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Continued from Fourth Page.

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Continued from Fourth Page. A party ot Mexieun customs otttcer.? near Matamoras had a desperate fight few days ago with a band of smugglers, in which two of the were killed and two of the former were büdly wounded. Dry goods of the value of ÍS, 000 were seized. The commercial treaty between Spain and the United States, to go into effect March 1, has been signed at Madrid. Mr. Bradley, Collector of Customs at Emerson, Manitoba, was suspended on the 14th for the embezzloment of large sums. It was repcrted on the 14th that a mass of ice near the Caspian Sea, upon which some fishermen were workitig, had been carried out to sea, and all the fisheriuen were believed to havo been drowned. A rüffian seized Mr. Gladstone by the collar on the Hth on the streets of London and shook hini roughly. The assailant ecaped and had not been apprehended. The Lord Mayor of London presided on the 15th at a mass moeting which passed resolutions condemning the Egyptian policy of the Government as having caused the sacrifice of thousands of lives. Two hundred women and an unkuown number of children were massacred by Soudan rebels in the recent outbreak at Sinkat. Brigands on the 15(hcaptured the Judge and other officials of Monastier, on the Albanian frontier, in Greece. Undbr the provisions of the Irish Tramways act, a coinpaiiy litis boen furuiod in London to purchaso estáte , relieve overcrowaea aisuieus ana Biiuuuxas íi-a-cii rooidence. LATEE NEWS. The Ohio lliver was slowly falüng at Cincinnati on the ITth, although it was still nearly two leet higher than ever known beforo, but at otUer points the water was rising and doing immense damBge. From Ev.insville to New Albany, Ind., a distance of two handred miles, all the villages bordering on the river were immilat"d, and over ten thousand people were homeless. At Lawrenceburg about fifteen hundred buildings wero destroyed, and Germantown was almost wiped frnm the taca of tho earth. In ühio Portsmouth was entirely unticr water, and many buildings bad been carried off at Maysville, Gallipolis, New llichmond, Belpre, Pomeroy, Cheshire, Middleport and Augusta. At Shawneetown, 111., the water was from flve to fifteen feet deep in the streets. In the vieinity of Louis v Ule, Ky., five thousand people wen; homeless, while at Newport four thousand houses were inundated, thirty-three buildings were washed away and over one hundred were turned bottom upward. The estimated damage was $1,000,000. Measures for the relief of the sufferers wera U.'ing instituted all over the country. In a hotel at Lexing'on, Ky., two intoxicated men blew out the gas in their room on the night of the lüth and died In great agony. A fire at Prescott, A. T., on the lCth destroyed several business houses, and S. N. Holmes, proprletor of the Daily Mincr, perished in the flum.-s. Jevxe's trocery store and Glanz's fur establishment in Chicago were damaged by fire early on the moruing of the 17th to the extent of $130,000. At Ctaicheatsr, s. H., on the ltíth T1j.h1deus Avery killccl his wifo with a racor and fatally wounded hinis.lf, jcalousy being the cause. George Y. CtJRBT, a bruikor of Augusta, Ga., made an mrigmnfflTt on the 16th for $200,000, and Clareiico Shcpard & Co., of Mihvaukee, hardware dealers, failed for $100,000. Tiie Illinois Bopreme Court rondered a decisión on the lCth dedaring the Harper bill, which imposes a licenso of $ü00 on whisky and $150 on beer and malt liquor, constitutional. General Gounox reacbed Kharioum on the lïth, anti pcste.i a proclamation recognizing El Mehdi as the Sultan. Quaraxtining the Indianapnlis (Ind.) Jail on account of smull-pox necessitated the release of over a hundred tranips. They were on the llith said to ba terrorizing the city, and many outrages were reported. The Govornor of Texas on the lOth sent three companies of raugers into the districts which bad sulïored most from fencotutling, and a battle was SXpeoted.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News