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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlils pnwder never varios. A marvel'of pumy,strengMiaul wholesomeness. MoreeconlllICHl tllllu Ule ordinary hinds, and aannnt 1 snld in competitloD wlth the multitude of low test, sbo't welght, aluoi or pliosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powdeb Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. ftp Liver and Kidney Eeinedy, Eggj Q9l Compounded froni the well kncmrn H Curatives Hops, Malt, Buchu, Manm drake. Dandelian, Sarsaparilla, m W cara Sagrada, etc., combmed with an 9 EL agreeable Aromatic Elixir. I JïHEï CURE DISPEPSIA & INDIGESTIÓN, A SS Act opon the I.! ver nnd Kidtejs, H ltó REGÚLATE THE BOWEL3, Lk SllTli.'v cure Rheumatisra, and all Q nary troub'es. They invigorate, K uourish, strengthen and quiet gt y tho Nervous System. W ík As a Tonlc they have no Equal. JBL 'K: ö Take none but Hopa ancl Muit Bitters, ffgt j I _ FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. BB ] Hops and Malt Bitters Co. BS ■f Jl DETROIT, M1CH. W Tliink, just because you ' have been suffermg terrlbly Q NJ F wttli Rheumatlsm or Neuralgia.tliatyoumustalways ' continue to suffer. Nor tliink .fust because nobody has been able tocure you or your frlends, tliat Neuralgia a& RJieumallsm are Incurable. D, Think that a cure is im(K T posslble Just because the vj N I pjiyslclans have been unable to accompllsh lt. Nor think tfiat because Athlophoros has not been known ever slnce the foundation of tl wortd, lt wlll not cure RUeumatlsm and NeuraSgla. DNeplect the testimony of -vii -p thehundrodsofsuffererswho U N I have trled Athlophoros and are now sound and liearty. Nor think that because you lia%-e tried flfty other tilinga that falled, that Atulophokos Is llke them. Don't be discouraged ! The very thing that wilt cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia is ATHLOPHOROS. Don'tbeSkepticall ATHLOPHOROS hens cured otters, lt wilt Cure YOU. If you cannotiret AinLOPHOROsof your drurKint. we wiU Rund it express uald, on recunjt ot reduier ]rloo-olje .Uillar per bqtüe. e'r(fi-r that yon Imy It from ymir ilrui'ÍHt. butif bohosii't it. do not be iwrvuudcd ti try Bi)metliinif clBe, but araa at uuca from ux lis directtd. ...... T ,..,„ vnnu flPM.UPttüOÏ CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. iiiiiinimiiniill K. B.iilllll"""!'"' llflllflll'" nmmmiiiliHliHil bHCcí, of whicb'he is tbo reiTMentative, wam't the S.ET gimoklug Tobucco ever umde. The sln of Blakw"ll' Buil Purlmm tngBBg iiMiiiiiiiiiiiujiMiiiiiiiiiimiiijji_ Mñeiíralcía7 Rheumatism pïïaM vm Affsctica, Acute or Chronic Lumbago, Sciatica and cadweii-8 Nervous Headacne. ACTEALThcircompietcand perfect cure accom. NERVINE pllibed in a few hours.with ! 1 174-1225. sliilBEWiKuürm


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