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AYER'S Hair Vigor Tortoro', witli tiiê ...

AYER'S Hair Vigor Tortoro', witli tiiê ... image
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AYER'S Hair Vigor Tortoro', witli tiiê gloss and freshneu of yoiitïi, faded or graj hair to a natural, ricn brown color, "i deep black, as may be desired. By its use. light of red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baMnen often, thoiigh Bot alwnys, eured. 11 chi-cks telling of Hie hair, and tlmnlatef a ireak and siekly growth to vior. it preventa and cures H'-mt aml dandmfftaiid heals uearlyerery disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladiee' H.iir Dressing?, the l;iiL i unequalled ; il cont&ittfl netther oU oor dye. renden the hair soi t, ;..- , ainl silken in appearanee, and iniparls a delicate. agreeable, and lastins parfome. Mi:. C. I. Fïimi iikií irriten froni h'trhit. O.,Jnly :;. !L' : " I.:é-i (all my hair comnieiiced fnlliuú "Ut, anti in a short ttllie I her. mie ne;irl. Imld. I u.-cd pari t ;t bottle f A veu'h Hair Vigor. rliU-li the fallliigof the Ualr, aud BUuted a ui-m ravth, 1 liare now a tull li-;nl t bair i..m - - ti-I. .-t Ti.T uuil I UUMl ril;:! lilll tor iiMe'fl your preusrutiou 1 shouhl hav been entlrely balil." I. V. n.iivi.v, proprietoroftlie HrArtlmnOhm) Enquinr, myt : " i.n's II n: Vu;un in :i iikmI excellent preparntlon for the hair. I -:ik .■! il from niyov.n expfliieiioe lts mie pronmtefl the ffrnwth ui' jjcm ha ii. and luakes it i;]..- -.m.i ..ti. 'J'he VfftOll is als.i a Mire l.. dlllldl uil. Nol trithiu my knowledge tías the ppe[mratiuti evt-i iailed to re entlre satisfaction' Mr. Anoi.'H FMitmiits. leader of the celbrated" PairbainiFanillj "ut Scottiah Vo&littut, nrritefl Iri-m tonon, Masê., Frb, t;. ■ Kver Kinoemy halrbegiui toglvesllvery evhlenceoi pjn ohaiige wliich Heet Ingt line procureth, I have useil Ayku'b Hajh Vioor, aod so have heen ableto mabitaiH au appearance of youthf uluess - matter of oonslaerable consequenoe to nilnlslers, orators, actors.and in factever) one who live n the eyea of the public." Mits. O. A. PRBUCOTT, writinjr from IS rlm Xt., dfirlentowii. Ha., April 14. ls.-j my ; "Two years ago abnul two-thlrds of my bair came off. It tlnniii'fi very rapidly, and I wáa last Lri"vin bald. On iising Aykrh Mvii: Vioob the falllng ■topped and a new growtb eonimenced, and in about moutli my head was conuiletely corered it h Blion hair. Il lias continuedto irnw,aiid is now as t-'ood as before. t feil. I refnilarly used bul Olie hot t Ie of the VlfH)R, lint nou IUM t ÜOCaslOUally as a dressing.1 AVe have hundredsof similar testimoniáis to the pfflcao) of Avin'v Hair Viooh. Itneedsbma trial to oonviace tlie most ikeptical l it value. PRRPARBO inDr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. sold by all Drugjlêt. Mortgage Sale. WIIEKKAS, Francis Koney. aud Malvlnt Koney, of Anu Arhor, in the. Oouoty ol ft uKhteiiaw, and state of Micnlgau, on the twen ty-third day of November, A. D., If82, execnti cl a murtüage to Cauierine Kyun of ti.e ,-ame place. to sexnri tlie p lyment ol'certain principal and interest mooey tliein mcntioncd, which mortsage was recorded in Ue oitice ol the Keglitei ol Deedp for the Connty of Wiislitenaw aforewaid, in Liber ijl ol mortfragvi, on uatce 7i, on the day last alorcuaid. And wherea?, delatill han been maue tor ui(re thau tweuty days in tlie pas ment ol an insta hnent of Interest which beciiue nue on the iwenty-third dn of November, 1SS3, by reason whe.eof, aud pnrsnant to the teroiu uf naid inortaiie, the p incipal sum named in eaid mortase, uf two hundred and fitty dollars, with all arrcarage of Interest tbereou at theoption of iheabove named mortpagee, became due ana paable iin.ucdialely tüereafier, and the power ol sale contaiued in said mortgage. became opemtive. Aud the said ruwrttfaKee does hereby declare it heropiion, and does inri-by e eet to have the priuc pal sum name J u said mungxge and all interest th. rein becouie now due aud payable. And herías thcre l now claimed to be due and on. able as aforeaaid, upon the said moitaat-e and the note accorupaiiyiuK the same, at the d ite ol tuis notice, the sum of two liut.drud aud siu -üiue dollars aud twenty o nts, (2011,20), in addition to all the o her legal costa pruv.ued lor In said mortgite. And no snit or proci;edin havinj; been instnuted at lav or in equiiy to recover h alorcsaid sum.or any part theieol', notice is tuerefore hereby given ibat said mortsage will be loracloieO on the tweety-uiutli day ot March, ls4,at teu o'clock in the lorenoon ofthat day, b. a sale at public auclion, lo the highest bidder, at the east door ol the Uourt llonee in the city of Anu Arboi.iu the couuiy aioresaid, (said Conrt Huse being the place ol holding the Circuit Cour! lor said countyjof the mortiai;ed premises, desertbed in said mongae or so mui h ihereof, as miy be necessary to satislv I w amvuui ui 'uinim iinu in leresi IGlUti 1 t;l 1; " UII; paid npon said montage, with the costa of forodos ure aforesaid, wuicu said preñases are de; ecnued iu eald mortgage as follow: Al] thai certaln picce or parcel f land, sitúate and bel Dg in the city of Ann Arbor, m the County uf Washte iiaw aud State of M ichljfan and described as lollo s to wii : All that cerbiin picce or parcel of !and, attmted in Brown anrt Kuiler s addiiion to the said cltl ol Ann Arlwr, according to the cscorded plat tlureoi known. bounded and descrlbed as fbllowa : C'onimeucint; on tke easterly pide of W)'l streef one hu tul red leet trom hroadway, thence norlto easteily at risjhtangles to Wall streel, lour aud oiie-hall leet, thence cast. rly parallel witli ; Wall streel tweoty-tlx feet, tbence at riKlit aulles I wild Wall streel lo Wall Kreet, theni-e noilli-we!rlj on Wall street twenty-six feet lo the place of TLninKirCA;I'nAKI,N1 &tgee b.. D. K[NNE. Aitorney für .Mortual.. nt.t, T)oc. 28, ISSi. Í17M8 Jteal Kstate lor Sale. : TATflOfMICHlUAN, County of Washtenaw, In the Matter of the EMate ol' Joaepb 8ch nabel ! üeceaped. ' Notice ík hereby iriven, that in pursu ince ot an I order grauted to the ui.d.-rmirneri adnrlultratorof Ol the eMnte of said dccasid. h rbe llon Judu'e of Probate !or the Countv' ol Wanhtennw, on the 12th dayoi .luiiuary, A. Í). 1884 thi re will b sold at public vendiif, to the hUfliem bldde at the late resideace ol sald dccam 1 in ih.' Township of Salin.-, in the Cont of Washtenaw iu raid State ol Ml.hian,oiiWedlH-Hlav theflltli duv of March A. D. 1884. at teu oVlock In the foranoon ol thai day (suiiject to all encumbrance l4 mortaïe or otherwise existine at the time of the death ol auid deceaaed), the folloing desnibcd real estáte, t i-wlt The uoith-eani quarter of the south-est iiuarter of xectionnuinber Uilriy-six, in luivn four sonth nnue tour aut, (Bnii-ewater) in Michigan, ronIninms lorty acres ol th sume mora orina Also a st ip ol land ol uniform width to be taken Irom the south end of the rODth-sast quarler ol ihe uortli-east quarter of the saiii section Ihlrty-sli in lown fournunih, non lour east In Mtchlirin, contaiiinu' flve acres and threc fmirths ol au acre ('■' 1 ol land, and lies north of and adjolnlng the parí ol land abovc deacribed. Aiso the wcat half of the 'j'i" jC'Bl 'l"illU'r "' "i'ctiou numher rhlrty-onu !■!), and thesiiuth-west quarter ol' the norrh-weal quarter ol said secllou number thirty (81) èxceptliiK thirty acres the north d théreof heretofore Bold anrt deeded lo John Suttou lenv' lllK ol the .,v„ lust immtioued pareéis 81 and 51) 1011 acr, s ol land, be the snnie more or leur, aud helas In townijlnp number lour south , RlDg numher livr east (Saline) in Michigan. PAUL (H'EINABEL, ti . , i .„ . Aduiiiiiitrator. Dated, January 1?, 184. 1I7KS4 MR8EURALGIIA7 Rheumatssm SüSaS Affoctlcas, Acule or Chronic Lumbago, Sciatica and SSSÜflervous Headache. NESVINE JliMaiKMSEr f of certainty that challenge dispute. Fórjale bv alldruggKts. VrlceSl. Ank for circular JAMlffi L DAV1S ft CO-, Apms.Drao"" 1174-UK, ' m c Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restOTM g icalth and vigor, on rei Dyspepsia Imotenee, St-xtml Debtlity. %]


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News