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Lent beginsoe week Hom to-dny. Geo W Cable has wikten that he can come MonJay. Marcli 10, tor tía readings. __ - The Aun Arbor Turnverein has a ma querdeprty at Armory Hall to-morrow ,, , jfr. Norton, whose inaanity we spoke of last week, will be taken to the Pontiac asyliun. Rcuben Kempf has moved from over gchlelcher'a store to rooms above Rinsey ! & Seabolt's. Rmnor says an Interestiug breach of promise snit is oa hand tor one of Aun Arbor's residents. Seveii widowed ladies in tlie Fourth ward gave fï5.00 each to the Relief Fund for the Ohio suffe re rs. Dr. Corbin of Battle Creek, conducted services at St. Andrew's Sunday morning and evening, deUverinit two fine seruwus. A new tobáceo store has been started on Detroit street, in the building owned by Myron Green. Mr. Keating is the proprietor. __-___ The Grand Lodgeof Knightsof Uonor, recently in session at Grand Rapids, will ii:ive Us next conveiuiun in Aun Arbor, lu 188C. Rev. T. B. Forbush, of Detroit, will preach next Sunday morning and eveniugat tbe Unitarian Church, in this city, in exchange with Mr. Sunderiand. A social with music and charades will be given this eveniug by the ladies of St. Andrew's church in Fireman's Hall. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Professor Moses Coit Tyler, who lectures here on Friday night, will remair. over Sunday, preaching at St. Andrew's church u the morning and evening. Since our last issue the following divorce suits have been entered at the clerk's office: Frank E. Loree vs. Cora Loree; and Alta Pulmerston vs. Win. ! ston. In the communication from Henry Paul last week, on the first page, the ulditional expenses of creating a bureau of labor, ! :tc., as the re referred to, should have been $5,000. The next Pioneer meeting will be held in Ypsilanti, March Bth, Ex-Governor Felch will deliver bis popular lecture on "Personal Recollections of Clay, Webster and Calhoun," on that occasion. Katie Jacobs gave a very delightful valentine party last week at her residence on Williams street. There were about j forty of her friends in attendance, and the little foJks all report a splendid time, with no end of fun over the Valentines. The executors of the estáte of Rice A. Real have concluded the sale of the " Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co." to a stock company of Detroit capitalista, for the consideraron of live thousand dollars. TUree Ann Arbor men are stock-holders. The monthly meeting of the Pomológica! Society will be held the flrst of March in the court house. Topics : The papers of the February meeting on berries and insecU; grapes will be discussed also. Ileports from delegates to the Lapeer meeting. We have been duly notified that the "Great Forepaugh Show'' will positively appear in this city the coming season. Barnum has a pink elephant, they say, and Forepaugh claims to have on the way to this country a genuine white elephant. Show cm np ! Those proposing to ittend the meeting of the Michigan Horticultnral S ciety at Lapeer, on the 26th and 27th, would do well to notify Secretary Garfleid, at Grand Rápida, so that he may furnish information as to any reductiou in railroad rates tliat muy be obtained. Thomas Hayley has a Freuch priinrose which lias been in blossom continually for over a year until a few dnys since, when the plant took a brief rest, only to l)looin again in a short time. Twentyseven blossoms were counted on the primrose yesterday. At the annual Sunday School Convocaon and Teachers' Institute of the Diocese of Michigan, held in Detroit this Week, papers were on the program from Mrs. E. A. Rathbone and Miss Mary S. -Me, of Bt. Andrew's chuich sunday liool in this city. A reminder of spring in the weather of yesterday morning. Rain in afternoon and early in the evening, followed later by a Wizzard, blowing very hard all night. Tlils morning a warm sun greeted us. l'his evening- but we forbear, lest we Kive the weather away. At the parlors of the Unitarian cliurch morrow evening will be given a supllt;f. with music, tableaus, etc. Fancy es8 old-time character impersonations Wl11 prevail, Mrs. Martha Washington and others being duly represented. The nnnuct will be given a place on the proCoasting is still being indulged in. A Party of lady and gentleman tudents w"e trying the observatory liill Saturday 'noniing. Though one of the ladies col'ded with a telegraph pole and a young tentieman of the pal.ty ,.eceiv(,d ai,-inju.y WasT üL hU hllluli' " selÉious damage Mrs. A. J. Kellogg was sent for frotn Anu Albor to take a cast 'poste reste' of the head of the late Mr. Oay of that city, a gentleman wldely known in business circles throughout the State. The cast taken has provecí so ïUOOenful that the probabillty ia that a number of busts w iil be ordcred. - Every Saturday. The October gas bill for the court house amounted to $10: that of November v s $40.75; for December 'twas somethingover $52. County ulerk Robinson thinking this tnlght be considerably lessened took steps to that end by regulatlng the pressure supply. Uis success is seeu in the gas bill for January, which amounted to $19.751 " Robert Emmet," in the matinee and evening performance last Friday, brougbt in about $350, of which amount some $250 will be divided betweeu the St. Lawrence Society and the Dramatic Club. The latter are thinking of putting on a new play before the season is finished. They will probably not go to Dundee with " Emmet," as was contemplated. Wn. J. Miller, representing Otseningo Lodge, No. 295, and Densmore Qnuasr, from Washtenaw Lodge, No. 9, are the delegates from this city to the meeting of the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F., held in Detroit yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow. Chas. Durheim, John Wahr, Chas. Gardner, and Charles and Eli Manly went down yesterday. Audrew Schmidt goes on to-morrow. One week ago to-night a move was inaugurated by our citizens for furnisLing relief to the Cincinnati sufferers. and persons were appointed to canvass each ward. At a meeting last night $7S2 cash was reported in, and nbout $30 more to be collected. Dr. T. P. Wilson and T. J. Keech were authorized to go to Cincinnati and determine as to ihe use of the amount. Over $S00 from our city ! A fine life-size bust portrait of the late ex-Gov. John J. Bagley, of Detroit, richly framed, bas recently been presented to the Unitarian charch of this city, by Mrs. Bagley, to be Kutlg in the parlors of the church, among the portraits of eminent Unitarians that now adorn the walls of parlors and reading room. Gov. Bagley was a warm friend of the Unitarian Society here, as well as of the University. The following delegates have been selected to represent this county at the State Horticultural Society, to be held in Lapeer on the 2Gth and 27th inst. : J. Almand, J. D. Baldwin, E. Baur, W. F. Bird, C. C. Clark, O. K. L. Crozier, J.D. Duncan, J. Ganzhorn, M. H. Goodrich, Wm. McOeery, J. J. Parshall, E. H. Saott, J. B. Stppro. .T. E. Snninor. J.Wliitlark, W. 8. White, and C. II. Woodruff. Our citizens ihis week are having hot biscuits, rolls and genis made without the use ot shortening, dealt out to them daily at different groceiies about the city. The ladies especially are satUfylng themselves as to the peculiar merits of a new baking powder by these practical tests. Charles Wagner furnishes the biscuits to-day, and C. Rinsey, Stimson, and Baumgartner on Tbursday, Friday, and Monday, respectively. Despite the bad weather, mauy of Laura E. D:inty's friends and acquaintances were at the opera house last night to see hf.r pleasing rendition of " A Mountain Pink." She very kindly favored her audience wlth the recitation of a humorous selectiun between Act3 I and II. By the way, Mrs. Dainty's ability as i reader was rirst broug'it to public notice through a private reading In the parlors of a Chicago Udy who is a sister of a well-known lady resident of this city. A horse and cutter came tearing past our office Saturday afteruoon, and upon iuquiry we found thal it was a livery from Polhmus's stable, driven by circuit court commissioner P. McKernan. While driving under the Toledo railroad bridge, a passing train fi ightened the horse into running. Mr. McKernan's little boy who was with him, on being urged to get out of Hie cutter informed fais pa that he expected to stand by the wreek, and suggfsted also that a devotional frame of miad would be more approprlate to the occasion than the plentiful "expletives" he was indulging in. This is per Mc's own story. The horse and cutter wlth occupants came out O. K., and the latter are the héroes of a fast time record between the bridge and barn. Company A wU parade on the street on Friday at 10 a. in., as per the following order: Headquakters First Regiment. ) Michigan State Thoops. Lansinq, Ffb. 15, 1881. ) loenebal okder no. 1j The compaules composln tlie E'irst Regiment will parade in uniform under arma, ut tlieir respective stations on the 22d Instant, as requlred by Panigraph 91, liules and Regulatlous, series of 18S3. As this is the annlversary of him of whom it was said, 'First in war, tlrst in peace. flrst in the hearts of his countrymen," let us show ahi;;h egard for his memory by ooserving the occasion with full ranks, and a reverenee lor hls noble character which shall inspire us with a deslíe of imitatlon. company Commanders will report to these headquarters the number of men on parade aud leugth ot time under arms. By command of L). H. McCOMAS, Colonel Cornmandlng. WM. 1'. AI'PLEYAltD, Aüjutant. The following is a list of contributors from the fourth ward to the suff;rers by the late flood In Oliio. Any person who has contributed that does not tind his or her name in the list, will confer a favor by notlfying a member of the committee at once. We also deslre to express our thanka for the cheerful response made to our appoal for assistance. Respectfully, A. Eisle, Moses Seabolt, Tiios. J. Kekcu. A. Felch, $15. The folio wing $10 each: Harvey Coruwell, Moses Seabolt, E. E. Royer, Ferdon Lumber Yard, Dr. A. B. Palmer, Henry Cornwell and Wm. C. Stevens. The tollowing $5 00 each : A. Kearney, E. Treadwell, Mrs. K. A. Rogers, Mrs. M. II. Tripp, Mr8. M. C. II. Wells, Mrs. S. Hubbard, Mr3. C M. Loomis, Mrs. S. S. Cowles, II. M. Tabor, J. Nowland, Dr. Geo. E. Frothiugham, H. J. Brown, Me. U. L. Bean, Prof. E, Olney, I. Dunn, Mr3. Vanderwaker,John Finnegan and Judge Lawrence. The following $3.00 each: Patrick Q'Hearn, Prof. C. K. Weed, J. C. Kuowlton and A. Eisle. The following S2.00 each: A.F. Biirns, Mrs. Statteiy, E. J. Knowlton, Mrs. A. G. Miller, Mrs. E. A. Rathbone, Mrs G. P. Williams, Prof. C.S. Denison, E. N. Gilbert, J. J. Robinson, D. Cramer, Rev R. B. Pope, M. Swift, Mrs. Wm. Noble, M. Rogéis, Mrs. H. Morse, Miss M. Kearney, Mrs. E, N. Green, Mrs. E. W. Morgan, John Lawrence and 8. W. Clarkson. Tlie following $1 each: K - , D. J. Ross, Zaohmau, M H. Brennan, A. Gwinner, N. Drake, C H. Milieu, H. Dodsley, H. Masten, T. Keating and J. Schibley. Total, $233.00.


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