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A grent m.'iny ministers know wlien te begin a discourse, bnt not one In ten knows when to leave oft. The man vln: has the genius to put tiis amen Id the right place is always popular. Cause of Failure. Want of confidence accounts tor half of the business failures of to-day. Eber bftch & Son, the Druggists is not Liable to fail for tlie want of confidence in Dr Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, toi he gives away a bottle fiee to all wlio are suffering with (Joughs, Colds, Asthma. ConsnniDtlon and all ad'eetions of the Tliroat and Lungs. Jane Swisshelm says: "The tliings we cali wornen are simply small packages ol acties and pains, done lip in vefvet and lace, and topped out with ostrich pluines.' As an article for tlie toilet, Ayer's Ilair Vigor stands unrivalled. It cleanses tlie scalp and preserves it frotn scurf' and dandruft', t.nrs Koning and humors, restores faded or gray hair to its original dark color, and promotes growth. "Oh, ma," exelaimed a little Austin gii'l, glancing at the steam guage on statloiisry eiifjine, "it's UOo'clock. I didn't know it ever got so late as that." The distluriijí eriiptiou ou the face the sunken cyes, the pallid complexión, Indícate that there is somethinjr wrong going ou wlthin. Expel the lurking foe to health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla was deViged for that purpose: and does it. There are forty-seven postniasters in the United States who receive $1. a year salary. They probably take their pay in the fan they have rrodlng p stal cards. ■pKPORT OF THE COITDITION -OF THE- farmers i mm wi AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At tlie close of BiiHliiewM Jan. T, 188-1. Made in accordance with the General Buuklug Law of Michigan. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounls. $107 116 ('9 OverrirafU 218 Os Pui nlture and Fixtures .....'.'..'.'..'." 3 377 uo Expenses _.. jjo qq Checks and other Cash Items 1,317 511 Doe from itanks and lian kers Si 3(17 16 Iecíil Tender und !!:nik Notes 7 306 (Kt Bonds, U. 8 3500 (X) Bonils, I,ooal S5 ll0 Preniimn Do l'. S. lionds 530 25 $157,588 tii i.iABti.rriF.s. Capital paid 11 s 50.000 00 Surplus 1' umi 66 39 ProtH and Loss 19 Due Deposltor 104 424 0 Divldends unpald 2,500 00 Í1 57 588 64 Idosolemnly swcar that the above state menti Lrue, to the best of my kuowledge and belief. Wii.liax A.Tok'habd, Cashier. Hubaorlbed and sworn 10 beiore me thls eighth day of Januury, 1884. W.. W. Whkdon, Notary Public. [rrvised] HEAR this, all ye people, and give car all va incalidx of the world, Hop Bitters will make you well and to tejoice. 3. It shall cure all the pcople and put sickness and suffering undcr foot. 3. Be thou not nfniid when ynurfamily is Blok, or you have BiighCs disease or Liver Comi)laint, for JIop Bitters will cure you. 4. Both low and high, Heli and poor know the value of Hop Bitters for blIlOUS. nervousaud Hlieumntic complaints. 5. Cleanse me with Hop Bitters and I shall have robust and blooming health. C. Add discase uoon disease and let the I worst come, 1 ani safe f I use Hop Bitters. 7. For all my life have I heen plagned with siccnes and sores, and not until a year ago wasl cure by Hop Bitters. 8. He that koepeth his bones from achingfrwin Hhciunatism and N rui algia, with H(i Bitters, doeth wiselv. o. xnoiign inoii nam nnituj ptmpta; freckles, salt rheum, erysipelas, bloodpoisoninjf, yet Hop Bitterg will remove them all. 10. What woman is there, feeble and sick from femxlecomplalnta, who desireth not health aiul useih Hop Bitters and is made well. 11. Let fiot neglect to use Hop Bitters Dring on serious Kidney and Liver complaints. 12. Keep thy longue from being furred, thy blood pure, and thy stomach from indigestión by using Hop Bitters. 13. All my pains and aclies and disease ro like cliatf before the wind when I use Hop Bitters. 14. Mark the man who was nectrli dead and given up by the doctors, after' using Hop Bitters and becometh well. 15. Cease from worrying about nervousness, general debility, and urinary trouble, for Hop Bitters will restore you. CAMiLMJS.Onoudaga Co., N,Y., Jañ7l0,l(jx!. Illieumtitic Syrup Jo.: Gents - I teel it my duty to reeommend rour wonderful medicine-" Kheumatic jyrup" - to all who are suffering with lieuinatism, neuralgia or kiduey difliculy- 1 have been a graat suflcrer with rhcumitism, oaused by kidney difflculty, and lave been treated by our best physicians. tut they failed to reach my case or benelit 11e in the least. I snw in the Auburn papers the names if a nnmber who had been permauentlv uredbythe use of Hhcumatic Syrup and icing acquainted with many of them, I vat induced to try it, and to my surprise I wind that all pain had left DM before I iad flnilbed the tirst bottle. I contiuued Is use for a time and to-day, 1 am as well n ever and feel 110 more pain or trouble ,'ith my kidneys. It has been several lonths since I discoutinued its use, so I Dow it is a permanent euro in my case. I eau testify that Kheumatic Syrup will o all - yes, more than you claim for it. T ara yours truly, 1: Mhs. Uattik Paddbck. I1


Ann Arbor Courier
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