
Lent. ____ Slclghing Hgalnjor few days. coinpnyÁp'edonthe street Fri,]ay niorning"S'wietf conples atteuded the VVliituiore ;Jtei()p on the 22d. A rery select leap year party wlll be riren tSheehan's Hall Friday niglit. A xy'.optione at Company A's monthly inspection und hop next Monday niglit. ïbeyoung folks enjoyed the skating on the college campus last week betbre the snow. Several contémplate going to Detroit this week to hear Fanny Davenport in "Fedora." ______ Prof. Tyler's two sermons on last Sunday were listcned to by large and delighted audieuces. It is probable that no deñnite choice of pastor for St. Andrew's will be made uni titer Easter. Since the Jackson hotel fire on Sunday, commercial men ask aluiost invariably at our hotels for tirst-ftoor rooms. The baby boy frora Dexter recently taken to the Toledo OrpHau'a Home was duly baptized, and christencd John Williain Dexter. Old Mr. Nye was uufortunate in receivinga heavy fall on our front office steps laat Friday. He sustained no serious injuries, however. The large building at the corner of Fourth and Ann streets is being remodeled by Mr. Byron Green to be used for store-rooms and offices. The nevv hook and ladder company made tiieir flrst move last niglit toward getting something for the treasury. 'Twas 11 hop at Firemen's Hall. It is "officially" stated that the engagement of two mcmbers of quite prominent Ann Arbor families is a circumstance of the immeJiate past. The Argus prints the circuit court docket for the four terms of 1884 at 58% cents per page as against $1.00 per page received for the work during the past year. Deun it Co's. delivering horse started off alone yesterday morning on a brisk trot to deliver a load of groceries, but was interrupted on his route by George Kck. Koch & Haller have purchased the property on the corner of Fifth and Liberty 9treets, and wlll put up two d weling houses in the spring, facing one on each street. Col. Atkinson in his addres here last week referred to Mrs. Custis, who became Mrs. Washington, as a " ricli and charming widow, a comblnaüon that no man ever resisted.'1 Frank Strong, tne compositor who feil in front of Mr. Johnson's hat store a few days ago, had an operation performed upon his injured knee at the Homceopathic Hospital tli is morning and is doing nicely. A very pleasaut birthday surprise party was given at Judge Cheever's Friday nlght last in honor of Dwight B. Uheever. His young friend managed the aftair so nicely that Divight himself engaged comliany to attend, as it turned out, his oivn surprise party. Will Taylor, a colored lad of sixteen, Tuirrested last Saturday for disturbance at "ie postoffice at the instance of news 'gent Boughton. On Monday Justice irennan flned Taylor $1 and costs, the Iternatlve being ten days in jail. The latter was cbosen. Tbose beans wilj have been counted before our next issue. Saturday is the day, and between two and three thousand guesses have already been registered. If the compositor changes the second "e" to to an "a," in the last word but one, may te never get the busgy! One week from tó-cláy (Wednesday) in the afternoon and evening, a mass temPerance convention, with delegates from l'ie different parts of the couuty, will be held in this city, lo take aetion in regard toeupporting the new Union party, orWnlzeü at Jackson last month. Lew Goodrich and Kil. Guiñan opon out soon in the store-room recently occupied "y M. B. Kelley & Co a stock of gents" 'urnishing goods, including hats and caps. Tliey had expected to lócate In another %, but have conclude'i to try Ann Arwr. Their friends wish the the two Gs success. At St. Andrew's Episcopal churcli Dr. ?tkin delivered a sermón at 10:30 this morning, at the opening of the Lenten on. Services are held also at 4 o'clock 18 "fternoon. Services will be held durgLenttwicea week on Wednesdays nd Saturdays, in the chapel. The connrmatnn class will be met on Sunday. A new time table on the Michigan Ccnral took effect on the 17th. Going cast changes in trains at this point are in 'e Atlantc expres?, which reaches here w 4 a. m. instead of 4:57, and In the 'lO'dQ a"d 1!mitecl xpress, arrtving at : p. M. in place of 11 :23. Going west 'eQly change is in the Pacific expresa e now at 10:49 p. m. instead of 11:23. Court convened yesterday, and the arguments were heard in the case of J. J. Robison vs. John Cowan. It s rumored that one In authority at the high school building s agaln manip'ulating the wires to briug about a vacaucy in the corps of high school teachers, in order that he may fill the position with a candidato of his own. It is thought quite potsible that his eft'orts may lead to some disagreeable disclosures as to union school aliairá. ? Report reached here yesterday that Cyrus Sliennan, a fornier resident of Ann Aibor, hut living in Jackson for the past year, had shot himself in a fit of insanity. He has been sick for some time and the sickness has tended to overthrow his inind. Mr. Sberman was not expected to live. His mother went up to Jackson last niglit. The Microscope, edited and publilhed by Prof. C. H. Stowell and Mrs. Louisa Reed Stowell, enteied upon lts fourth volume with the January ï.umber of this year. Vs publication will be trausferred from Detroit to the Courier office. The Marcli number will be issued from here about the middle of the month. It is a inonthly magazine, and a recognized authority upon the subjects to whicli it is espeeially dcvoted. It will perhaps be remembered that in au item a few weeks sinceconeerning Mr. Norton'a insaniiy reference was made to his lack of means as a partial cause of his trouble. We have learned from two different sources that we were wrongly informed in this particular. The facts would Indícate thst Mr. Nnrton has heen regularly supplied by his sisters at Ishpeming and elsewhere with money amply sufflcient to meet his pecuniary wants; indeed, when taken sick, Mr. Norton had $34.86 on his person. He is reponed niueh better. The prospects are very flattering for a fine roller skating rink in our city as a permanent feature. A Mr. Wyman, sonin-law of ffm. Canwell, of Ann Arbor, is said to be about concluding a five-year lease for property upon which a building to be used as a rink will be erected at once. One of the vacant lots beionging to Richard Kearns, across the street from this office, scems in a fair way to be selected as the site for the rink. If the ter is pushed through as coutemplated, a ! frame building, bliek veneered, will be put up GO x 132 feet, where lovers of this j deliglitful recreation may skate to their heart's content. The usual aniel of our city was disturbed Mouday niglit by a threefold robbery, beginuing, as it seems, with the taking of certain tools from Fred Alger's blacksmith shop. This was evidently followed by the tealiug f a horse and small bob-sled from Mr. Hutzel, the barn being broken into about twelre o'clock. Though everything could easily have been made ready for using both horses, but one was taken. The thieves then seeni to have driven over to Stimson's grocery on Aun street, on the back side of the building, and effecting an entrance by raising one of the windows, the}' loailed up a quantity of goods including cigars, smoking, plug and line cut tobáceo, all the butter in the store, about one hundred pounds, etc. Among other things, Joe. Stimson is minus a $15 overcoat, and a pair of shoes was taken. The money drawer was got at by unscrewing it froin the counter. It was then taken out back of the store and inventoried, possibly about thirty cents being found, as only a small amount of change was left in the drawer. It is difficult to say just what and how much was taken from the store, but so far as known Mr. Stimson loses somethiDg over one hundred dollars worth of goods. A brace and bit and saw were left in the store. This property belonged to Mr. Alger. A student in the telegraph school who rooms above the grocery and some others remember hearing a noise of some one walking and working below between twelve and one o'clock. The store was opened and the burglary discovered about seven o'clock yesterday ïnorning. No trace has been found as yet of the thieves. Later.- Chief of pólice, of Detroit, telephoned to Mr. Hutzel about eleven o'clock th3 ïnorning that some clue had been fouwd of the horse and bobs. At one o'clock word was received by Mr. Hulzel that the property had been found at Perkins's hotel in Detroit. The harness was missing, however, and as it was a poor one, the supposition is that the partles had gone to have it repaired. The horse and bob3 were identified by Mr. Mann, of Detroit, as belonging to Hutzel & Co. Titns Hutzel goes in to Detroit this evening. The early capture of the thieves seems not at all improbable. List of contributors, and amount of small cash subscriptions fiom the first ward for relief of the flood sufferers on the Ohio river. Any person noticing any error will confer a favor by notifyingone of the eommittee at once. We desire to express our thanks for the cheeful response. Respectfully, GOTTLIF.B LüICK, C II. Worden. T. P. Wilson. J E Beal, $25. The follnwine $5.00 each : T. M Cooley, Dr. T. P. Wilson. C. II. Wolden. VV W.Winen. Fred Schmidt. C. Maek, Luther Jatnet, Dean & Co , Farmers' and Meehanies' Bank, Dr. Breakey, C. Eberbich, F. & A. Sorg, L. C. Risdon, S. P. Foster, Dr. Diinster, G. 8. Morris, Mis A. B. Wood, Prof. Spalding, Gen. Hnnt. .1. R. Minor. I. N. Deinmon, Cnne. S. Green, J. W. Knight. Luick Bros., R. Kempf. S. Wood, Mrs. Suckett, .1. T. Jacobs. Dr. W. D Sinith, Wm. Wagner, S. Langsdorf, E. A. Fellx. James Clements, C Eberbach & Son, Fall & ITendricKs The following $3 00 each: W. W. Nichols, Prof. Peltee, D. F. Schairer, A. L. Nobl.-, E. Mann, F. Rettich, C H. Richmond, Wm. S. Perry, N. W. Cheover, W J. Herdman The folio wing $2 50 enen: Kate M. Hale. Mary E Hamilton. The following $2.00 each: Rufus Cate, Chas. Spoor, Dr. Allen. A. V. Robison, F. G. Schleicher, Elisha Joiicp, F. Stnfflft, John Mooie, C. Bliss & Sou, J. Schuh. O. Martin, J. liaubenguier, J. H. Hicks, Wm. McCreery, W. VV. Whedon, R. Waterman, John Cook. The following $1.00 each: M. L. Gay. Mrs. H. M. Spaldinf, A. Douglass, Joseph Berry, M. B. Gelston, II. Randall, John Ferdon, .T. W. Hangsterfer, Mrs P. West, D. M. Finley, Dr. Hartley, H. D. Bennet, A. W. Ames, Student, J. T. Hallock, E. S. Worden. Rev. S. Haskell, Mrs. C. B. Andrews, T. 11. Amsden, .1. Stocklng, G. C. Mahon, Dr. W. H. Jackson, E. D. Ballis, John Oaul, AnnaSinkie, Andrews & Wilherby, Elijan Hunt. Mr. Clement. Mrs. Henley, C. Krapf, Wm. A. Chamherlain. Tlie following 50 cents each: Mary Lake, Margaret Bates, F. Burg, G. Seheappacasse, T. B. Cale, Leiand J. Rodeer, Mr. Bayley, E. Braner, H. C. Walker, Anna Jedele, V. J. Watts, G F. Grosvenor. The following 25 cents each: Mrs. W. W. Douglass, Mrs. Daggert, John Waltz, Mrs. Waltz, Mary Hann, MÍM Gurner. Items of cash without nnmes amount to $12.41. .Total of contri butions from firat ward, $320.41.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News