
Hon. Emery A. Storrs, of Chicago, lectures at Universlty Hall Friday night under the auspices of the Students' Lecture Association. The subject is not yet known, but we raay be quite sure that Chicago's eloquent lawycr will not disappoint his audience in discussing anything he may select for that eveuing. Mr. Storrs is in Washington this week, but will be here In due time. He ehould have a large audience. The following is the program that will be presented by the Swedish Lady Quartette and Minna Wiight at the Grand, March lst: 1. Scène from Heury V. . .Miss Minna Wright 2' S V Pr } Swedish Lady Quartette $ ïLSlKbBW } " Wright , J (a) Sweet and Low, I Swedish Lady i (b) Concert Waltz, f Quartette ñ I (a) The Pilot's Story, I Miss Miuna - i (b) The Jiners, f Wright 6 I (a) Sparrows Twltter, Swedish Lady )(b) Brlght Stars, ( Quartette 7. Helpinga Poetess....Miss Minna Wright 8. Swedish Wedding March.. .Swedish Lady Quartette n. Too Uiterly Utter Miss Minna Wright 10. Dream of Me... Swedish Lady Quartette Tiirough the Aan Arbor Bicycle Club our citizens are to have the pleasure of hearing on March lOth at the Opera House, that very highly gifted lecturer and reader, Mr. Geo. W. Cable, who has become well known throughout the country as the author of "Old Crele Days" and "flinnriioeimco." You will reiuember, ilso, that "Dr. Sevier," now running in The Ceutury, is by the same writer. It only recently occurred to Mr. Cable to enter the field a3 a lecturer and reader, glving selections in public from his own works. His success on his first appearance at Chickering Hall, in Boston, was reinarkable indeed. There was of course great curiosity to see a much-talked-of author of some very charming stories, but Mr. C.tble from the first scored a success in this new field. "No one since Dickens," said The Transcript, "has succeeded in so holding au audience breathless, while every cmotion and sympathy was played upon." In addition to the fact that Mr. Cable is a line reader, etc., he should Lave a largo audience by way of giving the Bicycle Club a boom In their pieparations lor the coming Bicycle Tourïiament in this city.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News