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Opium KatinB. Ithcnmatisiu, Spcrmatovrluc, (ir Scmiiiul Weakues, and Ul'ty othc-r coinplulntsf" Wc claim it a sptd.ñc, giinply because the virus of all disemes anses rroi l the blood. lts Nervino, JlOHolvent, Alterativo and Laxativo propcrtioumcetan tliecondüions hercia referred t. It'a lenown world vhl a It quieta nd eompowi the pntiunt- not by Ulo lntroducticmof opltttusanddrasticcaUiartlc, uut ty the remomlionof activily to the etomahand icrvous system, whercby toa bruin la relieved jf morbid faucios, whicb. are crcaUd by the caues alxivc referrod to. To CliMgymcn, Lawyera Ijtcrarv men, Mercliant, BaiikiTs, Ladics and all those whoae sedentary cmploymciit causes nervous prostration, lrretnilarltlea of the blood, stomach, bowels or kidncys or who requiro a nerve tome, appetizcror stimuïant, Samabitan Nervine is invaluablc. Thonaands proclaim it the nio.t wonderful invii;orant that ever euutainvd the einking ystem. $1.50. Sold by all l)ruBgit. (14) Ui va. u. a. joaEPK, HO. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., Adonis, Chicago, Illinois. Misclïicv-ois Malaria. To say that malaria is mischitVOHi 3 to put it very niikïïy. It is allthat and more It is cunning, deceitful, treacherous, síy, and underhanded. It does its vork in the dark, and in I such a si y way that much of the mischief is done before it is discovered. It saps the foundations of a healthy system. It robs the blood of ts vitality, demoralizes the liver, confounds the stomach, and makes the victim wish he were in his gra'e. It is sad to see peoplesit down in their misery. content tobe the victims of mischievous malaria, and thinking that nothng can be done for them. The powet of Brown's Iron Bitters over the mischiefs of malaria has been so amply provcd Chat there is no reason wny anybody who can procure a bottle of this Prince of Tonics shall suffer.' Great rs the power of malaria, and great are'its disastrous effects. But greater far rs the beneficent influence of Brown's Iron Bitters The preparation of iron in this favorte family remedy can be taker R'itnout ruining the teeth er produc ng constipation and lieadache. i THE SURE GURE FOK " - - KIDNEY DÍSEASES LIVER COMPLAINTS. CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD D1SEASES. PHYSICiANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. "Kidney-Wort is the most eueceasñd remedy I ever used.' Dr. P. C. Ballou, Monkton, Vt. "Kidney-Wort is always reliable." Dr. K. N. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. "Kidney-Wort has curod my w ife after two yeara suatring." Dr. C. M. Summerlin, Sun Hill, Ga. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it haa cured where all eLse had failed. It is mild, but efficiënt, CEKTA1X IX ITS ACTIOX, but harmless in all cases. t tí" 1 1 cleansen the Blood and Strengthenn and dves Sew Ufo to all tho important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneys is reatored. The Iaver is cleansed of all diseaae, and tho Bowele move freely and healthfully. In this way the worst diseases aro eradicated from the system. 2 PRICE, $1.00 UQCID 0B DRY, EOLD BT DRVUG18TS. Dry ean bo sent by mail. WELLS, IÍ 1 I V I.' I-! N' .Í CO. Burlington V t. CAMiLLL-s.Onondaga Co., N,Y., Jan.lO,l8.3. ïtlieumatic Syrup Co. : Gents- I teel it niy diity to recommend your wonderful medicine - " Kheiiniatic Syrup" - to UI wlio ave fufferlng with rlieuinatisin, nciirulgia or kldney ulfflcalI hnve boen a grent suflfferer with rlieumatism, causdl by kidney diffloülty, and bave been treated by best physlciana, but they failed to reacli my case or benefit me in the least. I saw in the Auburn papers the ñames of a mimber who had been pennanently cured by the use of lihcuumtic Syrupaiid being acquainted with many of them, I was induced to try it, and to my surprise I found that all pain had left me before I had linislied tlie tirst, bottle. I continued its use for a time and to-day, 1 am as well as ever and feel no more pain or trouble with my kidneys. It has been several inontlis since I discontinued its use, so I Unow it is a permanent cure In my case. I ean testify thut Rheumatlc Syrup will do all - yes, more than yon claim for it. I mi yonrs truly, Mrs. IIattik Padddck. "ïhFdavis swing chörn. The Most Popular ('hurn on the Market. % BecauRe It makes the Jvi v Jr fit nioet buttcr. Because IBi- ALyi J no other Cliurn works JEO&'ISzfW k so easy. Hecaurtc it feÏT v 11 it-iKcs the beM niinci HWl v i luit ter. BecHtiBe it Is 5 L-jurA-r thecacicst cleuned. tt ygrAT d isnoflouta or paddles JF JTTk x inside. AlBOthe Kure M i . u Bntter Wnrkír - ÍT% -r, the i-shltt Hiitc ' - X ter I'rhuer, and ft mf JF Aill line of Buttcr f f Making TtenBÜB for Dairu-h uiul Fuctorli1. Rcnd for Illuetratcd Circulara. VEKMOXT FAK31 HAGHIVE OO _ ISoUowm FulU, V OTICE. ALL persons indebted to the QOCleriIgiied ure requtjötud to cali immcdiately at the Famons One-Prioe Clotiiing House and settlc thiir accounts. At d all parties ha ving Clainii Ifffllnst me me rcqueBtud to present ihcm at oücu for BCttlement. JOK T. JACOBS. Don'tDie in the House. II Rough on Itjits." Clears out rats, mico, roaclies, bed-bugs, files, ante, molos, chlp monke, gophera. 15c.


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