
J'"FashIoii Is (neen. Part, brlllian and fashionablc are the Diamond Dy colora. One paokage colon 1 to 4 Hjs. o goodt. 10c. for Hny color. Get at drug gi.sts. Wells, Richardson & Co., Bur linton, Vt. scrofulaT A remedy that can destroy the germs ol scrofula, and when once settled lias the pown er to root It out, must be appreciated by those afflicted. The remarkable cures of young cbildren and the more wondert ui cures oí those of middle age and late in Ufe, as 1lustrated by our printed testimoniáis, prove Hood's Sarsaparilla to be a reliable remedy, containing remedial agents whlch do positively cure scrofula and eradicate it f rom the bloou. TYarxer, N. n., Jan. 21, 1879. MKSSR8. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: Gentlemen- For ten years previous to the early nart of 1877 I had been a constant sufferer from scrofulous ulcers or sores, which had finally reduced me to ahelpless condition, as described in my letter to you In September ot that year. The continued excellent health which cnables me to keep houso for my aged father and to enjoy life, keeps alivemy intense personal intérest in Hood's SARSAPAKiLLA.aml I cannot reí rain from expressing my cratitudo for the permanent cure this wonderf ui medicine effected ir my case nearly two years aKo. while living in Lowell, wnen all my physicians gave me up a8 bcing in an incurable condition. One thingbefore I close. I have recomnipnded your Sarsaparilla to hundreds, and IThink more than a thousand cases, and my faith in its Invincibility in curing scrofula has become absolute by the wonderf ui cures it has effected aside from my own. I trust you will not be slow in maklng the merits of Hood's Saksaparilla known everywhere, for it is a duty you owe to mankind. M'itli best wishes 1 ruma in vervtrulv yours, BAfiAH O WfllXïIER. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Is a skilfully-prepared componnd, concentrated extract, by a proccas paouUarly our own, of tho best remedies of tlie vegetable kingdom known to medical science as alteratives, blood-purifiers, diuretics.and tonics. Sold by all druggists. Trice $1, or six for $5. C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. It is .1 si;ht wortliy of au artist's crav_ on to see a woman, while talkinr throngii J a telephone to lier grocer three miles away, stampyig her little toot aml shak" ing lier list as tlioiigh the poor man was ' quailinr right befo re her. - Yonkers " Statesman. Meiited I'raise, I The universal pi-aise bestèwed apon ¦ the Kldney-Wort as an Invaluable re inedy for all disorders of the Kldneys, Liver, and Bowels, is well merlted. lts . virtues are universally known aml its cures are reported on all sides. Many obstinate cases have succumbed to it alter they had been given up by the doctois nul a thorough tieatment will never fail ' to cure, fcjold by all druggists. See adv't. The ancients could beat 11 S to death paiming pictures; but just look at our trames! - Uaptist Weekly. The ham for a sandwich is soit of go between, and it is not uu-at tliat it sliouid be respected. - Ex. Mimi and body alike suffer sluggish actiou of the blood, the result of dyspepsia or biliousness. Ayer's Pilis will stir up the liver, excite the Etoinach and bowels to activlty, open the pores of the sysstem, and iusuie health of body, wliicli is indispensable to mental vigor. Colorado is almost a desert, and it is refresliinj; to knovv that she even has a railroad pool. - New York Commercial Adverteer. If feeling oldrenew your youthful vigor by uslhg Ayer's Sanapartlla. It will vitalize tiie bloód, recruit the wasting energies, and build up the Bystem. "Xo sir; my daughter can never be ynurs." "1 clon't want her to be my daughter !" broke in the ynuug ardent; '"I want her to be my wife." Pliysicians Prescribe in Epilcpsy. 'I prescribe it in my practice," is the expression used ly Dr. J. A. Patmore, of Riley, Ind. He referred to Samaritan Neroine, and further alonií says: "It cures epileptic fits." An exchange speaks of a "fatal morder." The fiend vvho would commit a fatal murder would do worse. He would kill a man dead. Mucli distress and sickness attributed to dyspepsia and chronic diaTrhoea is occasioned by humor in the stom ach. Hood's Sarsaiarilla is the remedy. A physician said jocosely to a policeman one eveninfi: "I always feel safe Wben I see a policeman in the eveuing, for there is no danger about.'1 "Yes safer than I feel when I have a doctor about,' was the bright retort. - Ex. Everybody Enows it. When you have the Itch, Salt Rheum, Galls, or Skin Eruptions of any kind, and the Piles, that you know without beinjr told of it. Eberbach & Son, the Druggists will sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile Hemedy for 50 cents, which atlbids immediate relief, and is a sure cure for either of the above diseases.
Ann Arbor Courier
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