," HENRY BABSARD, LL. D. "I consider trie American Cycloptedla far beyoud any ollier similar work iu its obarneter and usefulness : an unfiiiling and Irilstworlliy help In every departtneut of knowledge." JOHN WILLIAMS, n. D., líiKiiop ot Cono. ".V trnly A morirán work. The best rook ot refereuoo lor general use that 1 am ooqualnted wilh." REV. LEONABD BACON, D. I). 'I have been accusiornel to consult it lor niany years, and I conlidently recommeud it as an excellent work " RKV. NOAH POKTEU, I). D President of Yale College. "'I haveused it for years wilh increasingadmiriitiou lor lts iceuraey and lullnesN It is ol more value to an American household than any olher book of relerence " CHARLES W. WARNER. "Itisin my Jiulgment, on the whole the rest work ol tin; kind ptihlisiipd in America " PROF. EDWIN E. JOHNSON, ' Trinilv College. It is a wovk of areat merit and completely answers ils purpose." REV. J. H. TWICHEL, rastor of Congresational cliurch (Cleveland "Ithiuk it in -omparably the best AnnriCftn Cyclopediii." REV. K. P. PARKER, D. D. 'Il Is almost tnvaliiableas a relerence book for 3. private llbrary." 'I know oí no work which equalx it Ín tli cotubl nailon uf exteustve and accurate in foritiatlon with familiar but ready refei euce." RF.V. QHORGE M. STONE I I) "I linvH used it in my lamily for nevera years, and valué it very lilgtily." I'ROK. w. S. KAKR, Hartford Theulogical Srininuí V '■II ís nnquestlonably tlie best popula manual for general refereuce for au Araeri oáo." QEORQE WII,LIAM CURTÍS, Editor liarper'K Weekly Thoro are tliree purchases I would advisi every American lamily to iniike-uii KiikIíhI Blüle, a koimI Dewspaper, and the Amerieai Cyclopeoia. REV. ÜR. TUTTI,E, l'resident Wabasb Colleie "A most convenient, comprehensive ai'xi truatwurthy book of refereoaí." HUN. UEOKGK BANCROFT, Historian. '■ Tli is mngnlllient wnrk is an honor te American scTiutarxnlp and American enter P'lfHISHOI' IIAVKN, l'.isiiop U. E, Chnreh. .Senil postal to J. ii. kmimi:r, it. .lames Hotel, Aun Arhor, He will trike pleasure lo bIiowíiik yon thla great WOlk. Keiiiember It j oever in tlie Uook stores; can only be hail Of agenta Tlie tlmetoget it lnuow. Kí:i TUIS ENOOR8EME1VT Of tlie American Cyclopedia! - Unlverslty nt par Amerioan readers the elaims of ApPLKTON'S AMKKICAN CYXOPKDIÁ seelll to US lo surpass t lióse ot any ollier cvcloDedla vet iissut'il, for tbefollowluireanocii: 1. Bothlnlta range of topics and in lts method oi trealing tliein, 11 is more coroprepensIvetlianaDyothercyolopeditt origina tina in this cuuulry. " ■-. In oomparlRon wltli the rent evcloptnllns urlglnatitlg in (ireat Hritain Itconlalnsa mulllUideor subjects in the particular Held of Amtrieau liistory, blographv liuv, t'OKiapIiy, caooatlon, iuvention and social on toni, el lier not dealt wlUi at all l)y Ihe foriner, or uot dealt wltli no Inlly and aecuralely. :i. to providing for the matter of the work as wel la lr iu iiieuuunlcal execution ttlio latter laoludlng the euentlal elementH of lypugrapliicalcorrtctnessand adeqnaie pictonul illiLstratiotm), tlie publUhers Imve nade an outlay more liberal Mían has ever been beatowed ou any other work luibllshed iu thlx country. 4 In Mie ordlnary attributes of a flrst-class cyolopedla, in wluch it abare wllh other ui lis rank, il. lx fully equal to all other parlioularly In tlii respeot-tbat aaob artiole is compact, and accurate, and an authontallve repprl upon lts topic up to tbr latent dates wNtóVbtt. "" U'l"irUn-'IU '" Upon tUewhoie, weilnoerely oommend o the public Mus greal work au In Itaell a ooDl tNUUbrar; ol precise and generalizad lulorruttUoD on eveiy subject ot Interest lo the ix-oj.leof this country. Jamks B. A-(ii;i,i„ I resideut, Unlversity of Mloblgan. Mosbs Ooit Tylkh, roreuor of UogiUb Languagu and Litersture. T. M. OOOLST, Professor ol 1,iv. C. L. Koud. Professor of Anatomy and Pliyslology. eml postal to J. H. SLIPPER, i Ami lihi.i i


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