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DIPHTHERIA! mHE rr.oSTKATioN' which follow3 _L lMphtheria, and tlio peraistency wlth whicli It clines lo tlio patiënt, are well Known to all who havo had any experlenco vith tliis terrible dteease. The following letter shows how the restoring and Invlgoratlng proporties o( mj tf overeóme it, and tiOOu S how bv vitaiiz... "S and pniichRnrnnnrilln ins tlie blood t ouraufjut uiu Iieutrilizes and eradicates the poisoned matter trom it, bringing to the eonvalescent the color, lite and vigor of robuat hcaltli. Lowell, Mass. Mksshs. C. I. IIood&CN).: Gentlemen- Mylittlegirlhad the diphtheria last April. The disease left her very weak. Mood poor, with no appetite, and she could not seem to rally from lts effect. Hooh'h Sarsaparilla was reconimeiuled by a nelghbor. Alter she luid been taking it a lew days we notieed a change fcir the better - she began to eat with a relish. It seemed to take out the poison the disease had left in her blood, the change being very noticeable in her faee. She look it two months and fully regained lier health, nmeh to our delight. We now reconimend IIood's Sarsapabilla with ,i great deal of pleasure. Very truly yotus, 19 Kuttèrfield Street. "That Extreme Tired Feeling." "The firstbottlo has done my danghtera preat dealofgood; her food ooes not distress her now, nor does she suffer from that extreme tired feelimj which she (lid beioro t;iking Hoou's öahbapakii.i-a." Kold by all druggists. Trice ít a bottle or sixbottlesforsr,. Trcpared by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apothecaries, I.owell, Mass. IIood's Tooth-Powdcr, Only Lj Cents. A dude gazed Inteiitly at a giraffe tof a few moments and tnriieil sadly aw:iy, siglied forth: "Oh f I had a ñerk like that what a collar I oould wenr.1' Bad Case of St. Vitos Dance. Minister is the singular name of a town situated in Auglaize Co., Ohio. It is the residente of Mr. J. Brandewie, vvho write?: "Snniaritiin eirine poi'inaiieiitlv cnred my son of t bad oase of St. Virus Dance." $ï.-0. A railroad conductor lately promoteil to bedeaciin of the chnreh. is lie started uround witli tlie contribntion basket involuntaril}' remarkfd: "'rickits Gentlemen!" The contribntion was unusually large. You Cannot Buy ït in the is Bar-rooms. What an absurd idea it is to send a sick man, with an ailing stomach, a torpid liver, and impoverishcd blood, to a bar-room to swallow some stimulating stuff, and cali it (medicine! An enormous amount of mischief is constantly done by men who thus trine with themsêlves. Instead oí liealing their diseases, they make them worse. , Instead of gaining strength they only acquiro thp Jisgraceful habit of tippling. It is a point worth noting in connection with Brcncn's Iron Bitters, that this vaiuable medicine is not sold in bar-rooms, and will not be. It is not a drink. It is a remedy. It is not made lo tickle the palate ot old topers. It is made la heal dis ease. It is not nw.le to promote tht Eood-fellowship of á lot of bfbtilou! :llows standing around a bar an asking eah other, "What will yoö take?"It is a true tonic; an irou medicine containing the only prepstation of iron which can safely antj beneficially be taken into the system. fi is Siiid that the name ot' the Bago' Nails Inn in London, was a paula to everybody till an anticiuary renovated one of tlie old si;ns, and dieovered that Bago' Nails ;vas a coiruptiou of Bacchanals. "Decorative Art. Expliclt lirections for every use are given with the Diamond DC8. Por dyeiiig Mosses, Graases, Eggs, Ivoiy, Hair, &c. 10c. Dniggists keep them. Wells, liichaidson & Co., Burlington, Vt. CAÍN Health andjappiness. # „f? DOASOTHERS QtCruF fr HAVE DONE. Are your Kidneys disordered? 'Kidney Wort brought me froni my grave, as it were, after 1 had been íriven up ly 13 best doctora ín Detroit." M. W. Deveraui, Mechanic, lonja, SUcu. Are your nerves weak? Kidnoy Wort cured me from nervoua weakness Ec.after I was nol exiiecteü to lvi."-Mrs. M. M. B. Goodwln, Ed. Chrittian Monitor, Cleveland, O. Have you Bright's Disease? "Kidney Wort cured me when wy water was juet 'ikts ' .mi ti,..! m-o biooü." Frank WÍIbou, Peabody, Mass. Suffering from Diabetes? Kiun,y-Wort Ís themost goooaifu] reuiedv I hare ever Ubed. Gives almost immediate relief " Dr. Phillip C. Ballou, Monk tou, Tt. Have you Liver Complaint? Kldiu-y-Wort cured mu of chronic LiTer Digeases after I prayed to dic.' flenry Warü, late Col. 60th Nat. Guard, N. Y. Is your Back lame and aching? kirincy-Wort, (1 bottle) cured me Tihcn 1 waa so lame I had to roll out of bed." O. M. Tallmage, Mllwaukoe, WIí. Have you Kidney Disease? 1 Kidm-y-Wort mode me Hound in llrer and kidneys nfter years of unsuccessful ioctoring. lts worih 81ÜÜ üox."- Sam'l Ilodge, Williamstown, West Va. Are you Constipated? Kidncy-Wort causes easy evacuatlona and cured me alter 16 years use of other medicinen." N. lson Fairchild, St. Albans, Vt. Have you Malaria? Kldney-Wort has done better than any other lemcdy 1 have ever used In my practlce." Dr. 1(. K. Clark, Bouth Hero, Vt. Are you Bilious? KUiney-Wort bas dóneme moro grood than nny other remedy 1 huve ever taken." Airs. J. ï. Ualloway, Elk Flat, Orejón. Are you tormented with Piles? il '"'.w:rtTv-m7ifnf, curtd me of blecding lili. Ur. w. c. Kline recciminendid lt to me " Oeo. H. Horst, Cashior M. Bank, Myerstown, Pa. Are you Rheumatism rn.rkRH ? .."V''''"v" Vr- - " ""i aiit-TTWas fllveu up to die by i,liyslcians and I limf u(Tiid thirty vears ■' Klbridge Malcolm, Weat Batli, Malne. Ladies, are you suffering? Kidney-Wort cured me of peculiar trouules of si yerul yi-ors standing. Many frlendü use and praise ' Mr. H. Lanjoreaui, Isle La Motte, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take ' fd k il J i FJWyim % J "- THB BLOOD CLEAN8gr. [■?"'v'' 'Vt7'W''yyyj!Y4r&%%%ws Infantsand Children Withont Morphino or Tfarcotine. Wjmt giv.-s n„r f 'luWron roüy cheeki I li;it.:urcs ffeTora, matcea ftein slm-p'Tis 'iiatorln. ' AVhi-n Bbblea fr-t, nnd orv l.v tlinn Uliui ourea oollo, kills 'their wirnis. Hut Cajiloria. yhat qulcldy onrog Cnnstlpation Scur .Sioniach, t'olils, (ndlgëftUon : lint ;i.torl;t. Farewal] then to UorpbüM arruc CutorOil and Pareoric, ana ' liiill fntorin. Centaur Liniment.-A,. absolute cure for Rheumntism Spins, Bimis, Gall, &c, and as ' instoutaneous Paiu-relievor.


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