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Compiled from Late Dispatches, CONGRESSIONAL. Bills were Introdueed in the Senato on the lLth: Uy Mr. MePherson, to suspend the coinas:e of the Standard silver dollar until June, 1SH6, and to reeeive trade dollars in Binall amounts for postale and revenue stampe; by Mr. V oorhees, To prohibit the assessment of Government ofticuils and employés for political purpoaes. ... In the House bilis were reportad to retire or recoin the trade dollai; to prnvide tor building the Michigan & MisBissippi ("anal, and to aid temporarily and support the common schools. Mr. Potter introduced a bilí to tronvert the threo, four and four and one-haif per cent, bonds into two and one-half per cents, payfnff a premluin equal to the ainount snved tó the country. C The MePherson bill to provide for the issue of circulatimr notes to National banks was advoca tod in the Senate on the 13th by Mr. Bayard hs bc ing in the line of absolute security. Mr. Shorman o ff e red an amendment as to bonds hearing1 more than three per cent. interest. He said sentiment in Congres was hostlle to the suspension of Pil ver coinajre or the aioption of a new ratio between the precious metal;, and that a silver standard was casi ing its etiadow upon the future In the House a petition was preBented for pensions to I'nion soldiere conflned in Andorsonville, Iielle Isle or other Confedérate prisons. A bill was passed in the Senate on the 14th to make all public roads and highwaya postroutes. Mr. Logan introduced a bill to provide that honorably discharpred soldiere or eailors be preferred for appointment to civil offices, and Mr. Beek oflVred a bill for the organization of Supr;me Courts in the Territoríes. The MePherson bilí relativo to National-bank cireulation wns dobated In the House Mr. MeKink'y presented a telegram f rom Cleveland reeomniendiníjr that the íJood relief approprlatlon be increated to $1.0(10,000. A debate followed on the Mississippi contested-cleotion case of Chalmers vs. Manning, but no action was taken.; The eession of the Senate on the 15th was mostly ooouptod in debatingr the bill to provide for t he issue of circulating notes to National banks; an amendmont previously submitted by Mr. Sherman, providing1 that if any bonds dejtositcd bore interest higher than three per cent-, additional notes should be issued equal to one-ha!f of the interest in excess of three per cent. before maturity, was rejected- 7 to 42. A joint reolution tnakinjr a further appropriation of Ï300.0C0 for the relief of sufferers by the Ohio tlood waspassed. Adjourned to the 18th In the House the joint resolution making an additional appropriation of $-00.1(00 for the relief of fiood Bufferers was passed. The ChalmersMannini? election case was taken up, and a reso4ution declarini? that Munriintr was entitled to a seat trom Mississippi was defeated - 92 to 157; the majority resolutions, discharging the Committee on Election from the prima facie case and the seat vacant until the case is decid ed on its merits, were then adopted- 130 to 5ti. Adjourned to the 18th. DOMESTIC. Henry Colbhoth was killed and several othrmen wure badly injured by a coasting accident at Biddeford, Me., a íow evenings ago. At Winnetka, 111., on the night of the 12th an aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Vilson, w-ere murdered by some one unknown. Mr. Wilson was nearly eigbty yearsofage. Mis. Wilson had for years been conflned to her bed with paralysis. The venerable couple were believed to have considerable money in the house. Mr. Wilson was a highly respected citizen, a native of New Hampshire, and the last of a family of ten brothers. Mrs. Carrie Vandeiïgrift, the wife oi a wealthy coal dealer at Burlington, N. J., was met in her yard on the 13th by an unknown man, who threw the contenta of a vial of vitrol in her face, destroying her eyesight. The cause for the horrible deed was unknown. The body of Martin Riley, a farmer ol Adrián, Mimi., was found murdered in a straw-stack on the 13lh. His son, aged fifteen years, who had disappeared. was supposed to have committed the crime. At Halleck, Nev., the thermometer reg istered forty-five degrees below zero on thE 13th, the coldest ever known in that section. Thomas SHEA,whosa mind was unsettled, informed his mother the other clay at Wilkesbarre, Pa., that in a dreamíie had been summoned to Heaven. He then walked to the high bridge at Nanticoke, jumped off and was horribly mangled. THEjmill-owners at Pittsburgh on the 13tb withdrew their order for a ten percent, reduction in the wages of machine moldéis, thus averting a strike. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing at Washington on the 13th made the last delivery of one and two dollar notes war ranted by the appropriations, and it was said there would be determined opposition in Congress to providing for any more small bilis. Three attendants at the State Lunatic Asylum at Utica, N. Y., were arrested od the 13th on the charge of causing the death by violence of Eva:i D. Hughes, a patiënt. At Philadelphia on the 13th Barbara Miner (colored) was fatally shot by Louisa Powell (colored). Each received a comic valentino, and each aecused the other oí being the sender. ' Judoe Dickkt, of the Illinois Supreme Court, on the 13th granted a supersedeas in the case of Frederick M. Ker, the Chicago defaulter, and a hearing will be had in March. Two lads from Berlin, Ont., arrested recently at Niágara Falls, carried three loaded revolvers and a book relating the adventures of Frank and Jesse James. Government detectives eaptured in Kentucky on the Í3th a band of nine counterfeiters, some of whom were looked upon as respectable citizens. Advices of the 13th state that non-union miners were boing visited at night in the district about Shaners, Pa., by masked bands, after the Molly Maguire fashion, and warned to leave. Some of the men were terror-stricken, and the operators would npply to the Sheriff to stop the nocturnal visitations. Edward GoitDOtt, of Bellefontaine, O., while eleaning a revolver a few days ago shot his wife near the left ear, inflicting a fatal wound. An overflow of the Trini'y River on th 14th submorged a section of Dalias, Tex.. and a rise at Elin Fuik fluoded the country for miles between Donton and Dallas. Five miles of trestling on tiie Missouri Paeiflc Road had bpn washed away. By the eollapse of a bi idge on the 14th at Weedsport, N. Y., a mixed train was dropped in'o the Séneca River, the engineer, firmnan an.l brakemm being drowned. The passenger car remained on the track. THElurge prain ele va tor of Fred Norton's, t Jonesburo, Ind., was dOtroyed by firo a few ev!tin"s :iro. It was decided on the 14th to immediately resume work in seventy-two coal-pits ini Pennsylvania, thus giving einployment tol eight thousand idle men. The loss of a stage-coach, filled with passengers, in the mountains of Colorado, was reported on the 14th. The snow was ten feet deep on the level. David C. Keller, pilot of the Scioto, sunk in collision near Mingo Junction, July 4, 1882, flfty-four lives being lost, was found guilty at Parkersburg, W. Va., on' the 14th of voluntary manslaughter, but recommended to mercy. Exports of breadstuffs during January, 1884, were valued at $12,284,781, against $15,833,577 for the same time in 1883; for the seven months ended Jan. 31, 1884, $100,250,207; for the same time last year, $133,680,133. At the Hoosier Flouring-Mills in Indianapolis George Emery, the engineer, was caught by the shaft of the fly-wheel a few mornings ago and whipped to a frightfnl death. Two MEN who, under different aliases, secured sixty-seven complete suits of clothes and seventeen pairs of shoes from the Relief Committee at Wheeling, W. Va., were arrested on the 14th for fraud. L. D. Mowry & Som, cotton factors at Charleston, 8. C, suspended payment on the 14th, with liabilities of !fl50,000. Ten Mormon proselytes, five of whom were girls, from Cleveland County, N. C, passed through Atlanta, Ga., on the 14th, en route for Utah. One of the most comprehensivo coin collections in the United States was stolen a few nights ago by burglars from the ofllca of Dr. II. C. Braiuard, oí Cleveland, O. Thb Central Bank of Upper Handusky, O., failed on the löth, with liabilities of $100,000. Speculations by John S. Rappe, President, caused the failnre. Du ui nu the seven iliiys enJed on thelöth the business failures thioughout the United States and Canada numbered 3 0, against 2(J0 the previous week. The distribution was as follows: New England States, 34; Middle, 57; Western, Si; Southern, 45; Pacific States and Territorios, 21; Canada and the Provinces, 60. Whilk John Beatty was attempting on the lth to convey hls wife and thi-ee ehildrenandtwo youngladies named Weatherford across the barkwater near Newburg, Tenn., on the Tennessee River, the skiff was dashed against a log by the current and upset. Mrs. Beatty and all the children and one of the young ladies were drowned. The rear wall of two adjoining buildings n Pearl street, Cincinnati, used as boarding-houses, and occupied by thirty-flve persons, collapsed early on the morning of the 15th, resulting in the drowning and crushing to deatb of ten persons. The search for other bodies would be continued when the water lowers. It was announced on the 15th that the Indians were starving at the Poplar Creek and Wolf Point agencies, In Dakota. An ice gorge on the löth causedthe flooding of the lumber district at Albany, N. Y., and many streets in the lower section of the city were submerged. The Eraployment Bureau of the Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago reported on the 15th thirty thousand to forty thousand men and boys unable to procure work, wh ich was twenty per cent. more than usual. The applicants came from every walk in life. It was reported on the 15th that Treasurer Mason, of Jay County, Ind., was a defaulter to the araount of $46,000, and suit had been commenced againut his bondsmen. Near Rogersville Junction, Tenn., on the evening of the 15th Mrs. Carrie Hunter, the young and beautifal wife of James M. Hunter, a wealthy stook-raiser, was shot and instnntly killed while sitting near a window. Who eommitted the crime, and for what cause, was unknown. The wife of Bivens Percefleld, living near Bloomington, Ind., left her little daughter alone in a room with an open flreplace a few days ago, and tan she returned the child was lyiug on the floor burned to death. At the hanging of Thomas Benton, in Plaquemines, La., on the 15th, some of the wornen in the assemblage shrieked and many fainted. Miss Emma Rooers, a beautiful young lady of Cbattanooga, Tenn., was fatally burned the other night by her clothes catching flre from a grate. She had been nursing a siek brother for a week, and being overeóme with sleep sat down near the flre. Nearly one-half of a flsck of six tbousand sheep on the Dakoba bad lands, owned by Marquis Demores, having died this win] ter, the belief was expressed on the löth that they were poisoned by his enemies. A fire a few days ago destroyed tho O'Neil wagon-shops at Cortland, N. Y., valued at $100,0)0. W. R. Miller was found murdered on the 15th near Marietta, O., and his wife and brother were arrested for the crime. It was said the woman threatened to kill her husband because she loved his brother. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. Thb Illinois Republican State Central Committee met in Chicago on the 12th and issued a cali for a State Convention at Peoria, April l(i. A Congressional Apportioiiment bill was recently passed by a strict party vota by the Virginia Legislature, giving eight distrieta to the Daniocrats and two to the Coalitionists. Thb Mayor of Sandwich, Eng., followed his eloping dauhter to Austin, Tex., a few days ago and persuaded her to return to Europe with him. Genebal Sheridan arrived in New York on the 13th to have a conference with General Grant. The latter was still forced to use crutches to get about his home. Apter a conference with Secretary Lincoln on the 14th the House Committee on Appropriations decided to report a bilí for an additional sum of $500,000 for the flood sufferers. Bills were before Congress on the 14th asking the appropiiation of $10,030,000 for the erection of eighty-nine public buildings. Captain Paul Boyton, the noted swimmer, was married in Chicago on the 14th to Miss Maggie Conley. Colonel Edward Simms, 'aged ninety years, one of the defenders of the capital from the British in 1814, died in Washington a few nights ago. He lived tbere since the foundation of the city. Pbesident Arthür on the 14th ordered the promotion of Lieutenant Rhodes, of the revenue cutter Dexter, for heroic work at the wreek of tho steamer City of Columbus. A. M. Chadwick, County Judge at Omalia, Neb., dropped dead on the street from apoplexy while on his way to attend a wedding at Trinity Cathedral on the 14th. The investigation into the causes of the election riot at Danville, Va., commenced on the 14th at Washington, the first witness being a colored policeman who was a spectator of the bioody work. A National Council of the National Union League has been summoned to meet at Washington March G. An additional appiopriation of $200,000, making the total amount $500,000, for the relief of the flood sufferers, passed both houses of Congress on the löth and was sigued by the President. President Arthur on the 15th accepted the resignation of John C. New, Assistant Secretary of .the Treasury, to take effect immediately. The will of Wendell Phillips, made public on the löth, eonveys his entire estáte, valued at $50,000, to his widow and adopte? Jug-thor. The new registration of voters at Norfolk, Va., shows 2,tl3f colored and 2,022 white voters. F0REIGN. Tewfik Bet, commanding at Sinkat, preferring death to surrender, spiked his guns on the 12th, blew up the forti fications and made a sortie, when the Mehdi's forces slew Tewfik and six hundred men, entered the town and destroyed the garrison. Seven British menof-war had been ordered to Egyptian waters, and infantry and eavalry would be sent from Suez to Suakim as soon as possible. It was announced on the 12th that the massacre of over two hundred and fifty Christians by the Chinese occurred in the province of Phanhoa instead of at Tonquin, as previously reported. Seven persons weredrowned at Dundee, Scotland, on the 13th, by the upsetting of a boat. Telegram s of the llttli state that the Chinese had massacred over fifty Christiang in the neighborhood of Hue and the miasion-house wasdemolished. Bands were pillaging and murdfring and crying: "Death to the Christians!" The vicarate of Eastern Cochin China was endangered. Christians in the vicinity of Tourane were fleeing to Puinhoin, hoping to find the Frenen there. A waterspout at Arequipa, Peru, a few days ago caused Ihe drowning of several persons and great damage to property. Contlnued on Flrat Page.


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