
lC?PYA--íSí'o';!5l POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis pnwder never varlpa.'Á'marvel'of purlty.strcnKtnand wholegoineiiesH. Moreecuuoralcal than tlie ordinary klniis, andcannot üp snld in competí tlon wlth tlie multituile ot low tesi, sho't welght. alum or phospliate powders. SoMonlytiicaiis. Roïal Iíakisg Powdek Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. yj T RAD E '1 M ARK WHSfi&SATSLOOOPME&É la Liver and Kidney Eemedy, & [5 Compounded from the well knotni g Curativea Hops, Malt, Buchu, ílanp drake, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, g ¦ cara Sagrada, etc., combined with an M asrreeable Aromatic Elixir. _ H J TEEY CURE DISPEPSIA & INDIGESTIÓN, A i ai opon tho Livor aad Kidnejrs, I MS REGULATïTïHË" BO"WELS, Uj 2ffí Thpy cure Rheumatism, and all q nary troub'.es. They invigorate, rj nourish, atrengthen and quiet ga '1 the Nervoug System. W í' As a Tonic they have no Equal. fik í; n Talie nor.e bilt Hop and Malt Bitters. Sm í - FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Py 4fi Hops and Malt Bitters Cc. KJ 'i'1 DETROIT, M1CH. Hi AMiei n man lias suíTored from Ilheu?tttL'm only a lltll whllie, and la rellevrd from hlppaln, be 13 happy ni dellghtecl. But euppose lie has Suflfered for more than a thlrd of a century. A Alvln Grlm, of Vale, íowa, wrltos : O " ATHLOPHORO3 llOS hellMÍ 1UO BlUch. Tl0 O 0 pain in m' limbfl ia all fouci, but somy O nea is left yet, aud well tlitre mlght he, 6 Ofor I have been troublod for tliirty-nve m years with Rheuinatifiiu." O Mrs. A. B. liaker, of Chicago, Had rheumatic pains in hor back for fifteen years, and Mr. Baker liad teen the vlet lm of Klieumatlsra untn hls head was drawa down ovur hls leít shoulder. M r. Baker writesi : O "Hallabottloot ATitLornOKOSina'deO t mo as good as uew. My wile bas taken tè the otber half, and has not complainoci of W hur back siuco. bhe taya hi-r Uick oever waa O bo f ree fiom rain and ache a it has been td üiuco bhe haa takeu the Atiiloiüokus." O There are many peopl,e trhp think tliat becauae thcy have Buifered so l"ii!,r, and luvc tiied so many medicines in vain, they mnf4 "suffer on tlieir thrce score ycars." But you see what Atíilophoiíos lias Ho wever Oíd yonr Cnse; Ilowover Severe your Paina; Uomvcr Ureat your DUappoIntmMlts, IWTry Athlophoros 3 M you connottrct ATHLOPHonosof your driii--Kit, we w bmuI lt exprese iald, on recelpf of regr.lcr ilco-cWifcOBiiTbottlr. Wepwferöiatyoii imy ¦ tacxjivaqr itMKKfi. bat il he ham't lt. dp ik t lo lxHiK5y 19 gomelliintr tlse, bat order tl onoe imifomt m-, H2 wall york. The best evidence in the world of the purity and excellence of BlackweU's Buil Durham Smoking Tobacco ia f ound in tho f act that the f ame of this tobáceo lncreaeoa f rom year to year. Thi could not be the caue if it were merely " gotten ur to Bell, or had any dubious or dangeroua inirredients ta it. Among millions of upers of all nationaliüe, aurely eome ono would fmd out if it were impure, injnrlon or unnalatable. For 18 years thin tobáceo has been ackuowlodged to be the hul " vorld. and every year the Buil Durbam brand grows more popular, the demamlfor I i lt wider, and Bmokem moreenthusiasticoverits Ai dellcious natural flavor. jjy Fx Aak your dealer for it. JÊgm (lot the genuino- trade MÊk mf niark of the Buil. %KJt. K xhercisnomisohiefilonewhere fe;;; Blackwcll's Buil Durhani i Suiokinï Tobacco is used. t', ilM and all othcr Rheumatism piisfai xu Aftet'oüJ. Acute or Chronic Lumbago, Sciatrca and cadweii'B Nervous Headacne. MCTEALTheircompIete and perfect cureaccom. 1171-1225.
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