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A.SK FOK lili: BUTTER CRACKERS! Stampen intli m V." Nuiie genuino willi out lt. Made by TL, V ïH K YAIL & CRANE, DETROIT, - MICH. Real Estafe for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washk ' tenaw, ss. In the matter of tho estáte of ArclilbuM Scott.decensed. Notice lHhercby given.that In pursuanco ol an order rrantad to the nnderelxned, iidinlntsuator ol the estáte of natd dei-eased, by the Honorable .Tudue of Probate for the Couuty of Washteuaw, on the elghleeuth day of Jannaiy, A. I). 1)4. tlieie will be nold at ïmhllc veiulue. to the hiKheat bidder, at Mie late resldenee ol said deceased. In the townshlp of Lima, in the connty of Wasbtenaw. in auld Siate. on Hntnrday, the flrst dny of Murch. A. l. IS.S4, at one o'ciot'k in the atlernoon ol (bal day (subject to all incumhrances by inortgaue or otherwlse exlstliif; al the time of the death ol sild deceased; the followlng dosorlbed real estáte, to wit : The uorth half of the southweRt quarter of sfotlon two(2),and 11 that part o? the west hall ol the northwest quarler of sald sectlou wblcli lies Hontb of the Mlehluan Central Kailroad, exceptlns froin the last namcd parcol one and oue-half acres in the nortbeast corner thereof, occupled by the Miohlgan ( entral Htilruad Coinpany. All in town two Usouth mnge four (0 east (Lima) iu MlchiGEOKGE 8. SILL, tn , , ■ „ Admlnlstrntor Dated. ran.18, 1SSI. 117i-84


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News