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a. l,. Moble was u Detroit Monday. Mrs. Judge Best is visiting f riends 'in indiana. loe T. Jacobs went to Mt. Pleasant oh Tucsday morninjj. Harry Nkjhola is engaged at the Postoüice now. Mrs. Joseph Beal of Northville spent Sunday In the city. G. V. Williams of the Detroit Evening Journal, is ia the city. Misa Dell Chainberlin has gone to Fiat Rock tor a few weeks. J. C. Stevens has had to go home through continued ill health. Miss Emily Hugins, of Mansfield, O., is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Wilsou. Miss Mabel Beal of Dexter visited Ann Arbor friendo a few days last week. Miss Kittie Moloney of Detroit spent Salurdiiy and Sunday with Miss Breakey. Dr. T. P. Wilson left for Akron, Ohio, this morning, to be gone until nest weck aomc time. Mis. (Jen. Huilt and daughter, Miss Bessie, went to Detroit to hear Irving Monday evening. Mr. Tuomey, of Salem, is making preparatiotis for building an uausually line house in the spring. L. D. James of Williamsburg has been sójournlag iu towu this week lookmg afier his property intercsts. T. J. Keecli leaves to-niori'ow to meet Dr. Wilsou. in Toledo, going t henee to Cincinnati for several days. WhUs in the city over Suuday, Dr. Corbin, of Battle Cieek, was the guest of Mr. Pett, East üniversity uve. Edward Duft'y has been drawn as a juror for the March term of the United States District and Circuit courts at Detroit. Mrs. Colborn, wflio has been visicin her mother, Mrs. Dygart, ffor several months, returned last week to her home in Iiwin, C )1. Misses Uuth and Anna Watkins carne over from Manchester last week to spend two weeks in visifmg their sisters Mrs. S. VV. Clarkson and Mrs. Elmer Cushman. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Blitz, of Detroit, are expected out next week for a short visit with S. S. Blitz and family. While here Lew. " takes in" the Phi Delta Phi banquet. The marriare iu this citv of Mr. Alfred Graber, law '81, of Findlay, O., and Miss Esther Cornwell, of Anti Arbor, is announccd for to-morrow morning at the bride's resideuce. Mrs. G riston, who has been witü lier son-in-law, Prof. Galpin, of St. Clair, for some time, returned to the city on Thursday. She will occupy rooniB at her house on Jefltrson street. John Keek was unable to leave for the Eiist last week, being taken sick sotnewliat suddenly. Ile was reported Letter on Monda}', but will probably not be able to get :iway this week. Dayid Fisher and family well known to many of our citizeus, have been in the city for several days. Mr. Fisher moved to Ypsilanti about a year since. He will move to Flint this week, we understand. L. D. Tayior and Junius E. Beal start this aflernoon for a trip to Cincinnati to view the flooded regions and to attend the Opera Festival. After which, Mr. Beal continúes to New Orleans to witness the Mardi Gras festirities, and before returnIng he wül take a tour through the South to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Kuebler have moved into the 1031119 over Schleicher's store, where they will doubtless be pleased to ineet their f rienda at an early dato. Mrs. Kuebler, née Miss Eugenie Rettich, of this city, and Mr. George Kuebler, were uuited in marriage Thursday afternoon last by Kev. Mr. Belsor. Congratulations are quite in ordei