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AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the dftqtsea whlcb OAUM human aiitfering result froni lenmgeiiMMit of the stomach.bowels, arni liver. A Y EB' 8 UATHARTK Pills act directly upon these organi, and re especially deslgned to cure the dlsewea cauMd by their derangement, tncluriing Conctlpatlon, Indigestión, Dyspepsiíi, Heariarhe, Dvmiitery, and a host of other ailments, for all ol whk-h they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleaaant raraedy. The extensive use of these PlLU by eminent pliysieians in regular pravttee, shows unmlstakably the ettlmation in wlüch tliey are held by the medical profewlon. These PlLLC are coinpmmded f vegetable sul 9 stances only, and are abaolutely I ree trom ealomel or any other injurious ingrediënt. p A SufTerer froni HeadarliP writll : "Avüü's I'ii.r.s are invaluable to me, aiid are tny constant QOmpanlon, I have been ;i re ■ufferer hom Keadache, and your PlLLS are the cmly thiiijr I OOtüd look to for relief. One d-se wilí qulekly more my bowela and tree my head 1. filli Wmij mr tlir OIOVI Cirpi'ï 1 Vt' a lid lllii physla I hare everfoand. It is a pleasnra to me to ■peak In their pralse, and l alwaya do so wlit.-ii ooeasiou offers W. 1. Page, of W. I„ Page & Bro." Frank 1 In St., Biohinoud, Va., June ;í, Lwbü. " I li;ivp useil AvKit's PiLLfl In nuntbvrleM Instancefl as recomiiif.inleil by vou, oud lwv pvrei kuown thein to fail to aocompliah tu? denireü j e volt. We constantly keep them uu hand at uur home, and prhsB tliem as h pleasant, safe. and reliable family medicine. POR DY8PEPS1A tbev are invaluaMe. J. T. 11 t ï i - " Muxia, Texas, .luu 17, 18S2. The Kkv. Fkaxi is B. Haki.uwi:, wrltlng froni Atluttta, (Ja., says: " For some years pnst I hare been subject to oosatlpatian, (roía whieh, in spite of the use of medicines of various kinds, 1 suffered InorMMlnjT Inconrenienoe, anti] some ttionths ago 1 began Ukklug Avkk'.s Pi LUS. Tli.- Uave entirely oorrected the ooetlve Uabit, and have vastly iinproved my general health." Avkr's Cathaktic Pii.i.s correct Irregular!ties of the bowels, stimulate the appel i te and digestión, and by their prompt and tlioroagti action give tone and vigor to the vhole phyalca] economy. PBKPARKD BV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel!, Mass. Soldby all Drnggfata. YOUNG Allexperienne the wun.l.Mful beneftOLD, AND . , eff90U .„ Ayer's Sarsapanlla. prri Childrenwith Sore Kyes, Sore L"a:s, nucu. or ai)y sorofulous or ■ypfatUtlc l-'iint, may be made beaitliy and sirong by ilw ue. bold by all Druggists ; $1, six bottles for $5. ■ - i _ Mortgage Sule. WHEUEAS, Francia Koney, and Malvina Koney, of Adu Arh:r, in the County ol ( Waehtenaw.and State of Michi;au, on the twenj ty-third day of November, A. D., Ib82, executcd [ a mortgage to Cathei ine Kynn oi' ttie fame place. to secure lbo payment of certain principal and hiti-rfBt inouey thein meutiontd, wbich mortgilííe was recorded In ttie oilice ol the Register ol iJeedp for the County of Wuwutenaw aforesaid, in Liber 61 ol mortguges, on pa;e 75, on the dny last al'oreeaid. And whereai, delault ba bceu inttde for ruore thtin twenty dayp in the payment ot an intallment of Interest which bec mie due on the twenty-tbird d;iy of November, 1SÍS3, by reason whereof, and pursuant to tbe terius of said mortsaue, the pincipal sum named in naid mortage, ui two hundred and flity dollars, with all arrearafie or interest thereon, at the option of theabove named mortgagee, became dun aud payable im.ufdiately thereafter, and the power ol sale contained in said mortgage, bicame operative. And the said m.wtgagee does hereliy declare it her opiion, and does rt'by e'ecl to hav the princ pal sum numed in said nlortgftge and al interest thiretn become now due añd pnyable J And wheri'as thcre is now claiined to be due and py : able as aforesaid, upon the caid raoittrage and th i note uccompauying the same, at the date ol' this n tïCe, the Slim Ol 'wo Imi.ilroU nud ointj binp Hollnr and twenty cents, (itiH.iii), in addilion to 11 ili o her iegal costs provuled for iu sad mortage And no suit or proctedini; haviug been iustitute( at lavv or in equity to recover the aioresaid sum, o auy part Iliereof, notice is tlierefore hereby givcn ihat said murtgage will be loreciosea on the twee ty-ninth day of March, lsn4,at ten o'clock in th lorenoon of that day, b a sale at public auciion, t the higliest bidder, at the east door of the Cour House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the couut aioresaid, (said C'unrt Huse being the place o holding the Circuit Court for suid county) of th mortgaged premisee, described in said mortijage, ' or so miuh üiereof, as mny be necessary to satisty the hui. mimi of principal and interest reinainiug unpaid upon said mortgage, with tlie costs of foreclusiire aforesaid, wnicu said premisos are descriDed in said mortgage as follows : All that certain piece or parcel of land, sitúate and being in the city of Ann Arbor, iu the Connty of VVashtenuw aud State of Michigan and dcscrlbcd as lollows to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of '.and, sitnateil in Brown and Fuller's addition to the said city ol Ann Arbor, according to the recorded plat thireol known. bouuded aud described as follows: Commenclng on the easterly side of Wall strect one huudred root lrom Brondway, thence north' eaaterly at right angles to Wall streel, tliirty-lour aud olie-half feet, thence easterly parallel witu all street twenty-six feet, thence at right angles wiih Wall street to Wall street, thence north westelly on Wall street twenty-six feet to the ul-ice of beeinnine. CATIIAKINE KYAN, Mortgagee E. D. K[NNK.AttorneyforM,.r,,rHl„'.,, 'WKl o_..j, i, - . jo, ,k,„. I17(!-RS Keal Estáte lor Sale. TAgTí: O"" MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, íMMlMatter f 'he K8tat0 of JosePh Schnabel, Notice is hereby given. that in purroanoe of an order granted to the underslgued adminllrator ol ot the estáte of said deceased, bv ihe llou Judsje of Probate Tor the Oonntï of Wa.h' tenaw, on the 12th dayof Jnnuary, A. Ü. 1884 lh. re wlll be sold at public vendue, to the higlient bidder at the late residence of said d in ihè lownship or Saline,, in the Ouunty of Washtenaw in siiid btate ol Michigan.on Wednesday.the flltli duv of March A. D. 1884. at ten o'clock in the lorenooi. ol that day (subject to all encumbrances bv '? '}e orotherwise existing at the time of the deathof said deceased), the foHouiug deBcribed real estáte, to-wi The north-cast quarter of the south-enst qnarter ofsectlonnumberthlrty-six, in town foiir south range four eaet, (Brldgewatar) iu Michigan, conta uing torty acres of the same more or less Also a st ip of land ol uniform width to be taken lrom the sonth end of the south-east quarler ol the north-east quarter of tho said section thirty-six in own four suaih, range four easi In Michigan, containuiir flve acres and three fourths ol au acre 1 5 VI "V"!.'1' ,aurt lles north of and Mlotalng the parce of land above described. Also the weit half of thé '?n ,'Th q""rttr of 1"!ction n"nl'T thirty-oiMál), and thesouth-west quarter of the narth-wut luarterol said section miniher thirty-oue (:)1) ax' jeptiug thirly acres from the north eud thereof ïeretolore sold and deeded to John Sntton. leav'. ng ot the 'wo last mentioned pareéis 84 and 30 ion icres ol and, be the Hame mm or less, and helng " ',ow"1 "p nulnber lollr outh, range nuinlicr live :axt (dalmol in Michiaan. PAUL 80IINABEL, Dated,Jnuaryl2,1884. Admiui-trator. 1178 84 t NEURALGIA, Rheumatism K AffOCticaa, Acute or Chronic Lumbago, Sciatica and fACTEAL,Nervo"s Headache. NERV1NE pUr'acrUhaï of certainty that challcngcs dispute. Forialé bv all druKKts. l'ri. V I . Ask lor circiilnr JAMES E.DAVIÜ & CO.,Atcnt" d'tro", ' 1174-1225. Skinuy Men. "Wells' Health Keiicwer" restores lealtli nul vior, cures Dyspopsin Iniotence, Sexual Dcbility. i


Ann Arbor Courier
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