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Mortgage Sale. ITIIEKEAS, Francia koney, and Malvina TT Koney, of Add Arbor, in the Couuty ol W ashtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the twen I ty-third day of November, A. D., Ib82, executed a mortgage to Caiherine Kyan of tl e !-ame I the payment of certain principal and later1 est money ihein mentioned. which mortgage was recorded in ti.e oftice ol the Kegister ol Deeds for the Counly of Wnshtenaw aforesaid, in'Libvr 61 ot inortgages. 011 page 75, on the day last aforesaid. . ' And wherea?, delauU has been made lor more than tweuty days in tlie pament of an insta Iment of interest which hecime due on the twenty-tbird dy , of November, 1888, DJ reason whe'ent, and purI suant to the trnis of said ïnortgaue, the p incipal I sum named in said mortiiage, nftwo hunrired and ! fllty dollars, with all ureanga of intereft thereon, I at the option ol theabove nained mortgagee, became , due and payabie iminediately theieafier, and the power olaalecontained in said mortgage, btcame operative. And the said nmrtgagee does hereDy declare it her opiion, and does hereby elect to have the princ pal sum named in eaid mortgnge and all Interest th;rein become now due and payabie. And wheri-ae thcre iBnowcialmed tobe due and payabie as aforesaid, upon the i-aid morttraiiii and the note uccorapauying ihe same, at the d ue ol thli notice, the sum ol two hui.dred aud siitv-nine dollars and twenty cinte, (MB,S0), in additión to all the oiher legal cost provided lor In sa.d moitguge. And no suit or proccedini; haviug bei'n ii stituted at law or in equity to recover tbr alomsatd suin or any part thereof, uollce is tnerefore hereby (iven that said mortKage will he foreclosea on the twecty-ninlh day ol March, 184,at ten o'clock in the lorenoon ol that d ij-, b.. a sale at public auciion, to tbe nignest bidder, at the east door of the C'ourt House o the city of Ann Arboi, in the couuty aioresaid, (paid Voan Heuse being the place ol holding the Circuit Court for s.-iid county i of the mortgnged premises, described in said mortgage or so much ihereof, as may be necessary to salisly the amount of principal and interest retnaiuiiig nnpaid upon said mortgage, with the costs of foreclosure aforesaid, wnicii said premiics are de scrioed in said mortgage s follow: All that certain pli'ce or parcel of land, sitúate and beiug in the city of Aun Arbor, In the Onunty of Washte to wft"d b""e f MicUli!!'n and d-'crtbed as lollows. All tiiat certain pieceor parcel of !and, sitnated in Brown and Kuilers addiiion to the said city of Anu Arbor, according to the recordwt plat thereof known. bounded and described as follows Commenclng on the easterly side of Wal'l otreet one hundred leet irom liroadway, thence nortl ' easterly at n-ht angles to Wall strèet, thirty four and one-hall feet, thence east.rly parallel wm?ü Wall street twenty-eix reet, thence at rlght ang es with Wall street to Wall sueet, thence nor h 1 eilyon Wall etreet twenty-aix feet to the pl„ceof begiunme. CATHAKINB HYAN Mmu,„Z E. D. KINNE.AitorneyforMortga-èe S ¦ Dated, Pee. 23. iaS3. b iiyo.ns Keal Estáte for Sale. TATfiOFMlCUlOAN. County of Washtenaw, decatshtiaIaUerOfthe Estate Of Joph Schnabe], at the late residence of ssld decaued in th, j Township of Saline, in the CouhIj of W 'hténaw niottage or otherwise existiog at the time c( th rdre8Otfa,8él.'t,.daS"d) m BSsiiï PAUL SCnABEL [ Dated, .Tamury 12, ISS4 Adml"'-!"'"„r; éstate ot' Aaroii F Uav gTATEOF UlvmGAZ Zo ¦' ., Í ilpilili HH Ive notice to tbe persons i,ter..K,,.Ha Pl'llo"er w bd in the Ann A?borPCoÍHr ,1 ,?e "" ' "" """ V, d and in said có. nt'v ïhSP1" 1rlDt Í- gfej Previoua gWjgjï,-" g VULUAM D. IlAKKlMAN WM. O. DOTT Probato Retif k


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