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STATE OF .MICHIGAN. Tn Thr. Circuit Courtfor Ihe Vountij of Washtc?ian; ui Chancera ■ The netlüonof Wllliam C. Stevens, Auditor General of sald 8tate of Michigan, respeotfully shows that the lists of I anda hcreinafter set forth and inarked "Holieilule A," contain adescríptioii of all lands ni aid county of WuNlitenaw, upon wlilch taxcs wore assessed foitheyears mentloned therelii, and wliirli were returned as dclluqneut for non-fiayraent ol tases, and which taxes havo nol lieen paldtoBetherwith the total amountof sucli taxes, n-ltn interest rompuled tliurcon to the time llxed for sale as provlded by law.and Ihe cost oí adverLislug and other expeusca oi' sale of each of sald pareéis of laúd. Your petitloner further shows (othecourt that sald lands were returned to the Auditor fleneral ai delinquent for Oír non-payment of allí taxra for gaid yearn re.ipcctively, and thal said delinquent returns were made irlor to the tirst d;iy of July, l.ssj. Vonr petltiouer furlher snowg tliat the s;il.l l;ifs on the said rieacrihed laiuls have vrnialned unpald for more thau ooe year rroni the tirst day of july nex tafier thelr retarn to Uie Amiitor General, and the said taxei not hav Ing been pald, and the same being now I due uni rematntDg unpald a above set forth, I yonr pelltloner prays a decree In favor of the : sinte ol Mlohlgan agajnsteaob pareel oí said l.i ii. Is, lor the pay raen tol tliescveral amounis of taxes, interest, cflsts of adverlishiK, nl ot.herc. penses of sale, as computert and exIrinimi j n gald nchedule, against tho severa! parcela of land cont&lned thereiu, ancl in delault ot payment of the aid several snni contpdtea and extended aalust sald lands. tliat uach of said parceN ol land may be sold for the amounts due thereou as provided by law. And your petitiouer wil! ever pray, etc. WILI.IAM C. STEVENS. Auditor General. SCHEDTJLE .A.1880. CITY OF YPSILANTI. . SÊ S S S 3 g a 5 g Woia parcel of land ooromenclng at s e cor of w % of il w 14 sec 10, towu 3 n r 7 e, thenee w üO rods, tlienee n 12 rodti thenoe e 20 rods, 1 in s 12 rods. ti.öl 2.54 ( .60 Í9.IJ5 Jh(,rmick's Additlon to TpsUaiili. Towit ■'. South 1,'ange 7 Kant, Lot 3, $ .93 $ .96 .110 il SI 1881. I g S 5 c Town -2 South of Bange S East. '2ö acres lviug n of lt rï ( Vates in s e ' j of .s e ' , 12 25 íl.UH Í -tl $ (i SI !)t Sè acres in s e yx of n e J bounded north by .iill Cneek, e by Vauoruan's land, s by M C It R, w by James I'entlegrass. J2 l.i 50 H.G2 a.9.) .00 50.17 Town ? South of Range ,' Kast. S v ,"of 11 w Vt. 85 40 .8 1.S6 .130 '.131 Town h South of Itunye .? ÏÏust. S . of s e '.; of n e '4. 24 20 2.52 .CS .(iü 8.80 Town U South of Range U JZittl . s e lí of s e i ex 10 acres s side. 13 30 1.73 .47 .IÜI 2.80 S side of se ;4 of if,. 13 10 .:!( .10 .TO 7bw ', 5oí o Range ' East. W side of w JJotnw i, 1 :!.- 81.12 8.40 00 40.12 lowti 1 South of Range 'i East. Se !4 of s wli. ü 40 .73 .20 .(0 1.53 A piece of land commeneingat a point, in the v line of see 21. 7 chalns and 50 links 8 of n w cor of said sec, running theuce e parallel with the n line of said sec. 40 ctialns and 50 links to the quarter line. Then;e s on said qoarter line 3 chaina and 75 links, thunce w parallel with tlie n line oi' sald see 40 chalns and au links to the west line of said sec. thence 11 on said w line 3 chaius and 75 : links to the place of beglnning. 21 15 IS Í.61 .70 .80 S.m Ton'n .' SotttA of Range o East. Bounded n by quarter lioe, w by Huldy and öpeuce, sby l'omath, e by Chesier. s w .. Z 7 5.22 1.11 .(il) l:i,i Tonm 3 SoxUh of Range 1: Kast . 'Í acre of e ', of w of s w ' bounded 11 lv Hall, s bv dillen, e by Johnson, w by st. 31 1 ö'J-HXI 7.11 1.93 .lid 0 18 2M00 acres w y, of w V. of s w !„, bomided u ■ by Uugerly, e by Ford, s bj' st. w by town ! line. 31 2-j .84 ut .) l.tiN Town 1, South of Range ; Etui. E J4 of s w J4. 25 II 1.82 .Ut .(10 2 91 W V, ■' s w !4. 25 II 1.S2 .1ÍI .till 2 91 E a "n ex3E 80 1.S2 .4!! .110 L".ll W y, " s e ;4. 25 S0 1.82 .111 .110 2.91 S w Ü of n w ü. 'S, 40 .111 .-r. .() 1,78 S e H " 11 w 4. 25 -10 .91 .25 .00 1.7C V :!0 acres of n 50 acres of n y of u e '4. 21; 30 li.41 1.75 .W 8.81 1" 20 acres of n 50 acres of wy, r nei.. 2Ü 20 5.11 UB .lij 7.0ÍI CITY OF AXN AKBOK. SKof Iets 7, 8 and 9, hik 6, lylng nortb of a line ilrawn east ind west through the center of bik 6s, rli e. ' 1.45 :n 0 2 44 Lot 10. bik 7 sof H.St.,rl2e, 5.49 UB CO 7.57 Lots 1, 2, .!, 4, 5 and (i, bik 7 s of H. St., r 13, e. 11. 76 3.18 60 15.54 Und. ", of lots (i, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15 and l(i, bik 2 n.rlüe. 3.30 89 00 4.79 Lots 4 and 5, bik 5 s, r 2 w. 2.57 9 00 8.8C Lots 11, 12 and 13. bik ." s, r 8 w. 4.50 1.21 liO f! 31 LotG, bik 5s, r 5 w. 1.38 35 00 2.23 A piece of land bounded e by Wildt's land, s by Chnbb's road and w to a point and 11 by Hamlin's land. 2 13 5.s GO 3.31 I lilis Addition. Lols 2!, 23, 2M and 24, bik :!. 5 49 1.18 CO 7..r)7 ' IngaWs Add'Uion. Lot I, bik 2 n, r 15 e. 1.00 27 uil 1.S7 Lots 4 and 17, bik 3 n, r 15 e. 1.32 :;e co 2.28 0msby and Page Addition. Lot 15 and e Vt of lot 14, except that part sold lo Mrs. Walport, bik 2. 5.94 l.fiO GO 8.14 Lots : and 4, bik 15. 3.90 1.07 00 5.6-. Partiidge Addi'ion. Lot 15, bik 4, 1.01 27 o 188 Lot 9, bik 0, 54 15 00 1.29 -R. S. S?mlh's Additiott. Lots 81. 91 and 95. 'I fio 9 s nn iotq jjvia ui) tji auu o-j, .UM - ■■' UU 1 . .: House and lot bounded e by Forest Ave.. a by McDouafd's, w by Wood and n by Wood. 19.47 4.15 00 21.M ( ITY OF YI'SIJ.ANTI. Original Pial, Löt 01 and n S3-165ths of lot 1)3. 17.08 1.77 (il) vi.-!.aj CITY OF YI'SILAN 1. Jiatholomew's Addiion. Lots IV"), 07. OS, 71,;72 aud 75, 3.94 1,06 00 5.1x1 Lots II), 110, 112 and 114, 3.01 117 00 5.18 Davis's Addition. Lot U and w y of lot 13, 8.2 80 (X) 4.(iti I N ', Of lot 22 1.28 35 00 2.28 FuUctt, Vuiighl and Iolme's Addilion. LotOOii 2K.29 7.M1 01) 37 .S0 HufUer's Addition. Lot 81 1.28 :i"i (10 2.23 Lot 98 357 % gg 5 1; Lot 101, except n 1 rods in widlh. 5,80 1.4.- CO 7 43 N ü of lot 10.-,, J.7ÍI 48 W) 2.S7 N lrods In width of lot T, 1.28 85 (iO 2.2.T . II'. l.urzr Ure's Additton. i."l :w 1.21 SS 00 2.11 !TI 2 70 ra (K) 4.1)4 M'rse Addition. Lot 1 1 :a 3i gp 2.:ïl " 4and 60, 4.50 i i iiu o.3i Aonis and Croxs Addition. Lot 293, 1,-j.ot 9.U, 60 IU.74 3 rods in wldlli ofT s end of lots :!04 :iO5 and 300 1.28 35 00 2.2.Í Lot 320, except 22 feet in widtli and w ir, n in width 18.00 4 80 (KI 48.46 Norris, Follett, Joslin and Skinner's Addiion. Lot 540 0.40 1.73 00 S 70 VILLAGE OK DF.XTKH. LotC, bik. 3, 3.7Ü 1.02 00 5.38 Villarje of Mmchtsler-U. and il. Addilion. Lots 1 and 2, Blk.2, .78 .21 .00 1.58 VU'kj of Saline. Lot 15, II l.Oü .45 .00 Ü.70 " 1', 13 4 47 1.21 .00 0.2S McConnick'e Plat. Town .; snuth, Range 7 east. Lot 3. .91 .25 .00 1.76 I'ottee's Arlrlilion lo Ypsilanli. Town s soulh, tange 7 enst, Lot 3, 1.37 .37 .(0 2.34 "' ". -47 .13 .00 ' 1.20 D. Smït.Vs Estale, Ser. .... Town I, soulh, Jiange 7 tast. Lot.s 1,2, :!, 4, 8, and 9, !i! 3.50 .01 ,110 5 04 E y2 of Loto, i) 1.55 .42 .00 2.57 AUDTTOK QkN-EHAL'K OFFJCK, ( Lasking, Mini., Januaiy 30, 1S84. f Notice is herebr glven that the State of Michigan ha liled in the Cirtuit Conrt for the County of Waslitenaw, in Chancery, a petition of which the foregolng is a true copythat it claims a dccree asainst each (larcelof Land thereln decarlbfid for thoamountHKpecf Bed respectlvely ; tliatsucli petltlon win be brought on for a liearinu and di-crce at the next terra of sald Conrt, to be lield on the Hrst Tuosday of Mai'ch. 188!, at Ann Arbor In said L'ounty of Washtenaw; tliat all persons intcrcsted in stich lands and deHlrinu to conteBt the lieu claiined thereou lor lach taxes or any part tbereof. Hliall appoar in said Conrt and file wlth the (Jlerk thereof thelr objection thereto on or bcforu said rat Tuesday of Marot), 1884, and that in defanlt thereof a decree wlll be takeu as iiiuyed for in said petitlou. Notice is also hereby jlven that on the flrst Monduy of May, 1881, tlie lauds descilbed in said petlllon.and lor whicii an order of sale Hliall be made, will be Hold for the taxes, interest, and charges thereou, as deternilneil by sald decre, at tlie County Treasn rei's i fice In the city of Aun Arbor, iu sald County ' ol Washtenaw. WILLIAM f. STEVENS. Auditor Qeneral.


Ann Arbor Courier
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