
BUSINESS CARDS. WltXIAM BIGOS, Contractor and Builder. SHOP: foren Church aud Orleans Street, ANN ARBOR, 'IK II. W. H. JACKSORÍ, IXESHKriiTIIIliSliTIL OFFICE : Over Bachs Abol's Dry Goods Store. Entranci bt Fib?t National Bakk. Ull.l.l M IIERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! hapering, Glazlng, Gilding, and Calcimlnlne, and work oí every descrtptiou done in the best style, and warraoted to give satisfactiou. $hop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. C. SCHAEBERLE, SisiDiKCE, 57 Soera Main St., Teacher of fcjíiiüa asá tey of Miisic. Ken on Plan ot the Koyal Conscrvatory of Mnaic at Leipgic, Sasony. FKE1 B4J1FORD A CO., FRESCO ARTISTS, DKAl.hRR IN Fine Wall Papers, I.eather Papers, Llscrmta, l'apiTCeillnf, pt-cu.ailo"8.Storehadi!f, Uecorative Picture Alouldinii and rentree Estimate glven and desiyns (Mibmi'rid for Kri'pcmne tod Paper Uecorotions. 255 Jefferson íve., Detroit. WILUAB W. WlCHOLS, New Dental Rooms, over Joe T. Jacob's Store. GAS or VITILIZED AIR Admioiierad for the painless extractiüu of teeth. JOSEPH BERRV, The Practical MOR AID (JUTTER, Of the late firm of WINANS & BERRY, has lucated bie place of baelneta at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A rui.Ii LINE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would 8ay to hls o!d friends and new onee that If ihey want a GOOI) FIT and a NOBBY FIT st RExSoNABLE PK1CE, cali on him and thej tll be eare to get one. DEAN CIODFRE1 át CO., Pointers o nd Decoro tors 167 & 169 Grlswold Street, DETROIT, MICHIGVN. Fine Paper Hangings, Elegant Ceiling Oecorations, Fine Friezes in all Widths, House Shades and Rollers, A large vuiety of Room Mouldings and Hookc. FRESCO PAINTING! We make a Rpecialty of STORE SHADFS, anrt n wlll faml.-h eatimates aud samples ot colora od Pplication. SHADES f Wed to roll from top or bottom of the windonr on SUtlonery or Traveline Kollers. Will furuish wpaqae shading to the trade cui to measure. WOAW & STAFFORD, CusiojiiTailors W. 19 MAIN STREET. OXT1R SpringaniSummer STOCK 1 vcry elegant and complete. PRICES A' "Mftnable as oonsistont with the h'&h eradp of workmanslilp. HALl8 Qatarrh Qure econinriended bv Physlciansi SlPOEEWAaDfiMMI 6uartantltuLi.an1 'e11 itwitla positiva f" Bot go? ""f0" OE SDBBTITÜTE. If ha F J PucifJ Í .e' 75 c"nl3 Per bottle. ENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohifc PATENTS nttendedaüOftbCwl"I8llle89 ln the ü. 8. Patent Oor oto? f0r MtJDBH A I E FEE8. e " obt n P?F"te, the U. s. Patent Offlce, and VhSgto8 lime than re" l ref, he , .ï K ñ 'B 'A' N TENT. Jfoiir, oni -I i h l Pü8"na-ter, the 8upt. o Ï.Vm Offl?e Í" "ï11 t0 ofticM of the Ü. 8. L[ic ¦„f'ï, cl,rc'r. Hdvlee, terme, nd
Ann Arbor Courier
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