
-A-T THE POST-OFFIGE NEWS. DEPOT. A Pull Lino Of Cheap Libiaries! AND STATICNE 13 "X" A completo assfrrtment of common and Faney Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invitation, and Bequest carda. Wïiting Packets, Fine Box Papers, suitable lor presente and all kinds of Stationera' suppiies. BLAUK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Scratcli Books. Students Note Books, Rerums, Legal and Medical Indexes. Bill Books, and all grades of common Note Books. WILLIS in, Froprietor, A ml Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and peiiodlcais. J J . O. ¦ Tfc ¦ itm, ir ¦sdkr Undoubtedly the most perfect bicycle now made is the "Columbla" - Scientific American. ''Go forth upon your wheeled liorse, and list nature's teachings." THE COLUMBIA BICYCLES. Are made as strond and durable as tlie best and most skilied workmanship can produce. They are ned by Merchants, Ulerks, Ministers, Doctors, Lawyer" Collectors, Messen.srer?, and Carpenters. They furnish the cheapest and best means of RAPID TRANSIT, give the rider the liealthiest of out-door exercise, and Ín a word are THE POPULVR SI EED OF TO-DAY. "I shall rejoici! to see the time come when this exercise shall be as popular iimong girls and woinon as tennis and tne dance, tor the more t-ully tlio rl.yeiol lite of our womankind is developed the better for man as wel) as woman." -Dr Richnrdson of London on the Tricyde, "Now good digestión wait on appetite, aud health on both." THE COLUMBIA TRICYCLE Is a new machine for general use by both sexes and all ages. By th" addition of the Columbia Tricycl'e, Tin: Pope Mf'G. Cu. can claim to furnUh wheels tor THE WHOLE FAMILY. For grandfather, grandmother, fathor, mother, youn.l man, youiig lady, and even to little Jonnie and Sissie. Send Si: stamp for 30-page illustiated Catalogue, with price-list and full information. THE POPE MAXUFACTURIXG CO., Ö'J7 Washington St. Boston Mass. Or To Chas. W. Wagner Agent. Ano Arbor Mich., 21 S. Main St. RUPTURH! __ EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS. WWBPS ThlB tifw Truíí has a tj'ul pnn] and rradugg nu nimni rtldton ""¦' Mtatolnj - - th' hernia lwav Worn da) and ni;l nlth onngllfc fort. 8onl on Trial. Knrluw Sl.Mnp for ClrtuUr. Uied in büth University Hospltali. ÍOAUS IMPERIAL TRUSS C0„ Box 1288, Ann Arbor, oj. Office, Hamilton Block. Ann Arbor.
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